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An update on Vortex development


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In response to post #55070213. #55070518, #55075553, #55086123, #55089728, #55092388 are all replies on the same post.

bchick1 wrote: IT'S FREE !!! I like free stuff !! I like free stuff even if it doesn't work ! why? because it's FREE ! FREE !!! FREE !!! Free is good! I will try FREE broken stuff ! Someone once gave me ... FREE ... a broken automobile. It didn't run but I could sit in it !! but it was FREE !! Whaddawewant? ?? FREE !!!

* quit complaining if you don't have to pay for it.
Ethreon wrote: Getting kicked in the face is free too, but I reckon you wouldn't want it to happen to you.
lued123 wrote: Okay, but FREE and OPTIONAL!
BadKappa wrote: Yea, but unless you have the option to accept that kick in the face, then you're making a common argumentative fallacy that has been degrading debate, specifically political, for a while now.

ezfreee wrote: i'd gladly pay a LARGE amount to have a working version of MO for SSE. It's Tannin's fault for making MO in the first place. Maybe once he's done with Vortex we can pool some cash to have him finish MO2. :o
Mortercotic wrote: If vortex its done why should we need mo2?

Some people seem stuck with their ideas. To them MO is the one and only manager.
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In response to post #55066558. #55067438, #55083913, #55084763, #55092883 are all replies on the same post.

1000101 wrote: wtf is "Vortex?" I'm guessing from the comments it's some sort of mod manager? And if so, unless it can do everything and give me all the power that Wyre Bash can, then I personally have no use for it.
Perhaps a small aside at the beginning of articles to let people know what you are talking about - ie, "Vortex" means nothing to me however, "Vortex, the mod manager we've been working on" helps a lot.

That being said, keep up the good work?
Ethreon wrote: Wouldn't hurt reading a bit

TheInquizitor wrote: It just occurred to me that half of all Nexus users must be dyslexic. Calling it "Wyre Bash" instead of "Wrye Bash" is extremely common..
lued123 wrote: Yeah it's actually spelled Wrye and pronounced the same way as rye bread.
Ever heard of the Mandela effect?
FRANKY4F1NG3RS wrote: I use wrye bash exclusively for SSE, but I'm willing to bet this mod manager will have much higher capabilities. I don't know much about MO, but for Skyrim It seems to be the most favored manager. Now the creator of MO & MO2 has been hired by Nexus to make a new mod manager. How do you not know any of this? Its been going on for about a year now... although for some reason I doubt it'll have bash/merged patch capabilities but Mator Smash is the new tool that supposedly does both the best.

At the end of the day a mod manager should do the job it's primarily meant for - manage mods. And it has to do that job damn well for the majority of games on this site.
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In response to post #55099278.

unseenkilla wrote: Cant you just make a MO to support all skyrim and fallout games in one and screw the rest of the games u support its most of the games that people mod anyways.

Instead they'll say "screw people like you" and do what they want.
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In response to post #55066558. #55067438, #55083913, #55084763, #55092883, #55093178 are all replies on the same post.

1000101 wrote: wtf is "Vortex?" I'm guessing from the comments it's some sort of mod manager? And if so, unless it can do everything and give me all the power that Wyre Bash can, then I personally have no use for it.
Perhaps a small aside at the beginning of articles to let people know what you are talking about - ie, "Vortex" means nothing to me however, "Vortex, the mod manager we've been working on" helps a lot.

That being said, keep up the good work?
Ethreon wrote: Wouldn't hurt reading a bit

TheInquizitor wrote: It just occurred to me that half of all Nexus users must be dyslexic. Calling it "Wyre Bash" instead of "Wrye Bash" is extremely common..
lued123 wrote: Yeah it's actually spelled Wrye and pronounced the same way as rye bread.
Ever heard of the Mandela effect?
FRANKY4F1NG3RS wrote: I use wrye bash exclusively for SSE, but I'm willing to bet this mod manager will have much higher capabilities. I don't know much about MO, but for Skyrim It seems to be the most favored manager. Now the creator of MO & MO2 has been hired by Nexus to make a new mod manager. How do you not know any of this? Its been going on for about a year now... although for some reason I doubt it'll have bash/merged patch capabilities but Mator Smash is the new tool that supposedly does both the best.
Ethreon wrote: At the end of the day a mod manager should do the job it's primarily meant for - manage mods. And it has to do that job damn well for the majority of games on this site.

Crap I wrote Wrye earlier in this post, you made me check my spelling cos English isn't my First Language, it appears I am not dyslexic. :) But I can't spell in English for peanuts.
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In response to post #55070213. #55070518, #55075553, #55086123, #55089728, #55092388, #55093143 are all replies on the same post.

bchick1 wrote: IT'S FREE !!! I like free stuff !! I like free stuff even if it doesn't work ! why? because it's FREE ! FREE !!! FREE !!! Free is good! I will try FREE broken stuff ! Someone once gave me ... FREE ... a broken automobile. It didn't run but I could sit in it !! but it was FREE !! Whaddawewant? ?? FREE !!!

* quit complaining if you don't have to pay for it.
Ethreon wrote: Getting kicked in the face is free too, but I reckon you wouldn't want it to happen to you.
lued123 wrote: Okay, but FREE and OPTIONAL!
BadKappa wrote: Yea, but unless you have the option to accept that kick in the face, then you're making a common argumentative fallacy that has been degrading debate, specifically political, for a while now.

ezfreee wrote: i'd gladly pay a LARGE amount to have a working version of MO for SSE. It's Tannin's fault for making MO in the first place. Maybe once he's done with Vortex we can pool some cash to have him finish MO2. :o
Mortercotic wrote: If vortex its done why should we need mo2?
Ethreon wrote: Some people seem stuck with their ideas. To them MO is the one and only manager.

Vortex for all intents and purposes, is MO2. No reason to continue work on MO2 exists.
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To the people shitting on this, I have a question for you. Have you tried it? Oh, you can't because it's not released yet! Which means you know nothing and have no idea what it's actually going to be like...


Honestly, the amount of armchair developers and know-it-alls in these comments is enough to make me moonwalk off a cliff.

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