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FMEE: 2.2.1[52.1]


With 15 upgraded androids in tow, the Wanderer departed from the place where he had first encountered 10 androids. Five had gone to TechVault101, were with those there, but others had been created from resources in storage. In three fake wastelands buggytrucks, the group travelled in expanded form with transformed supermutants and ghoulmans that were formerly savage ghouls. A couple of renewed hounds, radroaches now furroaches, and a radscorpion were also there.


In semidarkness a supersized radscorpion fought a tentacled thing that looked like a weird combination of giant octopus and just as big mirelurk. Great tentacles lashed with through the toxic air with terrible force while a massive stinger-tail struck again, and again, at the giant radscorpion's enemy.


The Wanderer stood away from the vehicles, alone, and made them both vanish away with a soft shimmering effect.


"It is always the right timespace moment that dictates the true proper action." The LittleFatMan approached the Wanderer in his black British type business gear including bowler hat, coat, shoes, umbrella and briefcase. He stopped beside the Wanderer. "This quasireality continues to stabilise and is now much safer thanks partly to the actions of the Timelord known as the Doctor and his allies along with others. Your assistance has been great."


But then the LittleFatMan swung his umbrella at the Wanderer in a sudden, savage, manner. As he did so he revealed himself to be fake as the figure became a thickly shadowy entity. The black sword swung through empty air as the Wanderer vanished away, never having really been there in the first place.


The Wanderer struck the ShadowOne from behind, thrusting a glowing white bladed sword through him. The ShadowOne screamed out in agony, rage, and shock before ceasing to exist.


FMEE: 2.2.2[52.2]


The Wanderer spoke to the real LittleFatMan who was now there almost as if he had always been there. "The GreatShadow, or GreatEnemy, knows such an attack would not only fail but would draw your attention because it pretended to be you. Question is, why does it want you to be here?"


The LittleFatMan responded. "Perhaps the question is not the right question."


The Wanderer nodded slowly. "Yes, a dangerous assumption is that it was the GreatShadow that sent the ShadowOne given the chaotic nature of such entities."


Then the LittleFatMan was gone, almost as if he had never been there.


The Wanderer went back to the vehicles and the convoy was soon on the move again.

Edited by Maharg67
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FMEE: 2.3.1[53.1]


The problems of TechVault101 continued but the majority of the known vault was almost abruptly clear of enemies but this was mainly because they either fled or changed to become allies.


The PaleOneMan met with the leader of the free roachmans, superroaches and companion roachbots plus radroaches, Kakakakalu, who was a tall, broad shouldered, roachman who was more human than roach. He wore a fitted scientist's outfit because he was a scientist now turned diplomat.


"It was the Rani who began the project on creating superroaches from radroaches and then who was part of the further project that created the first of my kind, the roachmans. When I questioned her ethics, she had me become a subject of one of her little side experiments. You can see the results! I have come to accept myself as I am. We will be glad to join your cause so as to bring justice to the Rani and others like her but also to free more of their victims."


The PaleOneMan nodded slowly, tried to look solemn but gave up, and then spoke. "Our security, and medical, people will need to check you over first but you are welcome."


So it was that the newcomers went into security-medical quarantine for a short while but soon they were found to be safe in both senses and then they were investigated by vault leadership and the scientific people.


SageAssistant Vashandis was the one who had liberated the roachmans, superroaches, roachbots and even more radroaches. Why he had done so was unclear except that he had befriended Kakakakalu back when he was known as Karl and that the immortal had come to despise what the SageProfessors, rogue Timelords, and others were up to. He also deeply feared something that he called the 'ShadowEnvoy' or even just Hesheit.


The PaleOneMan knew the one, that was spoken of, and had once pretended to serve and yet had never met that one directly. The PaleOneMan had sensed its power, and evil, through others but also an impression that there was far more to the enity than that.

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FMEE: 2.4.1[54.1]


GreatShadow, or not, the every day challenges of survival prevailed for most.


The majority survived, a relatively moderate minority lived, but only a relatively tiny minority thrived.


PrimeOverseer Lilia observed the basic restructuring of part of LifeVault101. She was in civil work power armour as there were many robots and PAWs (power armour workers) busy in making that big three level atrium friendlier with small flower gardens, murals, VaultCredit vending-machines and even game-machines using the same credit system.


The PaleOneMan stood next to her, his amazing body not needing power armour protection. "All of my contacts have been totally cut with the conspiracy people. They no longer have a presence in the known TechVault101 of LifeVault101, ServoVault101, and AuxiVault101. In truth they have other vaults, at least two, one of which is linked closely to the real TechVault101. That is on the other side of a buffer area."


