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Congratulations Nexus

Storm Raven

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Congratulations to the Nexus,


Congratulations to the Nexus for reaching the 600,000 mark in new members. When I joined, the Nexus in October 07 there were about 500,000 members. A little over 7 months later, we now have 600,000 members. I think this is a remarkable achievement.


I would like to thank the Dark0ne, and his amazing staff for their unending efforts to improve the Nexus. The Dark0ne has worked tirelessly to improve and redesign the Nexus on our behalf. Buddha and LHammonds, have done a remarkable job, in their continuous efforts to moderate, and improve the experience we all enjoy.


I would also like to thank all of the Nexus moderators for their patience and good judgment as they watch over the Nexus on our behalf. Having had some experience in Website Administration myself, I can tell you that it takes a great deal of hard work, patience and persistence, to accomplish what they have done for all of us.


It takes a great deal of love for what they do, to do it all, without a thought of recompense. So kudos to them all. for all that they have done, and I wish them even greater success in the future.


If you too have enjoyed this wonderful place. I'd like to hear what you think.


Storm Raven.



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Agreed. Dark0ne has done an outstanding job to make the best TES site/forum in all of Elder Scrolls modding history. We couldn't have found a site better than the one we have found today.


When I first experienced this site, I found all the mods I could possibly want, but the 2K limit I didn't appreciate. Especially when I thought I had to pay a subscription in order to become a member, I only thought that at first. Now I know this feature for paying is only if I want to become a supporter. I would help keep this site alive by contributing money to back you up, but I'm not rich, ya know. I'm simply put 'middle class' style. That means I'm not too rich or too poor. I'm somewhere in between. But overall, this site is my hero. I could've been bored with the same armor and weapons in Oblivion, but I registered, and YAY!! I can download huge mods! :D


I've also noticed the difference here. Newgrounds is a plain selfish site expecting more from Flash artists like myself. The problem is, these people don't appreciate anything except for very good flash games and vids. It's kinda like American Idol, like somebody sucks at singing, then suddenly, REJECT! But they only give you chances on your vids, or if you tried uploading your vids, like never give up, because you think you'll eventually make it, and the vids get rejected too much, the user gets banned. That is nearly not even fair. So I got pissed off and took all my anger on these guys. But this forum here. It's not like those idiots on 'Flame'grounds. You guys are pretty good people! Easy to get along! I also noticed a restriction to flaming, and only rating mods on their functionality. Not their detail. Anytime I need mods for Oblivion, I know who to call.....





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Woot! Go TES Nexus!


When I first came here (in the Spring of 06') I was just a "young" chap, looking to download Oblivion mods. I saw all of the mods that were here, and I wanted to download some that I liked. Except there was one problem: The 2kb DL limit without registering. But, I was younger, and I was hesitant about things like that, because of stories I'd heard about hidden fees and spam (not the food kind :P ) and such. So I left the site and never looked back. But then, in the Summer of 06', I stumbled across the site again, and it had nearly doubled in size! So then I decided, "Hey, why not register with an email address I rarely use?" So that's exactly what I did, and I have not regreted it.


At first I just used my account to download mods for Oblivion. But then after about a month or so, I started commenting on images. Then I learned about the forums. So, I tried them out. I seem to remember my first post being something along the lines of, "Shut up and quit complaining. If you don't like his idea for a mod, then don't post anything at all. Saying 'your idea sucks,' is really immature. Seriously. Grow up >:( ."


That was when I learned how to deal with people here. I have also made several friends here, and have seen several incredible things.


So, I would like to end by saying this: Great Job Dark0ne (and Moderators)! Thank you very much! :D



I have also introduced several people to The Forums because they (The Forums) are so awesome.


Once again, thank you very much! :thanks:



Devout User of The Forums,


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I ask myself if topics like this are important, and the answer come quick, YES, it is indeed.

We know the work it take and how hard it is.


Thank you all that turned this site, this place, this Nexus, a home for all of us that love TES.


Nothing we can say will be so significant as the sheer number show by itself. TESNexus is a success and you are the ones responsible for it.


I don't mean, of course, than all users, all modders aren't important. But without The Staff being what it is, examples of impartiality and equilibrium, nothing as this would be accomplished.

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I haven't been here long but I love this site. It is the best, most well put together and its ease of use is amazing.

Everyone has been super nice to me and helpful!

I have felt most welcome and no one has made me feel stupid for questions or ideas.


I hope to continue my time here making friends, learning about mods and mod making and hopefully being able to give back in some ways to the community as I learn.


Thanks to the Dark0ne (to whom I have never spoken and am scared to do so!) Lhammonds and of course my favorite moderator and yours, BUDDAH!!!!


And on a note of some recent modders taking continued hits for there work and what have you...

I hope that those of us with broad thinking can continue to make this site a place where ALL ideas are welcome. Though I believe everyone has a right of free speech I dont think nastiness about mods are the time and place. These mods (Slof!) are things of beauty, class and creative expression on levels that continue to astonish me. Shame on any of you that have been petty and small minded. If you don't agree with something that is your right but just MOVE ON. These people have put much work into these mods and are willing to share them with us. To try to destroy something because it may not fit into your moral standard is far more shameful than any mod. And since I have history degree and am a stout historian I well know the results of destruction of creative expression and am saddened by the loss of Slof and others from our site. I am happy to know these mods are being posted on their own site, but without first encountering them here I would have missed out and I feel that many new members may now miss out on these beautiful things!


LONG LIVE THE NEXUS! (so says the Goddess of the Nexus and Queen of the Snow Arena!)




Thanks again everyone!

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Kudos, to those of you that did not already have them, your presence is what makes this site possible and for that I thank you all.


Storm that was poetic to say the least if not just a little inaccurate statistically.


The Nexus reached 500,000 members on January 2nd, 2008


At this moment there are 601,036. Thats an average of 623.7 members per day for the last 162 days.


Usually raw statistics make things seem less impressive than they appear but this time they have made them even more so.



Long Live TES Nexus

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Are we to let this celebration end on the critisim of my numbers? *the old man laughs*


The point was "Congratulations to the Nexus for reaching the 600,000 mark in new members"


There must be others who would like to join in the celebration of this remarkable achievement.



Go ahead, those of you wanting to get your hands on something 'positive' for a change!


There must be some hero's out there willing to fight back the Darkness, with appreciation


for the one of a kind Nexus and its adroit Site Management, this place many call home.



Thank You,


Storm Raven



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I seem to recall Dark0ne stating that he purposely undercounts the membership, to offset the number of dual account holders and inactive users. Personally, I think he is just being modest. This is certainly a cause for celebration. CHEESE FOR EVERYBODY!!!






Those who can, will. Those who can not, will party-poop.

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They certainly will, and those that can read between the lines lose respect for those that take subtly veiled cracks at those who would reinforce their point. Good show.
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