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Redesign Launch - Stage 2 in progress


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In response to post #55920996. #55929276, #55933616 are all replies on the same post.

sniperfodder wrote: I think my biggest complaint with the new design is I can't permanently enable it. When I follow links from the NMM they show up in the old version. The other problem is the "Try the new version" link re-directs to the main page, instead of redirecting to the page you were on when you clicked the try new version banner.
Ethreon wrote: Possible bug ?
newfy69 wrote: Not 100% sure, but I think you are experiencing an issue discussed and rectified with a tip on the first discussion thread.
I'll explain briefly: (BUT, this doesn't answer why you cannot permanently enable it btw... it just handles the address change issue)

I had the issue where all my bookmarks were not working due to the new address. And my complaint at the time was along your lines where many bookmarks etc were pointing to the "old address".

A user mentioned a workaround, that has worked flawlessly for me, and others I would assume.
Not only did this allow me to keep all my hundreds of bookmarks... but it also dealt with any "old link" anywhere on the internet pointing to the old web address.

I use FireFox myself.
The "addon" is called "ReDirector".
Anytime I click an old bookmark (without the rd in the address), it adds the info and processes the request and takes me to the right page.

In fact, I suggested that info/post be stickied (it wasn't), as I was sure it would help many others.
Of course, that is if you are okay with browser addons.

A quick google fu search shows it available for Firefox, Chrome, Opera and possibly others as well.
In fact, see below & go there and read up on it. It supports a few browsers.... and is the one I use.

Good luck.

Ah, thanks for the info. This is something I think should be done server side though. Put a cookie with a flag for the new experience. If the user wants to opt in completely for the new experience, re-write the url serverside to dump them to the new address.

From a rollout perspective I understand why they did the subdomain route to change the Theme being used. It would just be nice to be able to kind of permanently enable it, without having to add addons to my browser to do it. I run way to many addons as it is :) I think I did have the redirect extension added to firefox at one point in time so that amazon would redirect to the smile subdomain for me. I just lost it when I migrated to chrome as my primary browser, and as a result trimmed the list of addons I used.

Of course this will be all a moot point when they migrate to the new design 100% for everyone, and old "links" will start to work with the new design.
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I do not like the layout, it takes much more time to look at a "list" of mods than ever before. Very time wasting.

I used to click on "Top Files" on each mod page, and get a nice quick LIST, that I could quickly scan UP and DOWN with minimal eye movement, and minimal scrolling.
Now I get a Bunch of Moderate Side-by-Side BOXES, that I have to either scan Side-to-side then Down, then side-to-side, then DOWN then Side-To Side, scroll down the page, scan side-by-side, then down, then side-to-side etc, making looking at the Top Files list take a lot more time.

This is the equivalent of opening a folder in Windows with a lot of files in it, and being able to look at the files in LIST view and see ALL the files at once, and then switching to EXTRA LARGE ICON view, while leaving the window the same size and now having to scan side to side, AND scroll up, down and sidewways in the SAME window to see all the files.

A total step backwards.

If there was an OPTION to quickly make that a Single Column LIST VIEW, along with the Huge Giant Side-by-Side Boxes, it would be nice. I.E. being able to switch views like in Windows, between List, Extra Large Icon, Tiles etc, it would add to the flexibility, because for me, this new layout is a hindrance to fast "mod shopping"

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First of all, I am not trying to convince anyone here but because before, in one my comments, somebody replied asking why do I like the new site, it is that I am doing this. And second, this is my very personal opinion. So If I said that I did like the new site and I did not provided my "whys", here they are.

Before :

I did like the old layout, let me first say that, but the game icons were too small, the letters were too small and everything was grouped in one page. However, my estimate is that we were able to see about 50 game icons in the first page ( I guess that it will be very difficult to find someone here that plays even 50 games btw otherwise, you probably are a teenager and out of school ) plus all the comments, news and links. Once you decided what mods to look for, you had to click on the game icon and go to another page where all the mods were displayed. In this screen I was able to pick what exactly I wanted to look : more downloaded, more endorsed, etc, etc. Then I had to look for mods either by : going page by page or by using the search function. For me, again, letters were too small and it is not the size of my monitors ( I do have two computers : apple 27 and Viewsonic 27 so both are equal in size ).