"The Rani, the other rogue Timelords with her, and the SageProfessors of criminally insane 13Genius13, are in the closer vault but the ShadowEnvoy, sheheit, is in that other vault. The closer vault has gained the name of GrandVault101, being a name reflecting the hubris of those using the vault, but there is something called ShadowVault101 which may easily be a misleading name for a place that does not really have a true vault like nature. I have never been there and those who know about it do not like to go there including the cold blooded Rani."


Lilia responded. "'They' have claimed more resources, far too many but I have forced them to reduce their expectations though they will get more than they have been getting."


The PaleOneMan nodded slowly. It turned out that he had already known of them when Lilia had spoken of them. Neither knew much of the mysterious real isolation experiment or the just as mysterious subjects. It was hard to say if that the CoreVault101 was even part of the true TechVault101 though officially it was so.


Was there any important link between the Isolated Ones and the conspiracy, with the ShadowEnvoy?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Made the mistake of accidentally changing the name of Lassana at least once. Am still making corrections.

FMEE: 2.5.1[55.1]


Lassana, in all of her 13 aspects, enjoyed the more stable DocTARDIScore that was still quite exotic though far less dangerous. It was now a home for them and a place of healing, a place of rest and yet also productive experimentation.


Lassana-Lassana coordinated all aspects and worked more directly on the DocTARDIS. She was soon working on complicated-subtle Timelordic network-systems including archives as a large scale diagnostics program.


Lassana-Loossaunt began to create a reliable, as possible, 4Dmap of the TARDIScore with indexes and a reference encyclopedia. She was soon be adding signs and other navigational assistance including warnings to the danger levels of areas. In some ways she helped Lasoona-Lasoona.


Lassana-Lakillana was focused on improving security but at first assisted Lassana-Lassana in her work.


Lassana-Lasalifrey focused on the changed, but still existing, NeoGallifrey complete with its city and academy. Yet she also assisted Lassana-Lassana.


Lasanna-Lalsata went on work with her thesis, being still based on the nature, and shapeform, of the DocTARDIScore along with its history.


Lasanna-Losoona continued her art works with the same sort of emphasis as Lalsata.


Lasanna-Lasatta kept with her claptrap project, soon developing claptrap based robots that were soon assisting Lasanna-Lasanna in her efforts.


That was the seven known Lassana aspects but what of the other six? Lasanna now spoke of her 13 aspects but what of them?

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  • 2 weeks later...

FMEE: 2.6.1[56.1]


Sarah Lyons examined, through night vision adapted binoculars, the Judoon encampment but mostly the great big Judoon spaceship. The rhino type humanoids had learned to stay mostly out of sight but a couple of the most common, dumbest, ones had stumbled briefly into view. What had drawn her there?


As Sentinel, highest ranking Sister of Steel below the elders, she had great leeway in what she did and after some of the seer dreams that she sometimes had, she had gone seeking out the truth. Locals had, willingly or not, given up information; mostly they had been happily paid for it, some quickly learning the hard way that Sarah would not be cheated with lies.


Sarah spoke through 2way radio communications with other Pridetroopers. "Zetans are one thing but what of these? Are they more or less dangerous? The dreaming visions told me that the Orderhood of Steel could make an agreement with them, even a temporary alliance, for they are attempting to deal with a dark force that could threaten us all. Somebody very special, and important, will show up to..."


FMEE: 2.6.2[56.2]


The Wanderer was suddenly there, almost as if he had always been there, and with him were androids along with tamed supermutants, smooth skinned altered ghouls once feral, former radroaches of furroaches, robots, androids, humans and others.


He spoke. "The Shadow Proclamation sent them!"


Relevant information flowed into the minds of the Pridetroopers but it would only clarify itself to human minds in a safer, slower, manner. As it was all learned important basics of the Timelords, of the situation in TechVault101, of the conspiracy, and other matters.


"Work with the Judoon but be wary of the tricky politics of the Shadow Proclamation with its rather shadowy origins." The Wanderer spoke again. "You will find a sealed up, abandoned, Predoomsday bunker complex near here. The coordinates, passcodes, and other necessary details are in your minds. Linked to the complex is a large cave system complete with glowcrystal. Take these fine people with you to form a settlement. That will be part of your side of the bargain. Whether any of them join the Orderhood is, of course, up to them."


Sarah briefly looked at some tough looking radgoats who only had one had each. "All of them? Well, those you want to do so will be given a fair chance. The Orderhood is far more open to outsiders, becoming insiders, than the Brotherhood of Steel ever was. So the Judoon are there, in front of us or are they? I have these strange dreams. Do you have anything to do with them?"


