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New Nexus Mods design launched


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OK... I decided that since the new format is probably here to stay, it would make some sense to use it exclusively for a while in order to become accustomed to it. I have to confess, after my initial ambiguity/dislike the redesign is starting to grow on me. I *still* think that some significant tweaking is needed, especially with regard to making it more functional for desktop users (I don't think I need to revisit the specifics, they've already been amply covered)... so I hope the more constructive feedback will be taken under advisement. For me, at least, where the updated site really shines is in the user areas. Everything feels much better organised, and things like File Tracking are far easier to check at a glance.

On that particular note, would it be at all possible to add specific Categories (armour, quests, houses etc.) to the Tracking parameters? I tend to use the Tracking feature as I would Bookmarks, and sometimes I want to browse through, say the armours, I've added to my Tracking list. Maybe that is too complex, I have no idea, but you've already added Author/Name/Upload Date etc. so I figured it couldn't hurt to ask.

Edited by Sonja
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In response to post #54750798.

bisexualzuko wrote: Okay, here's the thing.

This new design is pretty clearly following the trend of making things simpler, more square, and mobile friendly. That by itself is fine. I completely understand the appeal of making the forums and comment sections mobile friendly. HOWEVER:

1. the lack of color contrast, the lightweight font and the wider layout make comments much harder to read, which makes me less likely to read threads.

2. Browsing is now a disaster. I want to be able to browse mods by game. Not most popular, not random, not latest - I want to browse all of the mods of a game, with search terms, to see if anyone has made what I want. If I'm trying to find a knife throwing mod for Dragon Age 2, I can't find it anymore because it's not popular and was posted 6 months ago, so it's not under 'latest'. If I dislike some aspect of gameplay and want to mod it, I want to be able to browse all the mods that affect gameplay to see if there's something that might change it.

3. Like I said, I understand the desire to make forums and threads more mobile friendly. I get that. But who the f*** uses mobile for nexus? It's a file sharing website for pc games. When I get on nexus I'm going to be looking to download and upload files to and from my pc, because that's what it's FOR. "Oh, don't mind me, just going to download a fallout mod onto my f***ing iphone!" It's completely senseless.

oh, and the comment boxes are way too small to write a decent sized comment, and the design doesn't even effect the forums, just the comment threads. So once again it's not great for forums, which I'm pretty sure is what this redesign was trying to improve.

in summary:

Yes, I don't like the popular files format. I want to easily browse by game and by category.
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In response to post #54735783. #54750263, #54754653 are all replies on the same post.

pacfish wrote:

Once again, the mobile minority ruin an entire website for everyone else just by existing. I'm not even going to keep trying to make my point, it'll just fall on deaf ears anyway.


They aren't a minority, not at this stage of the internet.


forum.nexusmods.com still works like it used to.


Though there is a valid point here... m.facebook.com vs facebook.com <- huge amounts of data, free hosting, no limits on viewing content, completely different sites and designs, able to download massive files (yes you can download your profile, all of it multiple times for no reason). unlimited 'private' messaging, voice chat, group chat, bunch of features, news feeds, following, friends, forums (in the form of a wall) and theyve been around for a similar length of time (they might be 5 years older, but this is a community of resource hackers, texture creators, configuration tweakers, ui developers, and coders - someone out there has to have a real solution.


This update is free mandatory dlc by the looks of it.

NeoNord wrote: Sorry, they are a minority, 18% according to Dark One, that is most definitely a minority, get your facts straight pacfish.
pacfish wrote: I was replying to the comment not what Dark had said.
"once again", meaning it's happened to another site.
"They aren't...at this stage of the internet", meaning all of the internet, not the site.

18% on this site is pretty insane, and I used my phone for the first time to look at this thread through the link that was sent to my email. It takes me to the forum page. Which works fine on mobile and it's pretty easy to use. So I'm even more confused as to why mobile is even being considered for the main site's design unless the goal is to leave the forum site behind.

I'm confused. What does the forum and mobile have to do with the redesign?
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In response to post #54755608.