After :

As soon as I login, I see less game icons than before ( 10 in full display - btw, within those 10 are my 3 games : Fallout 4, Skyrim SE and The Witcher so I do not really care about the remaining 490 games ) but these icons are bigger, font are bigger and the icons are colorful, with a great image related to the game posted. I can hover my mouse on my FO4 and magically I get a pop up tab asking if I want to see the mods; I can also use the + sign and I am able to view my mods. Instead ... I can go to the upper left tab Game and my Favorite games are listed ( this is another way to look for ). Underneath the 10-15 games displayed in the first page, I have the News/Updates of the site with very important information just right there in big icons and fonts. When I go inside my FO4 to look for mods, I have several options available : new today, new this week, popular 30 days, popular all time, more trending, random, updated and tracked content updates. I can go directly to the upper tab Mods and scroll arrow down and go directly to My Download History and Mod Categories. I like this two functions in the way they are, list of my favorite mods and categories. I do not have to look for any mod previously downloaded because it is there and from there, I can download it again. Could I do it before ? Yes, but I like it better in the way it is setup, icons listed and easy to identify.

Down to mods, assuming that I want to see for example, the Popular ( 30 days ), I still can see some mods on the top that are the most recent ones ( nice ). If I want to see all the mods for the last 30 days, go down and click view more mods and I get all the pages. The mods are displayed big in colorful images with all the necessary information ( on the mod icon ) for me to find out if I like that mod and I go deeply inside of it. I do not even have to click on the mod, I just have to click on the + sign and click on Track this mod and it will be added to my tracking list ( very nice - this was not possible before ). Assuming that I want to go inside that mod, I can see now that images added to the mod by the author are bigger. When you open one of them, it will be displayed in full screen so you can actually see well how the weapon looks, etc ( this was not possible before ); you have an arrow on the left and right of that picture to look the next picture ( nice ). I have all the information of the mod in front without scrolling down; the site is advising me that this particular mod has not been downloaded by me yet ( nice ). If I scroll down, I can read all the mod description in big fonts, clearly, with big images and videos and if for any reason I want to watch any of the videos, guess what, I do not have to even go full screen because they are big enough ( nice ).

If I want to find a particular mod, I can go page by page, taking my time or I can use the Search and Refined Search function which I have using lately and it is properly working. If I am inside a mod files ready to download my mod but before I want to check some posts, I still have the option to download it from the posts because the download : NMM or Manually options are always ready on the top of the mod ( nice ) so I do not have to go back to files If I am ready to download this particular mod.


Recap :

Is it modular ? Yes it is. Before you had to click on the game to see the mods, now you have to do the same. Before you had 50 games in the first page very small icon and fonts, now you have 10-15 with big icons and fonts. Before, you had to : click on the game, click on mods, search via search function or go page by page or put your cursor on the search browser and your downloaded mods were listed, now you have more options to look for mods, clearly, big, more organized, with colorful icons and big fonts.

So I am not arguing here with anyone if the change was or not necessary or if I asked or not for this change. For me, before was to dull and ordinary, now it is more professional, colorful, bigger and more organized which translate in that is easier for me now than before. Which one do I prefer ? Definitely this one because of all the things I have said. Will the change affect me somehow to look for mods and download them ? Not at all, on the contrary, I find the new site more organized and easier to look for mods than before. Any mod that you kind of "add to your cart", just click on "track" and viola ... it is added to your cart and if you come back 1 week from today ready to download that mod, it will be there in your tracking list ( very nice and not available before ).

Am I happy with the change ? Yes I am. Would I like to go back ? No thank you. Will I make the owners of the site to destroy the new site so I can go back to the old one ? No I won't be able. Can I make it better ? Definitely yes, by giving them my feedback and explaining to them why I think my feedback is important. They will listen and if it is valid, it will be done.

