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You know what i like?


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*I Like* knowing Omeletter is still aware the threat of death by Fufu is still a posibility....
*I Like* watching Myth Busters.
*I Like* annoying people....heh...

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I like good iced coffee in a tall chilled glass with real coffee, some ice-cream and topped with cream.


I like Vivaldi the Four Seasons.


I like being cooler in summer and warmer in winter.


I like ....

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*I Like* getting FO3 today for 29.96 USD.
*I Like* that in two weeks Carah will be here
*I Like* woo hoo and WOO HOO !!!

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*I Like* that we might finally get some snow tonight
*I Like* there being only 10 days, 18 hours left....
*I Like* Carah....

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*I Like* my vacation starting next Saturday.
*I Like* what I have planned for that week.
*I Like* that next Sunday at this time, I will be at Denver International Airport, and Carah will be with me....

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*I Like* there being only 93 more hours !
*I Like* those that have been around awhile know what I'm talking about.
*I Like* Carah

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I like that I found a gargantuan spider in my kitchen last night.


What I like even more is that I rescued it successfully and now my garden has even more natural pest control, as it's neatly joined up with the other spiders running amok out there.(about 6 Wolfs, four Huntsman, 22 Golden Orbs of various sizes, about 9 Daddy Long Legs, a couple belonging to smaller species)


I like that Christmas is almost over, I will be glad when it is and I can actualy find a carpark again.

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I like that my latest mod is complete... for now


I like that I'll be learning zills in ATS in a few weeks


I like that I'll be traveling on Boxing Day http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/turned.gif


I like Malachi Delacot http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/sick.gif

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