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An update on Vortex development


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In response to post #55066558. #55067438, #55083913 are all replies on the same post.

1000101 wrote: wtf is "Vortex?" I'm guessing from the comments it's some sort of mod manager? And if so, unless it can do everything and give me all the power that Wyre Bash can, then I personally have no use for it.
Perhaps a small aside at the beginning of articles to let people know what you are talking about - ie, "Vortex" means nothing to me however, "Vortex, the mod manager we've been working on" helps a lot.

That being said, keep up the good work?
Ethreon wrote: Wouldn't hurt reading a bit

TheInquizitor wrote: It just occurred to me that half of all Nexus users must be dyslexic. Calling it "Wyre Bash" instead of "Wrye Bash" is extremely common..

Yeah it's actually spelled Wrye and pronounced the same way as rye bread.
Ever heard of the Mandela effect? Edited by lued123
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In response to post #55070213. #55070518, #55075553 are all replies on the same post.

bchick1 wrote: IT'S FREE !!! I like free stuff !! I like free stuff even if it doesn't work ! why? because it's FREE ! FREE !!! FREE !!! Free is good! I will try FREE broken stuff ! Someone once gave me ... FREE ... a broken automobile. It didn't run but I could sit in it !! but it was FREE !! Whaddawewant? ?? FREE !!!

* quit complaining if you don't have to pay for it.
Ethreon wrote: Getting kicked in the face is free too, but I reckon you wouldn't want it to happen to you.
lued123 wrote: Okay, but FREE and OPTIONAL!

Yea, but unless you have the option to accept that kick in the face, then you're making a common argumentative fallacy that has been degrading debate, specifically political, for a while now.

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In response to post #55023428. #55028243, #55028883, #55030358, #55063573, #55066428, #55067553, #55072113 are all replies on the same post.

RJ the Shadow wrote: I'm annoyed and impatient. But I've been waiting for what, a year now? Longer? Do I even know at this point?

Just make sure it works well and it's fabulous, because I've been holding off on regular modding for a very long time now in anticipation (would've appreciated a warning that it'd take this long beforehand tbh, but hindsight is what it is I suppose) and while the opportunity has been invaluable in me exploring a vast amount of other games (even recently finished MGS: Twin Snakes), I'd like to be able to soon-ish test out whether modded Beth games are the kind of content that'll fit on my Twitch streams.

I'm a mod junky and I've been surviving on minor dosages for a long while now. But if it works well and it manages to do (and perhaps more than) what Mod Organizer did, the wait will all be worth it for me. I know this whole writing is a little self-centered but seriously dudes...

...I want my fix
Loveblanket wrote: Entitled much?
Timmhaze wrote: Don't know if you've ever done any amount of formal work on a project of this scale but it takes a serious amount of time, troubleshooting and fixing. This isn't some overnight job the Nexus team is working on, its merging bleedin' NMM and MO (as far as I can tell).
Be patient, lose the entitled attitude and release day will fly up, whenever it may be. Remember, all of this is being given to us for free.
Augusta Calidia wrote: "I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed! A heavy weight of hours has chained and bowed." (Excerpt from "Ode to the West Wind" by Percy Bysshe Shelley).
RJ the Shadow wrote: Entitled, annoyed, impatient. I mean, I think I had two in there already but if you really wanna discuss semantics, I'll just clock out here and consider it a failed attempt at humor, or just the wrong audience.

No, I don't have a clue how long projects like these take but an estimated distinction between "oh, a few months" to what, a year? Would've been welcome, even if it'd turn out to be incorrect. It's preferable to complete silence and uncertainty. It has had a consequence on the choices I've made and I've expressed that.

Unilythe wrote: As a software developer, people like you really annoy me. You don't understand what software developers do and how much time and work goes into it, so when you make assumptions based on your ignorance then really, that's all on you. If you make choices based on those false assumptions that it wouldn't take long, then that's your own problem.

Especially when it's free and you're not entitled to a damn thing.
RJ the Shadow wrote: Yeah, would've loved to have had actual solid information to base my decisions on but eh, guess those weren't available.

I'm expressing my thoughts and criticizing, dunking it in a sauce of self-deprecation humor and a little bit of context. Free or not, critique is generally meant to help. You can be supportive of something and not resort to limiting yourself to nothing but showering people with praise and white knighting them. I express my thoughts and criticism and people can take it or leave it.

If my opinion makes you angry, then you have better things to do than to read my words. I guess that's why you're a software developer and not in PR.

p.s. Had to find out in a different thread that there was a blog post in March regarding Vortex. I'm not the only one who had missed that, but thanks for piling on anyway.
sirjesto wrote: Guess you missed the link to the news post from May in the first sentence of this article too.

Eh... I fail to see where your initial critique was meant to help anything in any way. I mean, if anything, you and the others are damaging motivation. Don't get me wrong, you're not (not significant enough to do so), but still... /i/ if anything/i.
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In response to post #55023428. #55028243, #55028883, #55030358, #55063573, #55066428, #55067553, #55072113, #55086183 are all replies on the same post.