Am I able to download my mods properly ? Yes, I have not had any problem at all. Did I have to downsize my Safari or Windows Edge ? No, the size is excellent for me. Is the color of the new site ugly ? There are millions of colors and color combinations but the gray color is always nice and the light gray background is not the best but is not making me blind at all. Did I ask for this change ? No I did not but since I am not the owner, who the f** I am to tell them what to do with their site anyway ? And the new site displays not really good just in my two computers but in my wife's laptop and tablet and in our both phones.


So, this is why I do like the new site. Again, you can come back to me and say whatever you want to and criticize me if you feel happy. Thing is that if somebody does not like the new site, that is completely fine, but that person could provide his/her feedback, otherwise we will continue asking the same questions we make to babies : why are you crying ? Why are you crying ? And if the baby does not answer, then you can either ignore him/her or tell him/her : stop crying ! Tell me the reason of your tears and I will try to help you so you won't cry anymore. That is what the owners have asked us to do so they know exactly what is it they can do to make the site much better and try ( even though it is impossible ) to please everybody.

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First of all, I am not trying to convince anyone here but because before, in one my comments, somebody replied asking why do I like the new site, it is that I am doing this. And second, this is my very personal opinion. So If I said that I did like the new site and I did not provided my "whys", here they are.




Before :

I did like the old layout, let me first say that, but the game icons were too small, the letters were too small and everything was grouped in one page. However, my estimate is that we were able to see about 50 game icons in the first page ( I guess that it will be very difficult to find someone here that plays even 50 games btw otherwise, you probably are a teenager and out of school ) plus all the comments, news and links. Once you decided what mods to look for, you had to click on the game icon and go to another page where all the mods were displayed. In this screen I was able to pick what exactly I wanted to look : more downloaded, more endorsed, etc, etc. Then I had to look for mods either by : going page by page or by using the search function. For me, again, letters were too small and it is not the size of my monitors ( I do have two computers : apple 27 and Viewsonic 27 so both are equal in size ).


After :

As soon as I login, I see less game icons than before ( 10 in full display - btw, within those 10 are my 3 games : Fallout 4, Skyrim SE and The Witcher so I do not really care about the remaining 490 games ) but these icons are bigger, font are bigger and the icons are colorful, with a great image related to the game posted. I can hover my mouse on my FO4 and magically I get a pop up tab asking if I want to see the mods; I can also use the + sign and I am able to view my mods. Instead ... I can go to the upper left tab Game and my Favorite games are listed ( this is another way to look for ). Underneath the 10-15 games displayed in the first page, I have the News/Updates of the site with very important information just right there in big icons and fonts. When I go inside my FO4 to look for mods, I have several options available : new today, new this week, popular 30 days, popular all time, more trending, random, updated and tracked content updates. I can go directly to the upper tab Mods and scroll arrow down and go directly to My Download History and Mod Categories. I like this two functions in the way they are, list of my favorite mods and categories. I do not have to look for any mod previously downloaded because it is there and from there, I can download it again. Could I do it before ? Yes, but I like it better in the way it is setup, icons listed and easy to identify.

Down to mods, assuming that I want to see for example, the Popular ( 30 days ), I still can see some mods on the top that are the most recent ones ( nice ). If I want to see all the mods for the last 30 days, go down and click view more mods and I get all the pages. The mods are displayed big in colorful images with all the necessary information ( on the mod icon ) for me to find out if I like that mod and I go deeply inside of it. I do not even have to click on the mod, I just have to click on the + sign and click on Track this mod and it will be added to my tracking list ( very nice - this was not possible before ). Assuming that I want to go inside that mod, I can see now that images added to the mod by the author are bigger. When you open one of them, it will be displayed in full screen so you can actually see well how the weapon looks, etc ( this was not possible before ); you have an arrow on the left and right of that picture to look the next picture ( nice ). I have all the information of the mod in front without scrolling down; the site is advising me that this particular mod has not been downloaded by me yet ( nice ). If I scroll down, I can read all the mod description in big fonts, clearly, with big images and videos and if for any reason I want to watch any of the videos, guess what, I do not have to even go full screen because they are big enough ( nice ).

