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New Nexus Mods design launched


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'Top mods' has a really bad amount of items per row. With two per row, your eyes have to *constantly* wander back and forth. Either stick to one per row (which, in my opinion, is by far the best option for top lists that are meant to be read in order) or make it significantly more (like five or so). Two is really horrible for reading, and I don't even need to test it for any longer to know - I've seen it before, and it's never worked well.


Other than that, I can't come up with any complaints after a really short test. Usually the annoyances jump in your face, so pretty good job, I guess?

This has been pointed out fairly consistently and I agree. Best to go with 10 trendy mods, 5 on each row or whatever formula that makes them all the same size. The two hugh most trendy mods at the top is practically all you take note of and, if those happen to mods that the user has no interest in, its a big eye poster in your face and makes the rest of the selections quite secondary.


Also, I like to see the short description added to the drop down menu on the mod pics.

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In response to post #54826643.

NexBeth wrote:

'Top mods' has a really bad amount of items per row. With two per row, your eyes have to *constantly* wander back and forth. Either stick to one per row (which, in my opinion, is by far the best option for top lists that are meant to be read in order) or make it significantly more (like five or so). Two is really horrible for reading, and I don't even need to test it for any longer to know - I've seen it before, and it's never worked well.

Other than that, I can't come up with any complaints after a really short test. Usually the annoyances jump in your face, so pretty good job, I guess?

This has been pointed out fairly consistently and I agree. Best to go with 10 trendy mods, 5 on each row or whatever formula that makes them all the same size. The two hugh most trendy mods at the top is practically all you take note of and, if those happen to mods that the user has no interest in, its a big eye poster in your face and makes the rest of the selections quite secondary.


Also, I like to see the short description added to the drop down menu on the mod pics.

I think he was talking about this page.
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In response to post #54811233. #54814953, #54818718, #54819003 are all replies on the same post.

saintcrazythefollower wrote: Not sure if this has anything to do with the site upgrade, but is the search function currently broken? Some mods I can find just fine, but even typing the exact name of some mods doesn't return any results, either on the new site or the old one.

Also, is there/will there be a way to track replies to comments (like a notification system)? I often find myself forgetting where I left a comment...

Eolhin wrote: I have the same problem! If I didn't already have the link to the Inigo mod, I couldn't find it. I search by the mod name, and all of the foreign translations come up, along with the InigoMCM (separate add-on mod), but the main mod, Inigo, is nowhere to be found, and I have tried many different search parameters. Something is broken.

Edit: I have tried clearing all filters, and then unchecking everything, as that didn't uncheck things, but the search results got MORE constrained, rather then less. I am quite confused. I tried both the basic search bar at the top, and the Refined Results drop-down.

Also, where are the notifications in the new format? You know, that small round orb that gave you the drop-down list of notifications in the old format, right next to the messages envelope? I find those incredibly useful, and can't find them right now. I am sure I must just be missing them.
ScrollTron1c wrote: Well i found more mods that don't show up with the search function, and i don't even have filters enabled. Example "Mature Skin" for Skyrim didn't show the actual mod yesterday, the day before it was "Requiem". Seems like both are showing up now.

Not sure if connected but i had "Translation" mods blocked.
vcgrant wrote: I second this, I tried to search Underground Hideout New Vegas probably the most popular house/home mod on the site (18,000 endorsements) I can't find it on the new site. All searches bring up related mods, i.e addons and patches, but the main mod is nowhere to be found. I also, searched Mobile Truck Base, with the same result.

I am definitely staying with the old site until this is fixed.

My workaround is just using google, typing something like "site:nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition inigo". Kind of silly that this vital feature doesn't work and I haven't heard any official response about it anywhere.
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In response to post #54733298. #54735548, #54736033, #54739363, #54739518, #54740983, #54749788, #54751398 are all replies on the same post.

Rex7Dragon95 wrote: pardon my french but it seems like theres a lot of bitchy people that have came out of the wood works, you guys need to chill out, this isn't even the finished lay out, it's just a test for feed back instead of saying "don't change to the new one", why don't you tell them why you don't like it and what they should fix to make it better.

i'm going to say this i love the new tabs at the top of the page so much more info then before and love the new tracking center much easier to track the mods i fallow but i don't like all this empty space as some people have said it would be cool if you could be able to minimize sections of the page like

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or at-lest be able to hied them
skepticck wrote: I don't see anyone insulting you so why do you feel the need to insult other people just because they may have a different opinion than yours?
Contrary to what you seem to think your opinion is just that, no more or less important than anyone else's.

You like the new design then good for you, i like parts of it too but contrary to you i don't feel that i my opinion is all that matters or that i should calling names to anyone who dares not share it.