RJ the Shadow wrote: I'm annoyed and impatient. But I've been waiting for what, a year now? Longer? Do I even know at this point?

Just make sure it works well and it's fabulous, because I've been holding off on regular modding for a very long time now in anticipation (would've appreciated a warning that it'd take this long beforehand tbh, but hindsight is what it is I suppose) and while the opportunity has been invaluable in me exploring a vast amount of other games (even recently finished MGS: Twin Snakes), I'd like to be able to soon-ish test out whether modded Beth games are the kind of content that'll fit on my Twitch streams.

I'm a mod junky and I've been surviving on minor dosages for a long while now. But if it works well and it manages to do (and perhaps more than) what Mod Organizer did, the wait will all be worth it for me. I know this whole writing is a little self-centered but seriously dudes...

...I want my fix
Loveblanket wrote: Entitled much?
Timmhaze wrote: Don't know if you've ever done any amount of formal work on a project of this scale but it takes a serious amount of time, troubleshooting and fixing. This isn't some overnight job the Nexus team is working on, its merging bleedin' NMM and MO (as far as I can tell).
Be patient, lose the entitled attitude and release day will fly up, whenever it may be. Remember, all of this is being given to us for free.
Augusta Calidia wrote: "I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed! A heavy weight of hours has chained and bowed." (Excerpt from "Ode to the West Wind" by Percy Bysshe Shelley).
RJ the Shadow wrote: Entitled, annoyed, impatient. I mean, I think I had two in there already but if you really wanna discuss semantics, I'll just clock out here and consider it a failed attempt at humor, or just the wrong audience.

No, I don't have a clue how long projects like these take but an estimated distinction between "oh, a few months" to what, a year? Would've been welcome, even if it'd turn out to be incorrect. It's preferable to complete silence and uncertainty. It has had a consequence on the choices I've made and I've expressed that.

Unilythe wrote: As a software developer, people like you really annoy me. You don't understand what software developers do and how much time and work goes into it, so when you make assumptions based on your ignorance then really, that's all on you. If you make choices based on those false assumptions that it wouldn't take long, then that's your own problem.

Especially when it's free and you're not entitled to a damn thing.
RJ the Shadow wrote: Yeah, would've loved to have had actual solid information to base my decisions on but eh, guess those weren't available.

I'm expressing my thoughts and criticizing, dunking it in a sauce of self-deprecation humor and a little bit of context. Free or not, critique is generally meant to help. You can be supportive of something and not resort to limiting yourself to nothing but showering people with praise and white knighting them. I express my thoughts and criticism and people can take it or leave it.

If my opinion makes you angry, then you have better things to do than to read my words. I guess that's why you're a software developer and not in PR.

p.s. Had to find out in a different thread that there was a blog post in March regarding Vortex. I'm not the only one who had missed that, but thanks for piling on anyway.
sirjesto wrote: Guess you missed the link to the news post from May in the first sentence of this article too.
BadKappa wrote: Eh... I fail to see where your initial critique was meant to help anything in any way. I mean, if anything, you and the others are damaging motivation. Don't get me wrong, you're not (not significant enough to do so), but still... /i/ if anything/i.

i agere with the guy at the botom
1mod ant going to be out for awale so get use to it
2the mod is going to be out soon
3my spelling is not good
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In response to post #55023428. #55028243, #55028883, #55030358, #55063573, #55066428, #55067553, #55072113, #55086183, #55089613 are all replies on the same post.

RJ the Shadow wrote: I'm annoyed and impatient. But I've been waiting for what, a year now? Longer? Do I even know at this point?

Just make sure it works well and it's fabulous, because I've been holding off on regular modding for a very long time now in anticipation (would've appreciated a warning that it'd take this long beforehand tbh, but hindsight is what it is I suppose) and while the opportunity has been invaluable in me exploring a vast amount of other games (even recently finished MGS: Twin Snakes), I'd like to be able to soon-ish test out whether modded Beth games are the kind of content that'll fit on my Twitch streams.

I'm a mod junky and I've been surviving on minor dosages for a long while now. But if it works well and it manages to do (and perhaps more than) what Mod Organizer did, the wait will all be worth it for me. I know this whole writing is a little self-centered but seriously dudes...

...I want my fix
Loveblanket wrote: Entitled much?
Timmhaze wrote: Don't know if you've ever done any amount of formal work on a project of this scale but it takes a serious amount of time, troubleshooting and fixing. This isn't some overnight job the Nexus team is working on, its merging bleedin' NMM and MO (as far as I can tell).
Be patient, lose the entitled attitude and release day will fly up, whenever it may be. Remember, all of this is being given to us for free.
Augusta Calidia wrote: "I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed! A heavy weight of hours has chained and bowed." (Excerpt from "Ode to the West Wind" by Percy Bysshe Shelley).
RJ the Shadow wrote: Entitled, annoyed, impatient. I mean, I think I had two in there already but if you really wanna discuss semantics, I'll just clock out here and consider it a failed attempt at humor, or just the wrong audience.

