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Election Year Debate


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Canada is more liberal then the US. Doesn't make much sense to move to a more liberal country to avoid a liberal president.


What exactly did Obama do that makes him the worst president?



I'll start from the beginning:


Obama has set the unemployment rate is the USA the lowest number it has ever been in history, more people are dyeing from hunger and living on the streets thanks to him. He's removing money form the USDOD and military to fund pointless things like banks and companies who don't even have an effect on America. The military is going broke thanks to him. And how many companies has he helped file bankruptcy? A lot. He continues to raise taxes and spend our tax money on HIS pleasures. Parties, dinners, stuff that HE benefits from and no one else. He raised our debt limit when we should be LOWERING it. He's sold us to China, so we're probably having laws passed that were from the Chinese. He keeps spending money we can't pay off in the first place, continuing our debt crisis.


Obama dumps gasoline on the fire that America is already suffering from. McCain would've been so much better as a president, better yet, let's put BUSH in the oval office again, at least he TRIED to fix the country.


And let's look at his wife too. Michelle Obama, our first lady, someone who shouldn't have much of an effect on our lives, but better yet, she's been bigger than a- OK, with my mind set straight, I'll just continue to the reasons why she is terrible too.


Our first lady is RACIST. Please, look up things like that on google and you'll find 100's of pages why. She doesn't understand why Americans fuss over a "damn flag." Our flag has stood up during the worst of wars, and it's a symbol of our freedom, but she doesn't care. She tried to take the USA flag off of the White House once, and yes, that WOULD be horrible. That flag should ALWAYS be hanging there. She believes America itself to be obese and fat, when only HALF the population is fat. I only weigh 175 lbs or so, but that's mainly because I need to be in shape at all times. Who cares how fat we are? If America wishes to be one the fattest countries on Earth, let it be that way, quit bugging us about it.

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He keeps spending money we can't pay off in the first place, continuing our debt crisis.

To stimulate economic growth, isn't increasing spending the 'correct' fiscal policy to take when entering a recession. If this was prior to 2008... then sure. But there is no denying the economic speed bump in recent years. But I'll concede that the US can't pay off it's current debt in the first place. What is the debt owed per person when they are born in the US now....still just shy of 50k



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Canada is more liberal then the US. Doesn't make much sense to move to a more liberal country to avoid a liberal president.


What exactly did Obama do that makes him the worst president?



I'll start from the beginning:


Obama has set the unemployment rate is the USA the lowest number it has ever been in history, more people are dyeing from hunger and living on the streets thanks to him. He's removing money form the USDOD and military to fund pointless things like banks and companies who don't even have an effect on America. The military is going broke thanks to him. And how many companies has he helped file bankruptcy? A lot. He continues to raise taxes and spend our tax money on HIS pleasures. Parties, dinners, stuff that HE benefits from and no one else. He raised our debt limit when we should be LOWERING it. He's sold us to China, so we're probably having laws passed that were from the Chinese. He keeps spending money we can't pay off in the first place, continuing our debt crisis.


Obama dumps gasoline on the fire that America is already suffering from. McCain would've been so much better as a president, better yet, let's put BUSH in the oval office again, at least he TRIED to fix the country.


And let's look at his wife too. Michelle Obama, our first lady, someone who shouldn't have much of an effect on our lives, but better yet, she's been bigger than a- OK, with my mind set straight, I'll just continue to the reasons why she is terrible too.


Our first lady is RACIST. Please, look up things like that on google and you'll find 100's of pages why. She doesn't understand why Americans fuss over a "damn flag." Our flag has stood up during the worst of wars, and it's a symbol of our freedom, but she doesn't care. She tried to take the USA flag off of the White House once, and yes, that WOULD be horrible. That flag should ALWAYS be hanging there. She believes America itself to be obese and fat, when only HALF the population is fat. I only weigh 175 lbs or so, but that's mainly because I need to be in shape at all times. Who cares how fat we are? If America wishes to be one the fattest countries on Earth, let it be that way, quit bugging us about it.

Okay ill number this from start to finish.


1. Great depression. That is all.


2. Yes he funds banks and companies. So does every other modern president, and so would anyone you would elect.


3. How is the military going broke when the US has a bigger military spending then every other country combined?


4. He doesn't spend tax money on personal things. He spent tax money on a few diplomatic trips, which Fox News called vacations.


