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We have a name! And a Q&A session with Tannin regarding the new mod manager.


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In response to post #50031637. #50032802 is also a reply to the same post.

axonis wrote: Does Vortex adhere to the FOMM XML schema for mods that use it ? Or does it allow invalid installer declarations to run on it when they would break FOMM ?
TechAngel85 wrote: I'd be interested to know this as well. MO's handling of FOMODs was far superior to NMM, imo. Having written dozens of FOMODs it was always NMM that was the pain in my backside. Not to mention that MO used the code more fully and accurately than NMM due to the work of ThosRTanner.

Really ? I'm using NMM Legacy and as far as scriptless installer declarations go, it seems to perfectly match FOMM.
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In response to post #50031637. #50032802, #50039597 are all replies on the same post.

axonis wrote: Does Vortex adhere to the FOMM XML schema for mods that use it ? Or does it allow invalid installer declarations to run on it when they would break FOMM ?
TechAngel85 wrote: I'd be interested to know this as well. MO's handling of FOMODs was far superior to NMM, imo. Having written dozens of FOMODs it was always NMM that was the pain in my backside. Not to mention that MO used the code more fully and accurately than NMM due to the work of ThosRTanner.
axonis wrote: Really ? I'm using NMM Legacy and as far as scriptless installer declarations go, it seems to perfectly match FOMM.

MO has some heuristics involved so if you left something out or forgot to close a tag it didn't really care. This wasn't proper, but it was nice for those creating my hand. Also NMM behaves differently with some of the options vs MO. I know in the last version of MO, flags were somewhat broken though and that never got fixed. ThosRTanner put in quite a bit of time working on improving MO's handling of FOMODs, as far as I am aware.
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In response to post #50031637. #50032802, #50039597, #50040132 are all replies on the same post.

axonis wrote: Does Vortex adhere to the FOMM XML schema for mods that use it ? Or does it allow invalid installer declarations to run on it when they would break FOMM ?
TechAngel85 wrote: I'd be interested to know this as well. MO's handling of FOMODs was far superior to NMM, imo. Having written dozens of FOMODs it was always NMM that was the pain in my backside. Not to mention that MO used the code more fully and accurately than NMM due to the work of ThosRTanner.
axonis wrote: Really ? I'm using NMM Legacy and as far as scriptless installer declarations go, it seems to perfectly match FOMM.
TechAngel85 wrote: MO has some heuristics involved so if you left something out or forgot to close a tag it didn't really care. This wasn't proper, but it was nice for those creating my hand. Also NMM behaves differently with some of the options vs MO. I know in the last version of MO, flags were somewhat broken though and that never got fixed. ThosRTanner put in quite a bit of time working on improving MO's handling of FOMODs, as far as I am aware.

MO has some heuristics involved so if you left something out or forgot to close a tag it didn't really care.

This is a very bad thing to do. This invalid code is now spreading on the Nexus as some authors claim that it's actually the right thing to do since others are doing it.

Of course that means FOMM users will now have to "upgrade" only because their mod manager refuses to run pizza-and-beer declarations. And the typical advice provided by authors of such mods would be to use "a modern mod manager".

I hope Vortex won't do this.
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In response to post #50031637. #50032802, #50039597, #50040132, #50040682 are all replies on the same post.

axonis wrote: Does Vortex adhere to the FOMM XML schema for mods that use it ? Or does it allow invalid installer declarations to run on it when they would break FOMM ?
TechAngel85 wrote: I'd be interested to know this as well. MO's handling of FOMODs was far superior to NMM, imo. Having written dozens of FOMODs it was always NMM that was the pain in my backside. Not to mention that MO used the code more fully and accurately than NMM due to the work of ThosRTanner.
axonis wrote: Really ? I'm using NMM Legacy and as far as scriptless installer declarations go, it seems to perfectly match FOMM.
TechAngel85 wrote: MO has some heuristics involved so if you left something out or forgot to close a tag it didn't really care. This wasn't proper, but it was nice for those creating my hand. Also NMM behaves differently with some of the options vs MO. I know in the last version of MO, flags were somewhat broken though and that never got fixed. ThosRTanner put in quite a bit of time working on improving MO's handling of FOMODs, as far as I am aware.
axonis wrote:
MO has some heuristics involved so if you left something out or forgot to close a tag it didn't really care.

This is a very bad thing to do. This invalid code is now spreading on the Nexus as some authors claim that it's actually the right thing to do since others are doing it.

Of course that means FOMM users will now have to "upgrade" only because their mod manager refuses to run pizza-and-beer declarations. And the typical advice provided by authors of such mods would be to use "a modern mod manager".

I hope Vortex won't do this.

I know it's not proper coding and is why I mentioned it not being such. I was simply stating it nice that MO was able to bypass it if you missed a ">" in the 2000 lines of code somewhere. ^_^ I always validate my code when I remember to do so. Ganda wrote a nice program for this that is convenient ( http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/75140/? ).

