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New Nexus Mods design launched


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In response to post #54751523. #54751793 is also a reply to the same post.

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OK. I am going to this in a structured manner:

1. The new page can in no shape or form be in accordance to WCAG

2. I had a conversation with one of the screenshot gods (and he is realy, relay good) , and asked why the comment and endorsement section was switched off.
He didn't know, he uploaded through the old interface, it seemed to work then.

3. There is no consistent (never mind the functionality) experience, I sometimes hit the "old" site, sometimes the "new".

4. There is in no shape or form any indication or information on what is going on. I am on the new or old site, I am posting/talking in here or there.

I fully realise that we are all a bunch of anonymous names, pictures, handles on this site (and a potentially a bunch of liars).
But I do actually care about this site (hence my renewal), I want it to be good, please ensure that so is happening.

I can also claim to be this and that, in the end it don't matter. Suffice to say, I've been working with this kind of roll-outs for 25 years. Believe or not (I do not care), that is where my comments is coming from. (Apologise for English snafus as is it not my native tongue.)
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  On 10/27/2017 at 8:03 PM, DjinnKiller said:
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You do not understand - the old site and new site are using exactly the same data. They run side by side right now. If you go to rd.nexusmods.com you look at the new site; if you follow a link to www.nexusmods.com it will take you back to the old site. No matter which site you are looking at the data is the same. There doesn't need to be any indication of where you are talking because it is the same.


As far as your second point it's possible that's a bug. However I've seen people uploading images from both old and new and endorsement and comments work just fine so can you ask if he can replicate the incorrect settings problem?


As far as the first. Can you be specific as far as what is wrong? I skimmed the document you provided and the front page seems to follow the guidelines pretty closely.

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In response to post #54751523. #54751793, #54752598 are all replies on the same post.

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You cannot determine if you are on new or old website based off looks alone? You need better glasses.
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In response to post #54751523. #54751793, #54752598, #54752778 are all replies on the same post.

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And you need better whatever....
The point is not those who know, those who can.
The point is, those who CAN'T, how do we help them.

Instead of being snide, how about helping those who do not have a clue.

My 2 small dollars.
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In response to post #54751523. #54751793, #54752598, #54752778, #54752918 are all replies on the same post.

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And btw, your comment show that you do not have even the rudimentary understanding of what a multi-million user roll out entails.

But I do respect your mods, witch are magnificent.
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In response to post #54751523. #54751793, #54752598, #54752778, #54752918, #54753118 are all replies on the same post.

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So, Dark0ne!
Did I answer your question?
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In response to post #54751523. #54751793, #54752598, #54752778, #54752918, #54753118, #54753598 are all replies on the same post.

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2. I had a conversation with one of the screenshot gods (and he is realy, relay good) , and asked why the comment and endorsement section was switched off.
He didn't know, he uploaded through the old interface, it seemed to work then.

Provide a link to the image and I shall take a look.

3. There is no consistent (never mind the functionality) experience, I sometimes hit the "old" site, sometimes the "new".

The "old site" is at nexusmods.com. The new site is at rd.nexusmods.com. The only time you'll get taken to RD is if you click the link in the banner saying "View our new layout" right at the top of the page, or if you click a link someone else has posted which points to rd.nexusmods.com.

This will obviously not be a problem at all once we remove the old site completely and the new design is rolled out on nexusmods.com proper.

4. There is in no shape or form any indication or information on what is going on. I am on the new or old site, I am posting/talking in here or there.

The old and the new site use the exact same database. If you post something on the old site it will show on the new site and vice versa.
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In response to post #54751523. #54751793, #54752598, #54752778, #54752918, #54753118, #54753598, #54753633 are all replies on the same post.

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Thanks for your reply!
As I think you understand, I am not "anti-Nexus", rather the opposite. You did not address the WCAG-question though! :D
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In response to post #54735783. #54750263 is also a reply to the same post.

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I was replying to the comment not what Dark had said.
"once again", meaning it's happened to another site.
"They aren't...at this stage of the internet", meaning all of the internet, not the site.

18% on this site is pretty insane, and I used my phone for the first time to look at this thread through the link that was sent to my email. It takes me to the forum page. Which works fine on mobile and it's pretty easy to use. So I'm even more confused as to why mobile is even being considered for the main site's design unless the goal is to leave the forum site behind.
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