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Managing the Load Order...


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As far as camps, I would say that I'm sitting on the wall and contemplating the best way to tear it down.


A conciliatory approach to this issue of load order management is always welcome. I would propose that the best way to tear down whatever wall exists is to let Vortex be Vortex and NMM be NMM. Those who like manual plugin management have NMM, and those who want that management burden lifted have Vortex. There's no need to fight over this issue since both groups have mod managers that meet their needs.


Full disclosure. I have used Vortex for over a year and consider it the most powerful and effective mod manager that I've ever used.



Good lord, I wish I possessed your powers of brevity



And she can say it in Latin!

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what's all this gubbins about "camps"?

this forum is to discuss vortex. it isn't a "camp" for people who use it and people who don't. are you purposely trying to cause division? if so, to what end?


look, i use vortex, I know a lot about how it works and i pass what i can along to people who ask questions. there's no division here. guess what? i also use NMM, and I play other games that are modded without the requirement for a mod manager.


camps? bulls***.



The whole thing was mentioned by a poster and I provided my answer to him / her. I did agree on his/her concept about what he/she called "camps".


I will say it one more time :


- Those who have been doing their homework, are successful Vortex's users, not because they were magically added to what he/she called "camps", but because we did what we were supposed to do and here we are using Vortex and helping as much as we can.

- Those who have done the opposite, are NOT Vortex' successful users and they have been ranting in this forum all kind of non-sense statements against Vortex to protect their vanity and ego by not admitting their own failure and intentionally ( most of the time ), to even suggest others not to use Vortex. These "group", "camp" or whatever damn name has been given, are the ones creating the division in this forum.


For the record : I am not dividing anybody here but I picked Vortex as my Mod Manager and I will not go back to NMM. If somebody would like to continue using NMM, that is not my damn business and I have never talked bad against NMM or those still using it.

I do agree that there are successful and non-successful Vortex's users and whatever name somebody would like to give to either side, is their own choice, either if they want to call it "group", "camp", "field", etc, etc, .... but they exist. However, we can review this statement 1 year from now and still we will have people criticizing Vortex and suggesting others not to use it. Those are the ones creating the "division", "camp" or whatever they want to call it and we even know there are well known mod authors openly suggesting to Nexus' users, not to use Vortex. Division ? Camp ? Hell yeah, that is exactly what they have been trying to do.


Disclosure : I will continue using Vortex and defending it because I am convinced it is superior to NMM and I like the way it does handle my mods. I will not talk bad ( and I never did ) against NMM or those still using it as the preferred mod manager. I will continue ONLY giving my help to those with valid questions after they have done their homework ( and I can tell the difference when they post their questions ), I will provide my own answers to those ranting against Vortex and I have never been against or will, to those copying / pasting their same answers to questions already made a thousand times in this very forum. Each one of us, have the freedom to respond as we please. Each one of us have their own standards and principles on how to help others and I respect your approach and I expect the same from you.

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what's all this gubbins about "camps"?

this forum is to discuss vortex. it isn't a "camp" for people who use it and people who don't. are you purposely trying to cause division? if so, to what end?


look, i use vortex, I know a lot about how it works and i pass what i can along to people who ask questions. there's no division here. guess what? i also use NMM, and I play other games that are modded without the requirement for a mod manager.


camps? bulls***.


An angry person a couple of pages back who ended up attacking me for trying to help them, started the "Camp" thing.

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Lazily labelling people, putting them into disparate groups is so 2019 and it is the work of the mentally feeble. This is a forum to discuss Vortex, not to separate people into various factions.


There are millions of forums out there on the internet to cater for divisiveness. This isn't one of them.




Well said! :thumbsup:

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@sopmac - you, my friend are not the target of my frustrated questions. You are one of the very few on here who I respect, and who's posts I read because I know two things;


1.Your posts are worth reading.

2. I will learn something.


I know for 100% certainty that you wouldn't pigeon hole people because you're too intelligent to do that. Lazily labelling people, putting them into disparate groups is so 2019 and it is the work of the mentally feeble. This is a forum to discuss Vortex, not to separate people into various factions.


There are millions of forums out there on the internet to cater for divisiveness. This isn't one of them.



I've never thought I was the target and you are one of my friends ( as HadToRegister and Augusta are as well ) here. I quoted you on that reply to follow the line with the "camp" issue and I wanted to reinforce what you said and at the same time, make my point clearly in this forum ( since there are too many misunderstandings ) that I am here to help in the way I pointed out and neither of us, are creating any division here or camp but them.


If for any reason my input was not clear, I do apologize but again, I would never think anything negative about yourself or HadToRegister and Augusta and if I have to say something about you, are only positive words and to thank you a million times because you have been helping this forum a lot and I have been learning from you as well.


Cheers, :geek:

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