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[LE] Noob papyrus questions


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My spell works now - kind of. I can get the spell to fire but it doesn't toggle. I tried to go with the GlobalVariable.Mod() route, but the only way I could think to do that with a toggle was to have one If statement use GlobalVariable.Mod(1) and the ElseIf use GlobalVariable.Mod(-1). Does this work? Or should I instead go with GlobalVariable.SetValue(0) instead of GlobalVariable.Mod(-1)?


Also, the spell still isn't being added on startup yet.

Edited by candlepin
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You can go about it in two ways:


A single script where you set or modify the global variable while also checking for the value of that variable.

If MyGV.GetValue() = 0.0
  ;do stuff
  ;do stuff

Two magic effects on the spell

One conditioned for the global variable to be at 0 while the other at 1. Then you have two separate scripts, one for each effect

;do stuff
;do stuff

If you want to use ModValue instead of SetValue, you can. There is nothing wrong either way. So long as you can be sure that the values are what you want when you want them, it'll be fine.

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I'm slightly rethinking my approach to this mod. Previously I had two scripts attached to a quest via alias: one to give the player the spell (this is now working) and a second that should switch items as they are added to the inventory and also that swaps out the inventories. A third script is then added to a magic effect, which is added to the spell. The third script allows for the global variable to be switched (this is also working; checked by console).


I'm thinking that it might be better to split my second script in two; keep the part of the script that switches OnItemAdded associated with the quest, but merge the OnInit part (swapping out inventory items) with the third script that is associated with the spell (should only need to switch out inventories when spell is cast - as long as the other scripts are working properly). Thoughts?

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I have a good chunk of the mod working now. The spell is added to the player. The spell works properly (switches global variable). When global variable is switched, items picked up are the correct form (when GV = 0 items are "ingredient" form, when GV = 1 items are "vanilla" form). The only part of the mod that isn't working is the inventory switching. I started with IsharaMeradin's script (modified from FrankFamily) and swapped out variable/global variable names.


I'm not sure where the issue is, but I think there may be a problem either with the OnInit or the second function. Can't seem to put my finger on it.




Scriptname CP_MI_swap extends ReferenceAlias  
{script for swapping out items}

FormList property CP_VanillaItems auto
FormList property CP_MissingIngredients auto
ObjectReference property PlayerRef auto
GlobalVariable property CP_GV_swap auto
Bool Swap = false

Event OnInit()
	If CP_GV_swap.GetValue() == 0 && Swap == false
		Swap = true
	ElseIf CP_GV_swap.GetValue() == 1 && Swap == false
		Swap = true
		Debug.Notification("Something has gone wrong")

Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer)
	If CP_GV_swap.GetValue() == 0 
		SwapItemsAdded(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, CP_VanillaItems, CP_MissingIngredients)
	ElseIf CP_GV_swap.GetValue() == 1 
		SwapItemsAdded(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, CP_MissingIngredients, CP_VanillaItems)

Function SwapItemsAdded(Form ItemA, Int Num, FormList ListA, FormList ListB)
	Int i = ListA.Find(ItemA)
	If i > -1
		Form ItemB = ListB.GetAt(i) As Form
		PlayerRef.RemoveItem(ItemA, Num, true)
		PlayerRef.AddItem(ItemB, Num, true)

Function SwapItemsInventory(FormList ListA, FormList ListB)
	If PlayerRef.GetItemCount(ListA)
		Int i = ListA.GetSize() 
		while i
			i -= 1
			Form ItemA = ListA.GetAt(i) As Form
			int Count = PlayerRef.GetItemCount(ItemA)
			If Count
				Form ItemB = ListB.GetAt(i) As Form
				PlayerRef.RemoveItem(ItemA, Count, True)
				PlayerRef.AddItem(ItemB, Count, True)			



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The problem is indeed with the OnInit event. It only fires when the quest is first loaded, which is fine for an initial swap, and is what you initially talked about. But for swapping on demand, it fails.


Since you are using a spell, break it down into two scripts. One on the player alias that adjusts items as added. One on a magic effect added to the spell which changes the inventory.



;** reference alias script **
Scriptname CP_MI_swap extends ReferenceAlias  
{script for swapping out items}

FormList property CP_VanillaItems auto
FormList property CP_MissingIngredients auto
GlobalVariable property CP_GV_swap auto
Actor PlayerRef
;using a local ref - can use property if you prefer

Event OnInit()
	PlayerRef = Self.GetReference() ;if using property remove this line

Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer)
	If CP_GV_swap.GetValue() == 0 
		SwapItemsAdded(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, CP_VanillaItems, CP_MissingIngredients)
	ElseIf CP_GV_swap.GetValue() == 1 
		SwapItemsAdded(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, CP_MissingIngredients, CP_VanillaItems)

Function SwapItemsAdded(Form ItemA, Int Num, FormList ListA, FormList ListB)
	Int i = ListA.Find(ItemA)
	If i > -1
		Form ItemB = ListB.GetAt(i) As Form
		PlayerRef.RemoveItem(ItemA, Num, true)
		PlayerRef.AddItem(ItemB, Num, true)
;** magic effect script **
ScriptName SomeScript Extends MagicEffect

FormList property CP_VanillaItems auto
FormList property CP_MissingIngredients auto
GlobalVariable property CP_GV_swap auto

Actor PlayerRef 
;using a local ref - can use property if you prefer

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
	If CP_GV_swap.GetValue() == 0
	ElseIf CP_GV_swap.GetValue() == 1
		Debug.Notification("Something has gone wrong")

Function SwapItemsInventory(FormList ListA, FormList ListB)
	PlayerRef = Game.GetPlayer() ; if you use a property for playerref delete this line
	If PlayerRef.GetItemCount(ListA)
		Int i = ListA.GetSize() 
		while i
			i -= 1
			Form ItemA = ListA.GetAt(i) As Form
			int Count = PlayerRef.GetItemCount(ItemA)
			If Count
				Form ItemB = ListB.GetAt(i) As Form
				PlayerRef.RemoveItem(ItemA, Count, True)
				PlayerRef.AddItem(ItemB, Count, True)			



EDIT: Forgot inventory event filters, added them in. Note that it just applies both filters. This makes coding easier but does cause the event to trigger twice per item. Once for the picked up version and again for the version it is transformed into. Should not be an issue with a small number of items. If it proves to be a problem, there is a way to swap the filters on demand. But lets only do that if necessary.

Edited by IsharaMeradin
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I have a question about FormLists; can an item be on the same form list more than once?

As I understand it, an item cannot be on the same form list multiple times. At least that is what the AddForm function indicates. You can test in the CK if manually adding the same object multiple times works or not.

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