Sonja wrote: OK... I decided that since the new format is probably here to stay, it would make some sense to use it exclusively for a while in order to become accustomed to it. I have to confess, after my initial ambiguity/dislike the redesign is starting to grow on me. I *still* think that some significant tweaking is needed, especially with regard to making it more functional for desktop users (I don't think I need to revisit the specifics, they've already been amply covered)... so I hope the more constructive feedback will be taken under advisement. For me, at least, where the updated site really shines is in the user areas. Everything feels much better organised, and things like File Tracking are far easier to check at a glance.
On that particular note, would it be at all possible to add specific Categories (armour, quests, houses etc.) to the Tracking parameters? I tend to use the Tracking feature as I would Bookmarks, and sometimes I want to browse through, say the armours, I've added to my Tracking list. Maybe that is too complex, I have no idea, but you've already added Author/Name/Upload Date etc. so I figured it couldn't hurt to ask.

I agree. My first impression of the site was not good, but as I've been using it over the last few days I've gotten used to it, and in many ways it's an improvement over the old site. My biggest gripe is the way it looks, but I can't quite explain what it is about it that puts me off. The colors, or maybe the cluttered look of it? I'm not sure, but I'll get used to it.

The one thing I would like to see added back to the site (as myself and others have already said) are the short descriptions that used to come up when you placed the cursor on a mod's image. It doesn't even need to be done that way honestly, there just needs to be a way to read the short description without going to the mod's page.
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In response to post #54755608. #54756968 is also a reply to the same post.

Sonja wrote: OK... I decided that since the new format is probably here to stay, it would make some sense to use it exclusively for a while in order to become accustomed to it. I have to confess, after my initial ambiguity/dislike the redesign is starting to grow on me. I *still* think that some significant tweaking is needed, especially with regard to making it more functional for desktop users (I don't think I need to revisit the specifics, they've already been amply covered)... so I hope the more constructive feedback will be taken under advisement. For me, at least, where the updated site really shines is in the user areas. Everything feels much better organised, and things like File Tracking are far easier to check at a glance.
On that particular note, would it be at all possible to add specific Categories (armour, quests, houses etc.) to the Tracking parameters? I tend to use the Tracking feature as I would Bookmarks, and sometimes I want to browse through, say the armours, I've added to my Tracking list. Maybe that is too complex, I have no idea, but you've already added Author/Name/Upload Date etc. so I figured it couldn't hurt to ask.
Kalell wrote: I agree. My first impression of the site was not good, but as I've been using it over the last few days I've gotten used to it, and in many ways it's an improvement over the old site. My biggest gripe is the way it looks, but I can't quite explain what it is about it that puts me off. The colors, or maybe the cluttered look of it? I'm not sure, but I'll get used to it.

The one thing I would like to see added back to the site (as myself and others have already said) are the short descriptions that used to come up when you placed the cursor on a mod's image. It doesn't even need to be done that way honestly, there just needs to be a way to read the short description without going to the mod's page.

"The one thing I would like to see added back to the site (as myself and others have already said) are the short descriptions that used to come up when you placed the cursor on a mod's image. It doesn't even need to be done that way honestly, there just needs to be a way to read the short description without going to the mod's page."


I totally agree. While it's probably not the intention, the current setup effectively serves as clickbait... and Nexus is better than that ;)
I also concur on the clutter. Besides, my impression is that they're trying to aim for a sleek, streamlined appearance.. and clutter definitely doesn't befit that type of a design. Edited by Sonja
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Looks good! I haven't checked for bugs but there is one thing that is a bit bothersome that I noticed. When I open the main page and the icons for the different game mod file links are displayed, there is an orange tab that says, "View all 471 games." That tab hides the name of the game is rests on. Although it probably doesn't do that for widescreens, but I'm on an old 1280x1040 monitor and I can't read that game. :D

yeah probably isn't important enough to change. I realize that.


On another note: I've been around since TESSource and I wasn't enthralled by the changes to then. However, after it was all done and over with. I came to like Nexus much better than TESSource. So I think people will come to like it better over time.

Edited by Aoikani
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