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Redesign Launch - Stage 2 in progress


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You know, to all the people unhappy about it, just be patient, guys/girls; I have a feeling there's a bit of a learning curve for them as well. It's a new site with new site coding and new layout options.

Let's compare it to Skyrim Modding. Wait, what? You weren't an absolute pro the first time you ever downloaded a mod and started playing? Pff. No excuse, you should have had a full load of 255 mods that was completely stable with 8K resolution and no script errors, the first time you ever modded Skyrim.

Now, see how ridiculous that sounds?


Be patient and let them finish playing with it to see what can be done. It could simply be a case of where they're trying to port over as much as possible, but the new format may not actually allow them to do everything they want, or we would like to see. Keep the comments constructive, and give them six months. Then, you may have a legitimate gripe if something is broken. But right now, it's still too new--to them and to us. Keep in mind, they're also splitting their time between that, the Vortex mod manager development, work, real life, family and everything else.


"The new site looks like **** and I hate it and I refuse to compromise my position at all." :armscrossed:



"I don't like the look of the new site, and here's why. Is there any way we can make it better?"

Which do you think they'll appreciate more? It's not the end of the world, and it's nowhere near finished, so give them a chance.

Also, I'm astonished at the lack of Thanksgiving wishes posted here towards our site owner (that's right, the Dark0ne belongs to us! :tongue:). Just because some of the admins aren't from the US doesn't mean they don't appreciate turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie. So, happy turkey day. Thanks for all you do, Robin and company. Even if we don't always agree with everything you do on the site, we know you've got our best interests at heart, so thank you. :D

And now, here's some digital pie for you.

Man, that Raider Quad Bike mod has a patch for everything! lol

Edited by twowolves80
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In response to post #55485813.

twowolves80 wrote:

You know, to all the people unhappy about it, just be patient, guys/girls; I have a feeling there's a bit of a learning curve for them as well. It's a new site with new site coding and new layout options.

Let's compare it to Skyrim Modding. Wait, what? You weren't an absolute pro the first time you ever downloaded a mod and started playing? Pff. No excuse, you should have had a full load of 255 mods that was completely stable with 8K resolution and no script errors, the first time you ever modded Skyrim.

Now, see how ridiculous that sounds?


Be patient and let them finish playing with it to see what can be done. It could simply be a case of where they're trying to port over as much as possible, but the new format may not actually allow them to do everything they want, or we would like to see. Keep the comments constructive, and give them six months. Then, you may have a legitimate gripe if something is broken. But right now, it's still too new--to them and to us. Keep in mind, they're also splitting their time between that, the Vortex mod manager development, work, real life, family and everything else.


"The new site looks like **** and I hate it and I refuse to compromise my position at all." :armscrossed:



"I don't like the look of the new site, and here's why. Is there any way we can make it better?"

Which do you think they'll appreciate more? It's not the end of the world, and it's nowhere near finished, so give them a chance.

Also, I'm astonished at the lack of Thanksgiving wishes posted here towards our site owner (that's right, the Dark0ne belongs to us! :tongue:). Just because some of the admins aren't from the US doesn't mean they don't appreciate turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie. So, happy turkey day. Thanks for all you do, Robin and company. Even if we don't always agree with everything you do on the site, we know you've got our best interests at heart, so thank you. :D

And now, here's some digital pie for you.

Man, that Raider Quad Bike mod has a patch for everything! lol

I back you up ... I do not mind any changes and I have been dealing with the new site since it was out and one of the things that MUST work at 100% is the Search function and unfortunately is not working as it should.

We need that to function as before because we need to find mods so we can install them. So far, I cannot even find a mod that I installed yesterday which is ridiculous. It is a PITA go looking for a mod thru all the pages, so please Dark0ne, make it work.

Another thing that I am missing from the previous site was that I was able to filter ( before looking for mods ), for example, if I needed Nexus to also show me nude mods; now I am unable to do that unless I go inside a mod and see if there is tab with "nudity" on so I can click on it and then voila ... but again, it should not be "hidden" but available on the game page so you can decide what types of mods you would like to display once you start searching.

Other than those two things, the rest is ok to me and I like it ( btw ) more than before but I have been cursing it lately because of those two things expressed above. I think that my suggestion has been asked before by others but here I am adding myself the same input for you to consider it as a trend problem with the new site.

Thanks so much.
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I was looking at the new layout and it seems very good. I hope there is some options as to what.. Tabs? Are the default ones it shows. But of course at first it will seem worse because we've been using the current one for so long.. It'll be like when CCP moved the undock button in EVE. It took a while to not mouse to the wrong corner..
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In response to post #55461293.




Anthedon wrote:

Is there no longer a way to limit searching to a particular game? The search function in the new layout turns up results from all games. Which makes it almost useless.

