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Has the world hit the edge?


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2012, just the first few months and already our disasters are close to equal to 2011s.


Iran terrorist attack, poison gas kills 23, leaves hundreds sick. That was the start. 2 days before 2012.


The gas is still unknown, strangely, the terrorist attack was a guess, considering the poison could only be released by humans. The element is confirmed, in fact, there are 3 in one gas. But the three don't make up a gas recipe. Either Iran got a new recipe for disaster or nature unleashed it.


Then, the world saw a lot of.... rather disturbing things.



January 2nd, 2012. Norway.


20 tones of fish wash up on shore, confirmed from a nuclear test in the ocean. The test was to see if the country could use bombs underwater. Publicly, the test failed, and the bomb didn't explode. The story quickly changed 2 days after New Years, where the fish landed on shore leading to the site of the bomb. The government said that the prototype DID explode, and the fish were killed because of it. But there was only one type of fish, and the VERY NEXT DAY, they.... disappeared. Who could drag that many fish out in less than a day? No one. It's impossible.


January 3rd, 2012. Britain.


No hurricane, no trace, but the winds.... why were they so strong? Damaging winds killed many people, and floods caused disaster on shore, but this was no hurricane. Where did the winds come from?


The wildfires this year have been powerful, seen from miles away. They have been called "apocalyptic fires" by many people. Some have a traced cause, others simply have no trace and no cause.


Victoria Australia, January 3rd.


100 fires rip away at the land in a time of 24 hours. Said to be an act of warfare on the affected areas, other believe it's more sinister. The people who caused the fires were all found dead, many of which supposedly killed themselves.


January 8th, Milk River


Miles and miles of dead white tailed deer said to be killed as a sign of the end of the world by crazy people, others say it was a doing of nature to show signs of disasters to come this year. The police investigated, and a theory has popped up that they killed the people that did it for not just the reason of killing that many deer, but because they expressed the end of the world. The men weren't given a trial, instead they were apparently gunned down on sight.


2012, worldwide


Strange sounds heard throughout the world, trumpets and drums beating horrifically. People killing themselves to the sounds, along with the US military on a secret operation launched the day the sounds were heard in New York City. The operation has a theory of shooting down UFO's and the government hiding many things on these sounds. The operation was confirmed but the name and goal are still hidden. The operation is still in progress.


2012, worldwide


UFO's and alien vehicles sighted everywhere, from USA to UK the China to Japan, these UFO's have been engaged publicly by military units. Check my thread in the lounge for my experience that happened today and is still going on now.


China, 2012


Turtles washing up on shore by the hundreds, dead. The Chinese military is running operations underwater as well, released by the USDOD to many other countries, saying that they're gearing up for something.




Mysterious earthquakes have been felt throughout Earth, no seismic activity though. The quakes are apparently what theorists call "a nuclear war in pre-preparation."


January 20th, USA


Two events hailing in performance, both of which very chilling. Along a railroad in California, a train was carrying several hundred tanks, though the train was not seen again on any other railroads but that one. The other event being a nuclear launch from Texas, the nuke seen in the sky, though no one saw the launch.


January 23rd, USA


LA was put in panic as special forces helicopters (Black Hawks, AH-6 Little Birds) flew over the city, armed and ready for gunning. Several shots were given from each helicopter into the sky, as if a warning sign of a test on the guns, but these helicopters never turned around, they kept flying for Mexico. The same thing was seen in Miami and Boston, Miami helicopters flying for Mexico and Boston helicopters toward the ocean. It was apparently training, though they would've gone back to base NORTH, not SOUTH.


January 23rd, morning


Nuclear traces found on USDOD radar, and not just theirs, many other countries found them too. The nukes landed in the ocean according to radar, and the explosions must've been strong, because every coast nearby felt an earthquake.


January 24th, Finland


Northern lights form patterns of languages and text, spelling words like "as" and Chinese letters into the translation of "death." Deemed impossible and coincidence, the lights were a fearful shock for many people.


January 26th, USA


Blackbirds swarm houses and forests, killing two people, attacking others in the native area, leaving many injured. These birds flew off into the horizon, and split in a clear eye's view.




