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progress in behavior files(almost done!)


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When I try to play the action, using the player.pa it fails, but at least it recognaises the action even when its in a different behavior tree, thats a good start.



hmm, i wonder if changing the version of the behavior file by hex and changing behaviorgraf will do the trick

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Everything looks good in the ck, I think the problem lays whenever you call the animation it goes to look for a state into the original behavior, and it doesnt find it. Maybe looking at the original behavior in xml, check what kind of modifiers use the animations.
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ANIMATION: Could not find root behavior for project.


theres some setup im missing in behavior tool..


i will check and correct this


sorry dubble, lagging as darn -.-

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Yes thats the issue discussed here, when I preview the animation in the ck it works fine, when I test it ingame, whether by using papyrus (a method I know works perfect since I tested it with other animations) and by console command calling the new action I created, even putting the animation on known actions like ActionFall or ActionMoveForward doesnt do the trick, so I am out of options here.
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I dont think this is going ever to work, there are some good modders, that already messed with this stuff like months ago, im talking about the hologram for example, who made hkxcmd, which allows us to convert regular hkx into kf so we can edit it and export it back, reading the forums I have seen that same guy already checked the old behavior tool, mostly as a reference to make his conversion tool,so if it were that simple we would already had tons of new creatures and new movement types, but its not.

Right now the only way to add new stuff into the behavior is to either overwritte animations or to edit the behavior in TAGXML form, which is very hard to do (we are talking here of thousand of elements, to be renamed, changed..), there are some people who is actually getting something done, we have SaidenStorm for example, who managed to allow underwater combat as shown in this video:


Or ronghpale's horse combat mod, made aswell by editing the behavior in TAGXML:


Or Fores new idles, which is a mod very useful to modders,it gives 350 free idle animation slots:


Everything has been done by editing the behavior in TAGXML form, and some of this people have been looking into the matter for months.

Edited by porroone
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