5. Obama didn't start the debt problem and certainly didn't start the China thing.


6. Tax rates are extremely low. Some of the lowest in US history.


7. You are supposed to spend money in bad economic times.


8. Not sure what you mean by the gasoline thing.


9. Americans are not a race. It is a nationality. That would be considered unpatriotic, not racist. It is fact that child obesity is a problem in the country. Don't see why you think its a problem to try to fix that. Also what is this about the flag? When did she say that?

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In my opinion, the Republican party is too fragmented for it to consolidate all of its supporters and win. I think it's going to be an easy victory for Democrats again. Though, one thing: why do so many people hate Obama? Sure, he's not great, but he's not atrocious at least.

It may appear as such now, but that's only because we're still conducting primaries and the Democrats didn't have to this term. Once we get the primaries settled, and it looks like that's more or less happening, things will begin to consolidate just fine.


If Obama wins, I'm packing my bags, learning French and moving to Canada!


Obama ruined this country more than any president ever has. Another 4 years of him and there won't be a USA anymore. It'd be the USSR, or something close to it.


This election has the Republicans going crazy like mentally ill, and democrats are no worse, in fact, both parties are ruining America. I vote for Ron Paul, third party, all this country cares about is money, and Ron Paul doesn't care for money, making him an excellent choice. But he won't win, so I guess I don't vote. Romney might be able to repair America, but if I see one HINT of chaos, I'm moving out.

Canada? Really? I hate to say it, but there's nowhere for conservatives to go that would be a better fit. Stay here. Fight back. The only way we lose this country is if we give it up without one. Above all, VOTE DAMMIT! Too many conservatives sat home whining about McCain in 2008. Look at the result. Do you want that to happen again?


Our first lady is RACIST. Please, look up things like that on google and you'll find 100's of pages why.

Uh, ok. I despise the woman for any number of reasons, but to my knowledge she's never done anything to indicate she's racist. Unlike her husband.

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Yes look at the result. Obama continued a majority of Bush's policies, exactly like McCain would have. :rolleyes:


I have excellent health care as my husband worked his way up the ranks in his company since he started there in 1990, and they offer him, and he pays for an excellent healthcare package. It used to be better, but the costs have gone up so that the company had to switch away from the plan we favored.


My husband pays for our healthcare out of his paycheck every week, and it's expensive. Every time someone goes to the emergency room and they are uncovered, and can't pay their own costs, it costs me money. If you are careless about your health, and get fat and your health suffers, it costs me money. The people who are paying for healthcare are currently subsidizing those who aren't. That's a fact. Costs are skyrocketing and the only way to get them under control is for us all to have skin in the game. Don't tell me a healthy young man shouldn't have to pay his share. Is he having sex? Then he is incurring health care costs for his partner(s) and if they are women, those are likely to be expensive.





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Canada is more liberal then the US. Doesn't make much sense to move to a more liberal country to avoid a liberal president.


What exactly did Obama do that makes him the worst president?



I'll start from the beginning:


Obama has set the unemployment rate is the USA the lowest number it has ever been in history, more people are dyeing from hunger and living on the streets thanks to him. He's removing money form the USDOD and military to fund pointless things like banks and companies who don't even have an effect on America. The military is going broke thanks to him. And how many companies has he helped file bankruptcy? A lot. He continues to raise taxes and spend our tax money on HIS pleasures. Parties, dinners, stuff that HE benefits from and no one else. He raised our debt limit when we should be LOWERING it. He's sold us to China, so we're probably having laws passed that were from the Chinese. He keeps spending money we can't pay off in the first place, continuing our debt crisis.


Obama dumps gasoline on the fire that America is already suffering from. McCain would've been so much better as a president, better yet, let's put BUSH in the oval office again, at least he TRIED to fix the country.


And let's look at his wife too. Michelle Obama, our first lady, someone who shouldn't have much of an effect on our lives, but better yet, she's been bigger than a- OK, with my mind set straight, I'll just continue to the reasons why she is terrible too.


Our first lady is RACIST. Please, look up things like that on google and you'll find 100's of pages why. She doesn't understand why Americans fuss over a "damn flag." Our flag has stood up during the worst of wars, and it's a symbol of our freedom, but she doesn't care. She tried to take the USA flag off of the White House once, and yes, that WOULD be horrible. That flag should ALWAYS be hanging there. She believes America itself to be obese and fat, when only HALF the population is fat. I only weigh 175 lbs or so, but that's mainly because I need to be in shape at all times. Who cares how fat we are? If America wishes to be one the fattest countries on Earth, let it be that way, quit bugging us about it.