Here's a word for you "Egotism", look it up.
Rex7Dragon95 wrote:
In response to post #54733298. #54735548 is also a reply to the same post.

Rex7Dragon95 wrote: pardon my french but it seems like theres a lot of bitchy people that have came out of the wood works, you guys need to chill out, this isn't even the finished lay out, it's just a test for feed back instead of saying "don't change to the new one", why don't you tell them why you don't like it and what they should fix to make it better.

i'm going to say this i love the new tabs at the top of the page so much more info then before and love the new tracking center much easier to track the mods i fallow but i don't like all this empty space as some people have said it would be cool if you could be able to minimize sections of the page like

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or at-lest be able to hied them
skepticck wrote: I don't see anyone insulting you so why do you feel the need to insult other people just because they may have a different opinion than yours?
Contrary to what you seem to think your opinion is just that, no more or less important than anyone else's.

You like the new design then good for you, i like parts of it too but contrary to you i don't feel that i my opinion is all that matters or that i should calling names to anyone who dares not share it.

Here's a word for you "Egotism", look it up.

how am i insulting other people?, i'm not even insulting any one.
if you think bitchy people is a insult then you really don't know what an insult is.
and your missing the point of what i said

"instead of saying "don't change to the new one", why don't you tell them why you don't like it and what they should fix to make it better."

I'm trying to encourage feedback instead of people just saying i don't like it and not tell why they don't like it.

as for Egotism i'm far from that and i find that more of an insult if any thing :/

Ethreon wrote: "how am i insulting other people?"

"seems like theres a lot of bitchy people"

Basically everyone that disagrees with the new website look is "bitchy". I think you need to shut it and sit down.
fredlaus wrote: This is a large change for many of us fans, Rex7Dragon95.

The process has been very "undemocratic".

The design as we see it today is not new, neither as a graphic design or as a web design, and we accuse the creators for being ignorant.

What you see know is what we are critizising.

Why is Jokerine "leaving the premises?

She has been the most colorful designer on this site for many years - delivering top designs all the way.

There are many more questions to ask and I will not ask them here in the open.

RobRoger wrote: this isn't a democracy tho, is just a website, and bitchy is not even an insult, he s just saying some users don't even try to like the new style, feel betrayed and stuff, instead of give proper feedback.
Rex7Dragon95 wrote: @RobRoger
holy crap! thank you for understanding at what I'm trying to say where in the hell did politics even come from. O_o
this is why i keep to my self and don't talk to people much,
people make everything too serious nowadays.
i don't remember people being sticks back then when the site was like this :/
ScrollTron1c wrote:
bitchy is not even an insult, he s just saying some users don't even try to like the new style, feel betrayed and stuff, instead of give proper feedback.

While this analysis is generally correct, the people in question will still feel insulted. Not just because "bitchy" is inherently an insult if said to anyone outside your circle of friends. But because in their perception, their own opinions and habits are the only acceptable point of view which entitles them to rudely bash and stomp everything that differs however slightly.

And this is not limited to this thread, but most likely a result of the echo chambers that people live in - Facebook & co who only give you news that you want to hear and opinions you already share. With this delusion of being part of the "righteous majority", everyone trying to bring change, questioning, or merely approving of something you don't like, is automatically an enemy.
Brexit, Trump, Catalonia, Neonazis in the German parliament and the Austrian government, that's the current trend which i also see reflected here. People want to lock themselves up with what they believe are equal minded others, and turn back time to live in a harmonious past that never existed.

Anyways, here's the actual non-fake news:

It is the year 2017, and the old Nexus design looks like something from the 1990's optimized for 1024x768 monitors. No offense to the folks who designed that back in 2008, but a redesign was long overdue.
A few users actually took the time to analyze what exactly bothers them about the new design, like which parts of the layout are distracting, which features are missing or don't work as intended, and also presented possible solutions. That is called constructive feedback.
While many others just plain dismissed everything including fecal language, now THAT is insulting. And the threats to leave the site or even delete their mods - in case the old design will go away - is not helpful either. Which also brings us back to the OP's impression.

dude, we are just talking about a stupid website skin, don't bring political crap in this, come on. And about the bitchy, i suppose different people communicate in different manners. Also, really someone would leave the site just for a reskin? wow...
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In response to post #54804598. #54806313 is also a reply to the same post.

evlydia wrote: One thing I miss from the old layout is how the background image for the page would change based on the game you're searching under. For example, Oblivion showed an imperial guard to the left and a mythic dawn guy to the right. Skyrim was a Skyrim landscape with the dovahkiin, Fallout 3 was a guy in power armor. The new layout changes the color of a few buttons but that is all. It's a change that all. These changes are something that I can adapt to but I will miss the old website. It had a certain level of character and charm.
Dark0ne wrote: We do plan to implement this at some point. This task is made a lot more difficult, however, with our new responsive design as those same backgrounds don't work on smaller resolutions (and I don't just mean mobile). We'll take a look at that in the not too distant future.

