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intro bug


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hey dudes


i just installed skyrim again, and now facing a strange bug in the helgen sequence... the horse carts wildly filp arround and then get stuck somewhere on the way to helgen. So theres no progression anymore. Some say i should limit the fps to 59 ...but i dont know how to do that.


could anyone help me with this? ...whats also important i wanna use cbbe later and some other mods and i dont want compatibility issues with that stuff.

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@someuniqueusername, if you want the original start of the game, use the link below, I use it myself and it works 100% and is also 100% safe




Literally, the only thing it skips is the cart ride and the thief getting shot by the archers

Edited by gromulos
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that problem comes from needing to run fnis


Good point. If you have any custom animations that rely on FNIS, you must run the generator again.

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