If I want to find a particular mod, I can go page by page, taking my time or I can use the Search and Refined Search function which I have using lately and it is properly working. If I am inside a mod files ready to download my mod but before I want to check some posts, I still have the option to download it from the posts because the download : NMM or Manually options are always ready on the top of the mod ( nice ) so I do not have to go back to files If I am ready to download this particular mod.


Recap :

Is it modular ? Yes it is. Before you had to click on the game to see the mods, now you have to do the same. Before you had 50 games in the first page very small icon and fonts, now you have 10-15 with big icons and fonts. Before, you had to : click on the game, click on mods, search via search function or go page by page or put your cursor on the search browser and your downloaded mods were listed, now you have more options to look for mods, clearly, big, more organized, with colorful icons and big fonts.

So I am not arguing here with anyone if the change was or not necessary or if I asked or not for this change. For me, before was to dull and ordinary, now it is more professional, colorful, bigger and more organized which translate in that is easier for me now than before. Which one do I prefer ? Definitely this one because of all the things I have said. Will the change affect me somehow to look for mods and download them ? Not at all, on the contrary, I find the new site more organized and easier to look for mods than before. Any mod that you kind of "add to your cart", just click on "track" and viola ... it is added to your cart and if you come back 1 week from today ready to download that mod, it will be there in your tracking list ( very nice and not available before ).

Am I happy with the change ? Yes I am. Would I like to go back ? No thank you. Will I make the owners of the site to destroy the new site so I can go back to the old one ? No I won't be able. Can I make it better ? Definitely yes, by giving them my feedback and explaining to them why I think my feedback is important. They will listen and if it is valid, it will be done.

Am I able to download my mods properly ? Yes, I have not had any problem at all. Did I have to downsize my Safari or Windows Edge ? No, the size is excellent for me. Is the color of the new site ugly ? There are millions of colors and color combinations but the gray color is always nice and the light gray background is not the best but is not making me blind at all. Did I ask for this change ? No I did not but since I am not the owner, who the f** I am to tell them what to do with their site anyway ? And the new site displays not really good just in my two computers but in my wife's laptop and tablet and in our both phones.


So, this is why I do like the new site. Again, you can come back to me and say whatever you want to and criticize me if you feel happy. Thing is that if somebody does not like the new site, that is completely fine, but that person could provide his/her feedback, otherwise we will continue asking the same questions we make to babies : why are you crying ? Why are you crying ? And if the baby does not answer, then you can either ignore him/her or tell him/her : stop crying ! Tell me the reason of your tears and I will try to help you so you won't cry anymore. That is what the owners have asked us to do so they know exactly what is it they can do to make the site much better and try ( even though it is impossible ) to please everybody.



Very thorough. Kudos to you.

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In response to post #55996416.

CrossShot4 wrote: Why not have both? Just give the option under "Preferences"

This has been addressed by Dark0ne already and backed up by several members in this thread. Read and find out. To make it short for you :

- We are not going back to the old site. Period.
- We will not have the option to have two sites. Period.

Why do you continue asking something that has been already addressed and it is a done deal ? Because you have the right to ask ? Yes, you do ... but asking again for something that cannot be done is a waste of time on your end.
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Just throwing my dislike of the new layout into the thread.

From a usability standpoint the site hasn't changed that much, it just feels too busy. I think that is because the site is now spread out on the screen to a greater degree rather than keeping the content more in the centre, which is where after all people tend to put the majority of their focus when looking at things. It's kind of a shame that the old layout can't be kept around for those who prefer it but I can understand why it is going to go away, maintaining what would essentially be two sites with the same content would just be redundant work.

In the end though we have little choice but to accept how the site is going to look. Unless you're into adult mods there really is no alternative to NexusMods and the wealth of content that it offers.

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You didn't ask us to change from old design to the new one at least i don't know if there was but most of the people here don't want to use the new design cause old design rocks so i don't know why you trying to change it...
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