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You know what i like?


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I Like....Pie

I wholeheartedly concur. Pie is awesome. Only more so. If pie was an Oblivion race, it would be the Awesomer, and it would get bonuses in Tastiness, Yum, and Win. It would also have the Greater Power "Cannibalism", because not even pie can resist the awesome that is pie.

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*I Like* when people get really, really mad, and when they leave, the door slams them on the butt.

*I Like* it better when they take their friends with them. (hey, the more the merrier)

*I Like* mu shu pork. (gotta feed the body sometimes)

*I Like* my whirlpool tub. (clean body, clean thoughts....yeah..right)

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I like toan...'s idea for a pie race. Mine would be chocolate cream.

I too like root beer...and now that makes three of us. ...i just know, OK!?

I too like chocolate milk, even tho it is banned in this country on grounds of 'bad' taste... and now that makes three or four of us... or five. I DONT KNOW!

I like to shout now and then in threads.

I like the fact that i no longer fade in and out of dreams on rainy sundays...'cause i used to do that outside. Very hard on the constitution, ultimately.


I like it that Carah has started her new life. And that she likes creepy old poo stick guys... or ... at least one. Wait a mo... we're talking about Winnee the Poo, right?

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*I Like* that Dave's not here....

*I Like* that I can totally creep some people out by what I'm about to say, so be warned ! I'm not wearing underwear. ...heh....found my cane.....

Lol mosz are you starting to go senile? You remind me of the old man Monty waits in the movie Waiting I wis my DVD wasn't so messed up I'd go watch that movie right now.

*knock* "Who is it?"

"It's Dave."


"Yeah man open up I got the stuff"

*knock* "Who is it?"

"It's Dave"



"Dave's not here"

That scene is what I imagine talking to you off the interwebs would be like.

I like.....ZZZZZZZ

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I like that my husband though in a accident yesteday (see I hate thread) is pretty much OK.

I like seeing old friends that I havent seen in forever.

I like Sunday mornings.

I like curling up by a window during a storm and reading a great book.

I like that I have many new books to read.

I like that my husband doesn't care that I have books ALL over the darn house.

I like curling up with my dogs and hearing then sigh in contentment.

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