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I have checked all of this.


I moved everything to a new location on a new drive but it made no difference still acts the same way. even tried running it as admin and it also made no difference.


I have also redownloaded skse 3 times to make sure the download was not bad, and i have installed it correctly i have used the old one many times on the original skyrim. Even the first alpha for skse64 worked as expected it has only been an issue since 2.0.4.


I dont think its a mod breaking it either, if i start skyrim from steam it loads up and plays as expected with all mods working, except skse and any mods that require it. But to be on the safe side i even did a clean install and had no mods on and just installed skse but still the same issue.

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You know what, with that much troubleshooting (just use a copy of the link to this thread), I would send off a copy to the guys at SKSE and let them take a look. They might want to look at your papyrus logs, but yeah. That's odd enough to potentially catch their attention and get an answer of at least, hey, yeah, we'll definitely take a look at this. I mean, it's very clearly something in the way that SKSE is interfacing with the game, so... :unsure:

Sorry, man. I wish I could be more help, but that's beyond me.

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