Eolhin Posted October 30, 2017 Share Posted October 30, 2017 The search feature in the new layout definitely has problems. Many mods seem to have just... vanished from the search listing. The "Inigo" mod, for instance does not come up, no mater how I adjust or clear my search parameters. The translations and patches related to it do come up in the search, but not the base mod. When I use the search feature of the old layout, Inigo comes up just fine, and the main mod is the first result listed for the search. I have tried clearing all filters (searching under new layout), and then unchecking everything, as that didn't uncheck things, but the search results got MORE constrained, rather then less. I am quite confused. I tried both the basic search bar at the top, and the Refined Results drop-down to no avail. Also, where are the notifications in the new format? You know, that small round orb that gave you the drop-down list of notifications in the old format, right next to the messages envelope? I find those incredibly useful, and can't find them right now. I am sure I must just be missing them. This part is just opinion (rather then functionality related, like the search not working properly), but the red "Sticky" tag being all the way on the right of posts is... unhelpful. I am usually looking at the Poster info and first lines on the left when scanning past posts. The colored outlines for posts by the mod author was more useful, in my opinion, as I could see by the outline color on the left hand side when I came to the end of the stickies, and the beginning of the normal posts. Hopefully that part is just temporary, and gets refined later. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TehKaoZ Posted October 30, 2017 Share Posted October 30, 2017 In response to post #54751878. #54752393, #54765313, #54767068, #54772278, #54783813, #54817623 are all replies on the same post. Reveal hidden contents Quote zhoulia wrote: It was a bit much for me, and extremly hard to understand. Like Deviantart use to be for me. But it is extremely cluttered and triggered both my ADHD and anxiety . Why can´t you endorse mods or is that something that will be replaced with something else? I also think mods should be larger thumbnails then pictures. The layout personally does not flow very well . Quote ScrollTron1c wrote: The endorsement button is still there, on the bottom-right of the banner image. It also works, i endorsed a mod from Fallout 4 hotfiles earlier today. Quote zhoulia wrote: It was not there at first but now is, and some files show as unendorsed by me when I clearly clicked them. Bugs probably Quote GiveSheckelsToGeorgeSoros wrote: How the f*#@ does a website layout "trigger your anxiety"? I'm not taking the piss, just genuinely curious. Quote daren420c wrote: Agree 100% Quote mosesintheflesh wrote: The frontend for a website triggers your anxieties? Good lord. Quote wres1 wrote: Anxiety can present itself in many different ways. With the new layout, there's an explosion of information on the screen, which in turn causes stimulus overload, i.e., anxiety.Not going to be the case with everyone, ofc.Does feel a bit cluttered. Agreed Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aexo Posted October 30, 2017 Share Posted October 30, 2017 please add a functional search feature to the mod comments page no I do not want to open the mod thread on the forums and use the search feature there, what a ridiculous workaround Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ArcSalvo Posted October 30, 2017 Share Posted October 30, 2017 (edited) Don't see the need for a new layout when the old one was fine, but as long as it doesn't break anything, and it doesn't mess with Nexus Mod Manager, I'm mostly ambivalent about it. That said, I really don't see why you'd want to introduce anything new unless it fixes big problems with the old version or adds necessary new features. If a new UI or design or webpage doesn't do either of those (preferably both) I generally find it a waste of resources, particularly when it DOES break previously working functionality. I personally don't prefer the old or the new UI, but my mantra with stuff is "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Why? Because when people try to fix stuff that ain't broke they DO break it. Edited October 30, 2017 by arc_salvo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FinalEntity Posted October 30, 2017 Share Posted October 30, 2017 As a web developer I think you've done a great job. Yes it takes some getting used to but it is a big improvement. It's much faster to get to what you want now, and my favourite part is that there's much more information available at any one time. Some people are calling this cluttered but for people who like data (I can eat up data all day long!) this is a welcome change! I dislike having to make multiple clicks and page loads to access basic meta data/functions - having this data available as part of the summary object entity is very very handy. People say the old UI wasn't broken - I agree, but that doesn't mean it can't be better. Based on that logic I should still be driving my 2001 Hyundai Amica, it worked perfectly when I sold it in April, but I could get something faster, more comfortable, bigger, more practical and enjoyable - so I did, and I don't regret it. Let go of the "If it aint broke, don't fix it" nonsense - it's called innovation - embrace it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeusAleeex Posted October 30, 2017 Share Posted October 30, 2017 (edited) I LOVE the new design, there is just one thing that I would change, though, and it is including the file size in the description bar Like this: https://imgur.com/a/TGGek Edited October 30, 2017 by Profligate47 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
happyshakra Posted October 30, 2017 Share Posted October 30, 2017 WOOOOOOOAH the new design is INSANE. the favorites quick access is a must have, I can't believe I lived without it until now. might I say that this is like a huge middle finger for bethesda; their creation club is like an old AOL page for the 90s compared to the new nexus design ! GO nexus, GO ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Loveblanket Posted October 30, 2017 Share Posted October 30, 2017 In response to post #54688028. Reveal hidden contents Quote crazycrab wrote: I don't see what people are complaining about, outside the childish "I don't like change" factor.I like the new layout, It's clearer, cleaner and more easy to navigate in my opinion.. Everyone here is pissing moaning but very few critics are actually giving any meaningful feedback. Having the toolbar at the top means you have to open as many tabs/go through as many pages to find what you want.With the old one I always felt like I was having to click my way through multiple links in order to find anything, especially if I'm looking looking specifically for something in "Most Endorsed" or "Recent". The favourite list in the toolbar is a nice touch to. Some people can't stomach change I guess.I love the new design. There are always going to be people that can't deal with change. They'll piss and moan and use it anyway and then they'll love it and piss and moan 10 years from now when the design changes again. People had a chance to give feedback for months, so if you didn't bother then, complaining now is meaningless. This is the website moving forward and I think it's a massive improvement in every single way. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zennethe Posted October 30, 2017 Share Posted October 30, 2017 In response to post #54824028. Reveal hidden contents Quote happyshakra wrote: WOOOOOOOAH the new design is INSANE. the favorites quick access is a must have, I can't believe I lived without it until now. might I say that this is like a huge middle finger for bethesda; their creation club is like an old AOL page for the 90s compared to the new nexus design ! GO nexus, GO !Tried the screenshot viewer yet? So responsive and fast. I love it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pesarbad Posted October 30, 2017 Share Posted October 30, 2017 I really love it tho it's missing the old requirements tab that told you what mods use this mod... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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