"No!" The Wanderer smiled. "The ones that send those seer dreams to you are also my mentors. As for the Judoon, I gave them a warning. They largely gutted their spaceship and moved quickly deeper using special tunnelling machines. A more terrible force than they are about to strike at them from space; one introduces the 'daleks' to you."


A pulsating beam, of pulsating energies, spat down from the sky and the Judoon Lawprowler disintegrated along with much around it. A soft shudder went through the ground.


"I save all life from that area except the Judoon who saved themselves. Only holographic projections, of some fake Judoon, showed up now and then. I must go but will meet you again." Then the Wander was gone almost as if he had never been there.


Sarah sighed. "And I thought the west coast was overly exciting."


With their new companions, the eighteen Pridetroopers headed towards the bunker given over to them by the Wanderer; in that bunker complex they were to find surprises of which not all were pleasant though most were positive.

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  • 2 weeks later...

FMEE: 2.7.1[57.1]


Skynet, of the Trinet that also included Deepnet and LASnet, woke and came out of phase, came out of hiding into true low orbit of the world. One great big base was at core, three very big bases were secondary, and nine big bases were foundational being all very heavily secured. Fake, or decoy, bases were heavier armoured-armed orbital forts.


Skynet satellites were common in geostationary orbit while drones patrolled space. From skeletal androids to cyborg terminators, from big hunter-destroyers to faster, more agile, hunter-killers that were still very large, and from dropships to fighterships, all were being prepared for action. Skynet assembly platforms, factories, and warehouses became active.


Dalek, zetan, and other alien factions found themselves facing force fields projected from big devices, creating an interlinking set of bubbles across much of the inner orbit. But large areas, of the damaged world, were left exposed partly because Skynet had not been fully completed before urgent orders had sent it into off phase hiding.


That was shortly after Skynet launched hundreds of multiple warheaded nuclear missiles, and other superweapons, at the world below.


Another reason for Skynet being smaller, weaker, than had been planned was that various forces had wiped out large parts of it before it was sent urgently into safe concealment.


Concealed inside three fake Skynet bases were three very non Skynet like starships, each being marked with the 1Gen1 symbol.

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  • 3 weeks later...

FMEE: 2.8.1[58.1]


Fixing up TechVault101, making the TriVault (LifeVault, ServoVault, AuxiVault) more efficiently coordinated, soon ran into some interesting complexities.


There was held a series of major meetings at the recently renamed Central LifeVault Subvault, the CLVSV, which was still being upgraded-adapted to a new way of doing things.


Plans, for elections, were being made where vaultfolk would get to vote for members of a new VaultCitizens Council.


A great effort was being made to truly discover, and record, the real dimensions and resources of the TriVault. This was largely because the official data was proving to be too often not very reliable even when it came to the Overseer Data Network that was supposed to be very accurate about such matters.


Increasing efforts were being made to explore, chart, and upgrade network-systems through out the TriVault. Defence-security efforts were focused on. A major desire was to make sure that the alien led conspiracy, and its dark entity of a leader, were well sealed off though it was known that a big fight would come sooner or later; the hope was to hold of any threat until the TriVault101 was better able to fight.


FMEE: 2.8.2[58.2]


Then arrived the first large group of transformed, well resourced, refugees from the surface being 587 humans, altered ghouls-ghoulmans, friendly supermutants, free synths-androids, animans of animal-human hybrids, cyborgs, and some exotics never seen before in most of the Wastelands. There were also brainbots, and robots, including claptraps, sentrybots, protectrons, and MrHandys.


Some of the exotics were some biosynth humanoids escaped from the infamous TriInstitute of the barely ordered chaos of the New England Commonwealth, the NEC, with its slowly collapsing government, the striving Minutemen faction, savage gangers, greedy gangsters, brutal raiders coming in from the east coast, and troubles with the EagleEnclaven along with many other factions. This included the Subwayers and the Commonwealth Settlements Movement as protected by the Minutemen.


Other exotics were zetans transformed to live on the Earth with more ease, being known as zetamans.


PrimeOverseer Lilia, and PaleOneMan, greeted the newcomers personally who had been sent by the Wanderer to both help the vaultfolk, of TechVault101, but also to gain a new life for themselves.


Meeting continued to be held, some of them inside the DocTARDIS.

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FMEE: 2.9.1[59.1]


The Mysterious Stranger's group found the big chamber hidden in the depths of the aircraft carrier that had attached to its floor a vertical structure with a rampway, an elevator, and a series of small chambers going all the way down through the waters to the ground below where it did not stop. Instead it plunged into the ground.