What the? Really??? Bush and his cronies are the primary reason Obama inherited the mess that was the crash of 2008. Unfunded wars, deregulation of wall street/banks, outsourcing, free trade, tax breaks for moving jobs to developing nations, etc. Bush and the republicans went a long way toward economically destroying this country. The middle class all but disappeared, the 'wealth divide' became ever greater, and has reached record proportions. How you can see him as anything BUT the man that did the most to destroy us economically is beyond me. McCain would have been Bush III.


Granted, I don't agree with a lot of things Obama has done....... like, continuation of a majority of Bush's policies, getting us involved in a couple more unfunded wars...... "health care reform", which has nothing at all to do with health care.... We are on a path of destruction, and BOTH parties are trotting down the garden path. What's it gonna take for the country to wake up and smell the coffee? And this election year isn't going to be any different. Seriously, Mitt Romney for president? A man that made his money as a corporate raider?? Who has never wanted for anything in his life? Was born with a platinum spoon in his mouth? (gold is just so passe'......) He doesn't have a clue what life is like for middle class america.... or, at least, what's left of it...... Not that I think Obama is a 'better' choice...... It's really unfortunate that "none of the above" isn't a viable option on the ballot.

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Canada is more liberal then the US. Doesn't make much sense to move to a more liberal country to avoid a liberal president.


What exactly did Obama do that makes him the worst president?



I'll start from the beginning:


Obama has set the unemployment rate is the USA the lowest number it has ever been in history, more people are dyeing from hunger and living on the streets thanks to him. He's removing money form the USDOD and military to fund pointless things like banks and companies who don't even have an effect on America. The military is going broke thanks to him. And how many companies has he helped file bankruptcy? A lot. He continues to raise taxes and spend our tax money on HIS pleasures. Parties, dinners, stuff that HE benefits from and no one else. He raised our debt limit when we should be LOWERING it. He's sold us to China, so we're probably having laws passed that were from the Chinese. He keeps spending money we can't pay off in the first place, continuing our debt crisis.


Obama dumps gasoline on the fire that America is already suffering from. McCain would've been so much better as a president, better yet, let's put BUSH in the oval office again, at least he TRIED to fix the country.


And let's look at his wife too. Michelle Obama, our first lady, someone who shouldn't have much of an effect on our lives, but better yet, she's been bigger than a- OK, with my mind set straight, I'll just continue to the reasons why she is terrible too.


Our first lady is RACIST. Please, look up things like that on google and you'll find 100's of pages why. She doesn't understand why Americans fuss over a "damn flag." Our flag has stood up during the worst of wars, and it's a symbol of our freedom, but she doesn't care. She tried to take the USA flag off of the White House once, and yes, that WOULD be horrible. That flag should ALWAYS be hanging there. She believes America itself to be obese and fat, when only HALF the population is fat. I only weigh 175 lbs or so, but that's mainly because I need to be in shape at all times. Who cares how fat we are? If America wishes to be one the fattest countries on Earth, let it be that way, quit bugging us about it.


What the? Really??? Bush and his cronies are the primary reason Obama inherited the mess that was the crash of 2008. Unfunded wars, deregulation of wall street/banks, outsourcing, free trade, tax breaks for moving jobs to developing nations, etc. Bush and the republicans went a long way toward economically destroying this country. The middle class all but disappeared, the 'wealth divide' became ever greater, and has reached record proportions. How you can see him as anything BUT the man that did the most to destroy us economically is beyond me. McCain would have been Bush III.


Granted, I don't agree with a lot of things Obama has done....... like, continuation of a majority of Bush's policies, getting us involved in a couple more unfunded wars...... "health care reform", which has nothing at all to do with health care.... We are on a path of destruction, and BOTH parties are trotting down the garden path. What's it gonna take for the country to wake up and smell the coffee? And this election year isn't going to be any different. Seriously, Mitt Romney for president? A man that made his money as a corporate raider?? Who has never wanted for anything in his life? Was born with a platinum spoon in his mouth? (gold is just so passe'......) He doesn't have a clue what life is like for middle class america.... or, at least, what's left of it...... Not that I think Obama is a 'better' choice...... It's really unfortunate that "none of the above" isn't a viable option on the ballot.


Great idea actually, adding the "None of the Above" option would settle this. A lot of people would choose that 2012, I just know that. We'd need more people to run, maybe people with BRAINS?

Edited by SubjectProphet
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Great idea actually, adding the "None of the Above" option would settle this. A lot of people would choose that 2012, I just know that. We'd need more people to run, maybe people with BRIANS?



Yes people with brians, that would be just the ticket.

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