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You know what i like?


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I like that this is the last week of school! By the nine, I really like that a lot.


I like that the lake is ten minutes from the house.


I like this song.

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I like that this is the last week of school! By the nine, I really like that a lot.


I like that too, for it means there will be no more kids on the morning train for a good while. Don't get me wrong, I like kids, but I could never eat more than 2 or 3 of them. And they're really quite loud in the morning. Must be all that sugary breakfast cereal they eat *shakes cane* and stay off my damn lawn! *cough* *hack* Now where was I?


Oh, right. I like turning into an elderly curmudgeon, I think I will be excellent at it.

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I like the cozy feeling I get after eating. zzzzzz Oh! And I like that I can delete a dozen miniature cookies in under five minutes if I don't drink milk in between cookies.


It pays to not be a milk-drinker.


I like that it's Friday, and that I have a date this weekend, and that I have new shoes for said date, and... cookies. Cookies are pretty good too, miniature or otherwise.



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*I Like* AraFox having a date because now I no longer feel guilty about not having

asked her out and totally breaking her heart because of it and she no longer

feels compelled to pour gasoline ( @$2.54 a gal ) all over herself, light a match

to set herself aflame, and throw herself off the nearest cliff, plummeting 2,000

feet into the gathered mob awaiting the return of Hailey's Comet.

*I Like* that I'm the one telling this and I can embellish however I wish

*I Like* that now people may have figured out why, in polite company, Carah keeps

saying to me "you're messed up"

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*I Like* AraFox having a date because now I no longer feel guilty about not having

asked her out and totally breaking her heart because of it and she no longer

feels compelled to pour gasoline ( @$2.54 a gal ) all over herself, light a match

to set herself aflame, and throw herself off the nearest cliff, plummeting 2,000

feet into the gathered mob awaiting the return of Hailey's Comet.

*I Like* that I'm the one telling this and I can embellish however I wish

*I Like* that now people may have figured out why, in polite company, Carah keeps

saying to me "you're messed up"

How uncannily accurate. But then a very nice man kept smiling at me and I was finally able to let you and all of those self-destructive feelings go. And then I went out on a date and they all came rushing back. Woe. Woe=me.


Meh, he wasn't so bad, but I get the feeling he would never understand my wanting a night in because a new DLC has been released. *sigh* a good man is so hard to find. But I scored a nice pair of Nine West heels and a matching bag under the excuse of "hey, I have a date" so it wasn't a complete loss. And I like that.


I also like the piano. I wish I could play but I can't focus long enough to learn any instrument besides - ooh, there's a sale on RPG Maker on steam. I've been wanting that for a while. I wonder if I can swing 40 bucks for a game after those crazy expensive heels? You know what I like? The heel of the bread loaf. Really, it makes the best cinnamon toast.

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I like... ( Ooh! Just ate a couple of cookies! Can't think. My mind is in a fog right now from the sugar rush.) Ooh! I like the combination of caffeine and sugary sweets. No wonder Mom did her best to keep me from sitting around with a bag of Golden Double Stuffed cookies and coffee in the morning. She wanted them!

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I do like coffee. A lot. And also, shiny objects.


I like Naruto Marathon night with my kiddo :)


I like short work weeks.


I like looking forward to this weekend :) A LOT.

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