A change of colors would be good enough I think. I personally remove those backgrounds because I find them distracting, but I like how colors convey what game I am in.
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In response to post #54764888. #54769383, #54773388, #54773893, #54792558 are all replies on the same post.

aogara wrote: The new design is really nice.
But, i find that the file tab is a bit less efficient that the previous one. I think that it uses too much vertical space and not enough vertical space.
Here are 2 of the alternatives i've worked on that may be more efficient and ease for the eye/brain.
a) File display alternative A
b) File display alternative B
axonis wrote: I really like your (B) alternative. Makes the description easier to focus on.
pintocat wrote: B doesn't work for all, because some authors think the download description is where giant banner images should be, like this https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73937
axonis wrote: @pintocat, why would that not work for them ? Their BBcode-based descriptions would still be properly displayed, only with a table of stats next to them. The new design does not affect the size of those images
aogara wrote: Discussion still open ... it may hurt the artistic sensibility of some modders, but it doesn't look so bad to me.
File display Alternative A-2
File display Alternative B-2

Exactly, File display Alternative B-2 shows that BBcode-based descriptions can perfectly fit with a tight display of stats to the right of the description.
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The new design is ace! I love the new layout of the main page and the mods page, makes it easier to find new and interesting mods as the new mods are now located underneath the top mods rather than to the side out of view, same goes for top files of the week/month. All i would say is have it so the files tab starts as collapsed as automatically expanded takes up to much space in my opinion. Or change the layout of the files by having the icons that appear across the bottom horizontally have them so they go vertically just to the side.


Overall Good job and loving the new design

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In response to post #54811233. #54814953, #54818718, #54819003, #54826838 are all replies on the same post.

saintcrazythefollower wrote: Not sure if this has anything to do with the site upgrade, but is the search function currently broken? Some mods I can find just fine, but even typing the exact name of some mods doesn't return any results, either on the new site or the old one.

Also, is there/will there be a way to track replies to comments (like a notification system)? I often find myself forgetting where I left a comment...

Eolhin wrote: I have the same problem! If I didn't already have the link to the Inigo mod, I couldn't find it. I search by the mod name, and all of the foreign translations come up, along with the InigoMCM (separate add-on mod), but the main mod, Inigo, is nowhere to be found, and I have tried many different search parameters. Something is broken.

Edit: I have tried clearing all filters, and then unchecking everything, as that didn't uncheck things, but the search results got MORE constrained, rather then less. I am quite confused. I tried both the basic search bar at the top, and the Refined Results drop-down.

Also, where are the notifications in the new format? You know, that small round orb that gave you the drop-down list of notifications in the old format, right next to the messages envelope? I find those incredibly useful, and can't find them right now. I am sure I must just be missing them.
ScrollTron1c wrote: Well i found more mods that don't show up with the search function, and i don't even have filters enabled. Example "Mature Skin" for Skyrim didn't show the actual mod yesterday, the day before it was "Requiem". Seems like both are showing up now.

Not sure if connected but i had "Translation" mods blocked.
vcgrant wrote: I second this, I tried to search Underground Hideout New Vegas probably the most popular house/home mod on the site (18,000 endorsements) I can't find it on the new site. All searches bring up related mods, i.e addons and patches, but the main mod is nowhere to be found. I also, searched Mobile Truck Base, with the same result.

I am definitely staying with the old site until this is fixed.
saintcrazythefollower wrote: My workaround is just using google, typing something like "site:nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition inigo". Kind of silly that this vital feature doesn't work and I haven't heard any official response about it anywhere.

They are still looking into it. There is a ticket open for it on the GitHub. Go look there (the link to GitHub was in the original post) to see what is going on. But yeah, the search feature is fairly important.
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In response to post #54804598. #54806313, #54828718 are all replies on the same post.

evlydia wrote: One thing I miss from the old layout is how the background image for the page would change based on the game you're searching under. For example, Oblivion showed an imperial guard to the left and a mythic dawn guy to the right. Skyrim was a Skyrim landscape with the dovahkiin, Fallout 3 was a guy in power armor. The new layout changes the color of a few buttons but that is all. It's a change that all. These changes are something that I can adapt to but I will miss the old website. It had a certain level of character and charm.
Dark0ne wrote: We do plan to implement this at some point. This task is made a lot more difficult, however, with our new responsive design as those same backgrounds don't work on smaller resolutions (and I don't just mean mobile). We'll take a look at that in the not too distant future.
axonis wrote: A change of colors would be good enough I think. I personally remove those backgrounds because I find them distracting, but I like how colors convey what game I am in.

I liked the different colors for different games as well. :)
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