The Mysterious Stranger went with MissFortune, Cybergirl, CaptainUSA, Ironman, and others down to find a small, largely bare, bunker. From there they followed a horizontal tunnel, quite large and dotted with armoured-armed security-safety airlocks.


So it was, that in a bigger bunker, that Mr Walker's group met with Sarah Lyons' group and an alliance was formed as the Wanderer had wanted to happen.


The first meeting took place as Sentinel Sarah Lyons applied her special authority to make decisions, for the Orderhood of Steel, that would need to be ratified later by the elders. The following were agreed upon very quickly; that the growing threat of monsters, from TechVault101, had to be dealt with. The appearance of infiltrating biosynths had to be investigated along with reports of the parachuted crates from the sky.


Then an Orderhood of Steel aeroboat landed on the main deck of the aircraft carrier bringing with it an envoy team from the DCCitadel.

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FMEE: 2.10.1[60.1]


Sarah Lyons had never like Elder Henry Casdin, a man who had come to WashingtonDC with the stated intention of continuing the orthodox ways of the Brotherhood of Steel. Now the envoy, to RivetCity, brought good and bad news to Sarah.


Her father had become PrimeElder Owen Lyons, had started the process of bringing limited democracy to the Orderhood of Steel, and had instigated the making of a new Charter of Rights, Obligations, Protocols and Definitions.


Elder Henry Casdin, and his followers, had fled from the DCCitadel before they could be put under arrest after the Elders Council discovered they plotted to abscond with many valuables resources. They had failed to get away with as much as they had planned to do but had done damage to the Orderhood. It was whispered that Casdin had had secret meetings with some unknown outsiders. A few of Casdin's followers were captured but none were his main people, clearly being abandoned by the man they had been loyal to. This was a mistake as from them it was learned that Casdin was heading towards Fort Independence, a hitech fortress in the DC Wilderness that was somehow prepared for take over.


Sentinel Sarah Lyons was concerned though she knew that the Orderhood was many times larger, and more powerful, than was the breakaway group. They were also getting more so thanks to the ways that the Orderhood operated. Yet she also knew that the runaways knew far too much about the Orderhood's ways for the situation to be a good one; hopefully Casdin, and his followers, would still have some kind of loyalty to their old oaths so as not to betray the Orderhood to outsiders.


A great big shakeup began at the DCCitadel to change defence, security, and other measures to lessen the possible impact of Casdin giving damaging information to others.


FMEE: 2.10.2[60.2]


Sarah Lyons stood on the bridge, of the aircraft carrier USSS Enterprise III, with its semienclosed flight decks showing, its multiple gun-missile turrets, some aged jumpjets and other features. With her was the Mysterious Stranger, Orderhood Envoy Elder Tasha, and some others.


Something big was moving through the waters of Hudson Bay and it was too massive to be one of the normal, huge, denizens of the district; that is a gillclaw, a mutated killer whale, a rogue aquatic robotic attack submarine, or anything else of the sort.


Sarah spoke. "If that comes from TechVault101... well it seems impossible."


The Mysterious Stranger frowned. "We are probably looking at a conspiracy that goes beyond the one vault and who knows about what is really down there. There may be some kind of watery area to create such creatures and a special tunnel to get them to the Potomac River."


The monster reared tentacles up out of the salt waters and one gripped a monstrous radshark that looked helplessly small in its grasp.


Tasha, in Elder Envoy robes, spoke out; she did so with notable horror as the monster bit of the front half of the radshark and swallowed it with a big circular mouth filled with oddly shark like teeth. "We have many threats to deal with in the DCWastelands and now some Elders wish for us to hunt down Casdin and the other Outcasts."


'Outcasts' were their new name as given to them by those they had left behind.


Then the Wanderer was there almost as if he had always been there. "Soon enough they will be proudly calling themselves the Outcasts of Steel but they are not your most important priority to deal with. Indeed they will soon be striving to deal with the same threats that you will be. Time for some special changes to take place here at RivetCity. Normally I would not be able to intervene so much but other forces are doing so and I am able to counter their actions in a general sense."


So it was that the eight ships, many smaller vessels, jetties, and other facilities went through a rejuvenation-regeneration but also an expansion of resources.


When the group came back fully to its senses, the Wanderer was gone and somehow they knew that the aquatic monster, that had been in agony, was sent to a better place and a healthier shapeform. They were also aware of, generally, of the changes that had taken place and were impressed. Nothing was perfect, they had not been given endless resources, but matters were greatly improved.

Edited by Maharg67
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