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Racial Tolerance or Just an Act?


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Scientifically, there is no difference between human beings. We are all the same. There is only the HUMAN RACE.

All differences are perceived by the viewer. And those perceptions are the foundation for separating humanity into smaller groups. And that separating of humanity into groups based on a perception is the definition of racism. But don't believe me. Check out Merriam-Webster.

DNA is only part of the story though. Much as some folks like to deny it, there ARE differences between groups of people. Granted, a fair few of them are cultural, or heavily influenced by their culture, but, we are most certainly NOT all the same.



Yeah, I know. And Global warming is a myth and the moon landing was faked and JFK wasn't really killed and aliens built the pyramids.


Science is the only story. Everything else is opinion. And opinions are like rectums, everyone has one and the are all full of feces.


JFK , the moon landings, Egyptians built the Pyramids and Global Warming are facts, the degree and rapidity of that warming is not an uncontested incontrovertible fact. We agree that science..the methodology / ability to test and prove a hypothesis with the same outcome is the only rational way to discern fact from conjecture. Bill Nye..the mechanical engineering guy is not my idea of a scientist no matter what he purports to be currently....so forgive me if I dismiss that one of of hand. Hey You was pointing out that there are differences between peoples that are cultural. I do not believe he was disputing the the genetic fact that we are all one species.

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Scientifically, there is no difference between human beings. We are all the same. There is only the HUMAN RACE.

All differences are perceived by the viewer. And those perceptions are the foundation for separating humanity into smaller groups. And that separating of humanity into groups based on a perception is the definition of racism. But don't believe me. Check out Merriam-Webster.

DNA is only part of the story though. Much as some folks like to deny it, there ARE differences between groups of people. Granted, a fair few of them are cultural, or heavily influenced by their culture, but, we are most certainly NOT all the same.



Yeah, I know. And Global warming is a myth and the moon landing was faked and JFK wasn't really killed and aliens built the pyramids.


Science is the only story. Everything else is opinion. And opinions are like rectums, everyone has one and the are all full of feces.


JFK , the moon landings, Egyptians built the Pyramids and Global Warming are facts, the degree and rapidity of that warming is not an uncontested incontrovertible fact. We agree that science..the methodology / ability to test and prove a hypothesis with the same outcome is the only rational way to discern fact from conjecture. Bill Nye..the mechanical engineering guy is not my idea of a scientist no matter what he purports to be currently....so forgive me if I dismiss that one of of hand. Hey You was pointing out that there are differences between peoples that are cultural. I do not believe he was disputing the the genetic fact that we are all one species.



When discussing racism, cultural differentiation is just so much misdirection. So I call BULLSH!T.

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When discussing racism, cultural differentiation is just so much misdirection. So I call BULLSH!T.


What an erudite open minded response, well at least now I know how much credence to give your opinions. Debate..the open civil exchange of opposing views..ever hear of it?

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What an erudite open minded civil response, well at least now I know how much credence to give your opinions. Debate..the open civil exchange of opposing views..ever hear of it?




A reference to a children's social learning game is perfectly acceptable and allowed during social discourse. However personal insults and belittling commentary are not.


The presentation of scientific findings in not opinion, so I posted no opinion. However, arguing against or discounting scientific findings is opinion. And as I said earlier; opinions are like rectums, everyone has one and the are all full of feces.

Edited by PoorlyAged
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You were treated with respect initially, satire came after your response. I find that a balloon filled with self righteous morally superior hot air an irresistible temptation... to apply a pin to it.

If you want a 'safe space' to be insulated from divergent views..this forum isn't one. You are a little preoccupied with bodily functions as your 'go to' response...some childhood trauma that I should make allowances for?

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Again with the belittling commentary.


I find that holding opinions in the face of scientific evidence to the contrary to good sense. (<- That is an opinion.)


I find that attacking people for defending scientific data to be an intimidation tactic used by a self absorbed and self centered individual. (<- That is an opinion too.) An abusive person who places themselves above others and justifies their abusive behaviors with terminology which blames the victim of their abuse for said abuse. (<- That is your observable behavior.)


And I used the scatological references because they appear to be at your level. (<- That is a value judgement of your social skills in relation to what would be considered acceptable.)

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well, lets see here.... the only "difference" between male and female, is one chromosome, therefore by your reasoning Male=Female..... Right.

Another facetious argument.


And it is not my reasoning. I presented scientific evidence. Go debate against the science.

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well, lets see here.... the only "difference" between male and female, is one chromosome, therefore by your reasoning Male=Female..... Right.

Another facetious argument.


And it is not my reasoning. I presented scientific evidence. Go debate against the science.


Not facetious. It is a direct relationship based on your reasoning. Let me guess, you AREN'T a geneticist......

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