Vortex should follow the schema for the installer to the letter.
Current schema: http://qconsulting.ca/gemm/ModConfig5.0.xsd (open with a text editor like Notepad++)

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not a fan of Vortex as a name but meh, i understand the reasoning behind the name.


on that though, i has a question!



so will the manager have add-on capabilities? like how i can use a button to launch Bodyslide in NMM.

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I don't know if this has been asked before, but here goes,..


Does this mean that a Vortex-made modded, say, Skyrim can run without launching it through vortex. What I mean to say is, will one be able to share one's custom Skyrim with a friend, by giving said friend a copy of one's Skyrim folder, and that friend would be able to run it by starting skse without the need for them to install or use vortex?


please forgive one for one's language.

im gonna guess no, based on the fact that mod packs arent allowed and it could be used to bypass bans on users.

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In response to post #50032012. #50032057, #50032732 are all replies on the same post.

othmanarnaout wrote: I don't know if this has been asked before, but here goes,..

Does this mean that a Vortex-made modded, say, Skyrim can run without launching it through vortex. What I mean to say is, will one be able to share one's custom Skyrim with a friend, by giving said friend a copy of one's Skyrim folder, and that friend would be able to run it by starting skse without the need for them to install or use vortex?

please forgive one for one's language.
othmanarnaout wrote: please note that I am not referring to piracy, but the act of sharing a modded Skyrim with a newb friend :P
Roccondil wrote: you specifically sharing just your (mod) data folders? probably not- if I understand this correctly, what's placed in your Skyrim directories are not the actual mod files, which are stored elsewhere. You'd have to share both your Data folders and your mod folders, and hope that the paths to the mod folders are identical on both machines.

let me clarify,.. Im a hardcore MO user, as such, I know that sharing setups with a friend is a huge pain in the rear, because of the vfs and how it handles mods. Now don't get me wrong, I love MO more than anything, but i wish there were a way to easily "compile" a working setup that would run on another computer by simply running skse.As an upside to this, your skyrim folder would be very clean, relatively. NMM on the other hand, puts your installed mods into the skyrim folder and things get messy, yes, but in theory you should be able to run a copy of your nmm-modded skyrim on another pc by simply running skse(though i haven't really tested that). Point is, since Vortex will have a virtualization system similar to that of nmm, does that mean that the data folder in the actaul game folder will also contain the installed mods, making it copy-able and run-able on another pc without the need for vortex on said system? (since there is no vfs involved). Edited by othmanarnaout
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In response to post #50032012. #50032057, #50032732, #50052427 are all replies on the same post.

othmanarnaout wrote: I don't know if this has been asked before, but here goes,..

Does this mean that a Vortex-made modded, say, Skyrim can run without launching it through vortex. What I mean to say is, will one be able to share one's custom Skyrim with a friend, by giving said friend a copy of one's Skyrim folder, and that friend would be able to run it by starting skse without the need for them to install or use vortex?

please forgive one for one's language.
othmanarnaout wrote: please note that I am not referring to piracy, but the act of sharing a modded Skyrim with a newb friend :P
Roccondil wrote: you specifically sharing just your (mod) data folders? probably not- if I understand this correctly, what's placed in your Skyrim directories are not the actual mod files, which are stored elsewhere. You'd have to share both your Data folders and your mod folders, and hope that the paths to the mod folders are identical on both machines.
othmanarnaout wrote: let me clarify,.. Im a hardcore MO user, as such, I know that sharing setups with a friend is a huge pain in the rear, because of the vfs and how it handles mods. Now don't get me wrong, I love MO more than anything, but i wish there were a way to easily "compile" a working setup that would run on another computer by simply running skse.As an upside to this, your skyrim folder would be very clean, relatively. NMM on the other hand, puts your installed mods into the skyrim folder and things get messy, yes, but in theory you should be able to run a copy of your nmm-modded skyrim on another pc by simply running skse(though i haven't really tested that). Point is, since Vortex will have a virtualization system similar to that of nmm, does that mean that the data folder in the actaul game folder will also contain the installed mods, making it copy-able and run-able on another pc without the need for vortex on said system? (since there is no vfs involved).

"Profile sharing" has been planned for some time with Nexus. I'm not sure if it'll be implemented with Vortex, but that would be logical. The way I understood it is users would be able to save their setups and upload it to Nexus. Then users could download the setup and the manager would do most of the work of setting it up for the user. This is suppose to give an identical setup as the author. For example, if you wanted you have the exact same setup as Gopher, all you would have to do is download his shared setup.

If this was ever worked out completely, I'm not sure. I haven't heard anything on it in a long time. To be honest, this sounded like a dream because I can't see how they would be able to work out all the small details that come with modding (FOMOD installers, hidden/deleted assets, load orders, patches, etc, etc). I could see it being possible on more simple setups, but not on advanced ones.
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