There is a way to limit searching to a particular game. First click on the "game" tab and select the particular game whose mods you want to search. Then enter your search word(s) and proceed with the search. If you don't select a particular game, then indeed you will search the entire Nexus game library. You can select a game either through the favorites menu (if you've already set that up) or from the list of all games included in the Nexus library.



Thanks. That's pretty clunky compared to the old site. Especially if you check mods for multiple games regularly. What a bizarre design choice.

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The biggest problem by far with this system is how many more pages you have to load to view what you want to browse. In the old system you could fine tune every field before having to load a new page. Now if I want to view mods from one specific game initially, then decide I want to search for mods for a different game or all games, I have to load several more pages to do that. In the old system I just scrolled through a drop down menu and that was done. It slows everything down.


Also, I currently am not having too much difficulty with this, but flat design inherently makes user efficiency suffer. Without signifiers indicating what is interactive such as 3d effects, shadows, and embossing, users have trouble finding what they are looking for. I hope that the design team recognize that some users may have trouble with this new design in that regard.


On thing I do appreciate immensely is not forcing a memory-gobbling infinite scroll system on us. That is always a terrible idea (looking at you, tumblr mobile app).


EDIT: I forgot to mention, when browsing, sometimes the site jumps to the last page in the results list instead of the first.


Also, the search options bar is very oversized, and I don't really like hiding it behind a foldout menu. I greatly prefer the old search options as they were off to the side, yet always visible at a glance. They also didn't take up so much space.

Edited by RodericMcKay
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In response to post #55478623. #55478653, #55478708, #55478878, #55481343, #55484023 are all replies on the same post.

operaghost wrote: This mobile device based web design trend should stop. Should have kept the old as an option. Now the things that used to fit on one handy space, require more scrolling and what-other voodoo. Whoever designed this, did not design it for PC. Big panels, big banners, and need for extra scrolling and clicks. Alright, you wanted a fresh change, but why remove old one that actually worked. It may have been old and 'ancient'. but it worked. Was quick and was efficient. Now you have more bling and equally less functionality. I am no fan of all this big panels, and flashy designs. I do prefer functionality and now I have lost it. Oh, well I tried to keep using old one as long as I could, but seems now someone turned the switch. And while design itself is not bad, its bad for a mod hosting site.
HomicidalGrouse wrote: What functionality did you "lose"?
SSJDudeMan wrote: Go for old.nexusmods.com while you still can. We can only hope on a wing and a prayer that they keep the old design available like this, but if not... well, like I said. Someone ought to port it to Stylish or a Greasemonkey userscript.
operaghost wrote: Efficiency and speed on finding files that maybe interesting. What can i say I am no fan of mobile-visuals. Maybe if I'd be skimming mods on a phone, or tablet, I might see it different, I've always favored more compact and minimalism designs that focus on efficiency rather than bling. So now I see 20 panels per page instead old 30, and while drop down offers quick sorting, hoping around categories has become slower.

As side note for example my win 10 uses also Classic Shell - I do not deny it maybe just question of habit and preferences. For me old design and layout felt perfect. New one less. As i said its not bad design, just 'not as good' design in my eyes.

I may have not looked into this too deeply (as I have been using old version up to this moment), but it seems I need to do more clicks/scrolls to achieve same result a la I immediately missed the right hand categories option. Now it is on top, includes extra scrolling and ... more scrolling. Old right hand tab was visible on its full options, and without extra actions/clicks, you were able to navigate while scouting for new potential mods to use.

I would place the 'refine results' back on right or remove scrolling by making it a drop-down menu.

At the end of the day, I've been member over decade and hardly this change would chase me away or make me visit any less. I get used to it like with all changes in past.
pingvinch wrote: What did we lose? - Well, mod browsing functionality which is the main reason why most people go to this site.

Before you could easily choose a category and even type in keywords, to find selected mods. Also when you hovered with your cursor over a mod it displayed the short description. Now if the description doesn't fit in the window you have to open the mod's page to see it. Fewer mods per page as well; and lastly for some reason this orange color scheme is straining my eyes a lot. I'm not kidding... I can hardly look at the screen after writing this.
magicgun wrote: dont get your hope up for greysemonkey. firefox is doing absolutely everything tey can to try to annihilate all form of plugin. anf greysemonkey is still not compatible with v57 and it will never be because it need to be recoded from scratch and itll probably have a diferent name when it will be done.

I also found an issue that when i search a mod - let say i want to find all mods with certain word in title. And I only see the 20 1st ones, and if I want to see 21+, it reverts back to global view. So I cannot anymore browse mods past the 1st 20. And selecting next page would send me back to general mod list and ignores my keyword.

2nd issue I got is that even when I select 'author to be ignored' I got on search result containing said author.

Guess pingvinch also sums up my points shorter and better. Edited by operaghost
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