No, I don't have a clue how long projects like these take but an estimated distinction between "oh, a few months" to what, a year? Would've been welcome, even if it'd turn out to be incorrect. It's preferable to complete silence and uncertainty. It has had a consequence on the choices I've made and I've expressed that.

Unilythe wrote: As a software developer, people like you really annoy me. You don't understand what software developers do and how much time and work goes into it, so when you make assumptions based on your ignorance then really, that's all on you. If you make choices based on those false assumptions that it wouldn't take long, then that's your own problem.

Especially when it's free and you're not entitled to a damn thing.
RJ the Shadow wrote: Yeah, would've loved to have had actual solid information to base my decisions on but eh, guess those weren't available.

I'm expressing my thoughts and criticizing, dunking it in a sauce of self-deprecation humor and a little bit of context. Free or not, critique is generally meant to help. You can be supportive of something and not resort to limiting yourself to nothing but showering people with praise and white knighting them. I express my thoughts and criticism and people can take it or leave it.

If my opinion makes you angry, then you have better things to do than to read my words. I guess that's why you're a software developer and not in PR.

p.s. Had to find out in a different thread that there was a blog post in March regarding Vortex. I'm not the only one who had missed that, but thanks for piling on anyway.
sirjesto wrote: Guess you missed the link to the news post from May in the first sentence of this article too.
BadKappa wrote: Eh... I fail to see where your initial critique was meant to help anything in any way. I mean, if anything, you and the others are damaging motivation. Don't get me wrong, you're not (not significant enough to do so), but still... /i/ if anything/i.
zachatta2004 wrote: i agere with the guy at the botom
1mod ant going to be out for awale so get use to it
2the mod is going to be out soon
3my spelling is not good

unilythe thats the botom guy
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In response to post #55070213. #55070518, #55075553, #55086123 are all replies on the same post.

bchick1 wrote: IT'S FREE !!! I like free stuff !! I like free stuff even if it doesn't work ! why? because it's FREE ! FREE !!! FREE !!! Free is good! I will try FREE broken stuff ! Someone once gave me ... FREE ... a broken automobile. It didn't run but I could sit in it !! but it was FREE !! Whaddawewant? ?? FREE !!!

* quit complaining if you don't have to pay for it.
Ethreon wrote: Getting kicked in the face is free too, but I reckon you wouldn't want it to happen to you.
lued123 wrote: Okay, but FREE and OPTIONAL!
BadKappa wrote: Yea, but unless you have the option to accept that kick in the face, then you're making a common argumentative fallacy that has been degrading debate, specifically political, for a while now.


i'd gladly pay a LARGE amount to have a working version of MO for SSE. It's Tannin's fault for making MO in the first place. Maybe once he's done with Vortex we can pool some cash to have him finish MO2. :o
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In response to post #55070213. #55070518, #55075553, #55086123, #55089728 are all replies on the same post.

bchick1 wrote: IT'S FREE !!! I like free stuff !! I like free stuff even if it doesn't work ! why? because it's FREE ! FREE !!! FREE !!! Free is good! I will try FREE broken stuff ! Someone once gave me ... FREE ... a broken automobile. It didn't run but I could sit in it !! but it was FREE !! Whaddawewant? ?? FREE !!!

* quit complaining if you don't have to pay for it.
Ethreon wrote: Getting kicked in the face is free too, but I reckon you wouldn't want it to happen to you.
lued123 wrote: Okay, but FREE and OPTIONAL!
BadKappa wrote: Yea, but unless you have the option to accept that kick in the face, then you're making a common argumentative fallacy that has been degrading debate, specifically political, for a while now.

ezfreee wrote: i'd gladly pay a LARGE amount to have a working version of MO for SSE. It's Tannin's fault for making MO in the first place. Maybe once he's done with Vortex we can pool some cash to have him finish MO2. :o

If vortex its done why should we need mo2?
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In response to post #55066558. #55067438, #55083913, #55084763 are all replies on the same post.

1000101 wrote: wtf is "Vortex?" I'm guessing from the comments it's some sort of mod manager? And if so, unless it can do everything and give me all the power that Wyre Bash can, then I personally have no use for it.
Perhaps a small aside at the beginning of articles to let people know what you are talking about - ie, "Vortex" means nothing to me however, "Vortex, the mod manager we've been working on" helps a lot.

That being said, keep up the good work?
Ethreon wrote: Wouldn't hurt reading a bit

TheInquizitor wrote: It just occurred to me that half of all Nexus users must be dyslexic. Calling it "Wyre Bash" instead of "Wrye Bash" is extremely common..
lued123 wrote: Yeah it's actually spelled Wrye and pronounced the same way as rye bread.
Ever heard of the Mandela effect?

I use wrye bash exclusively for SSE, but I'm willing to bet this mod manager will have much higher capabilities. I don't know much about MO, but for Skyrim It seems to be the most favored manager. Now the creator of MO & MO2 has been hired by Nexus to make a new mod manager. How do you not know any of this? Its been going on for about a year now... although for some reason I doubt it'll have bash/merged patch capabilities but Mator Smash is the new tool that supposedly does both the best.
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