Now, that was only January. Notice the nuclear signs, that's what REALLY caught my attention. Thousands of earthquakes have been caused by confirmed nuclear detonations in abandoned regions throughout much of the world. Shall I continue? I'm really freaking you out, aren't I? Please, read on.



February 6th, Negros and Cebu islands


A surprise tidal wave that had never been seen before suddenly pops up, killing many unprepared people. This wave was never tracked and was confirmed caused by NUCLEAR ACTIVITY.


February 16th, Lebanon's Beirut


A river mysteriously turns blood red, though no blood was confirmed inside. No food coloring or materials were found either, and this was confirmed by natural causes. The whole river was as if millions died and bled in it.


I95, unknown date


Hundreds of birds suddenly just.... stop in the air. They slammed to the ground, busting windshields and causing accidents that killed 8 people. The lifeforce of the birds that died is equal to the lifeforce of 8 humans. Coincidence?


February 17th


Tornados on the sun? Not a normal solar storm, and we didn't have the technology to see this in 2005 and 2002 when major solar storms happened. The speed of the tornados was EQUAL TO THE SPEED OF THE WINDS THAT NUKES LEAVE BEHIND!!!


The Venice canal also froze solid in February, at 10 degrees C.




Natural activity to cover nuclear activity, human causes of bombs and explosions, deaths of many animals naturally, worse keeps happening. And it's very early in 2012, so tell me, what's happening?




I'm just editing to let people know that I didn't type this up, it's pulled from an article on the internet. I really should've pointed that out first. I wouldn't be able to type all that on a phone. :facepalm:


I just found it all interesting and decided to share it.

Edited by SubjectProphet
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Hundreds of birds suddenly just.... stop in the air. They slammed to the ground, busting windshields and causing accidents that killed 8 people. The lifeforce of the birds that died is equal to the lifeforce of 8 humans. Coincidence?

I knew there was a reason I read that whole post to the end. Great payoff.


EDIT: Okay, now the bile fascination is setting in. Is there, like, a chart somewhere that shows the amount of "lifeforce" in different things? Could you please link to it?

Edited by Marxist ßastard
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I do not think it has hit the edge and nothing fell off my curio cabinet.


also: Mr. Subjectprophet...really....another topic like this one? I am beginning to fear that you are drowning in conspiracy theories, stories of ancient aliens and other tales of the paranormal. :tongue:

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I do not think it has hit the edge and nothing fell of my curio cabinet.


Wish I could agree, I don't have a cabinet near me right now to confirm.

And actually I am drowning myself in those, I have nothing else to do.



And @MB I don't have the scale or anything, I just pulled this information from the internet.

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2012 hasn't been any more apocalyptic than any other years during which the great wars were fought, far less so imo. Nor has mother nature kicked up any more of a fuss this year then usual. When we get some actual nuclear war again or something that kills more people than the 2004 tsunami, then we can re-evaluate 2012s status.


And really..


"Mysterious earthquakes have been felt throughout Earth, no seismic activity though."



Edited by Ghogiel
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And, everyone knows the internet never lies, Other web sites never use a single source to 'confirm' something, Everything published is the absolute truth and April Fools day was just a few days ago. :psyduck:
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Well on the whole strange sounds being heard around the world ,here's a compilation of reports from around the world and the guy that did it filtered out the ones he thought were suspect of being fakes. It is really weird especially the News broadcasts of it and most certainly the baseball game one.Decide for yourselves.








I should add that there are two other speculations going around the internet on what this could be 1) that because its 2012 and were headed to this galactic rift thing the gravitational forces are causing a flexing of the earth ,hence the harmonic vibrations due to friction by the various parts that make up the earth (crust,core,mantle,whatever).This also falls in line with NASA's findings that each and every planet in our solar system has experienced a minute rising of temperature over the last decade or so ,friction would also cause that. All you climate change deniers might want to jump on this and see told you it wasn't us doing this , but then again I would expect to be hearing how you've joined some New Age spiritualists and are awaiting the coming of the Great Eye in the sky or Nibiru or whatever as we pass this galactic rift , go on now go get your tambourines. Lol .2) from the religious quarters of the world its the preparing of the sounding of the trumpets aka Book of Revelations style.

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I sometimes wonder if we humans secretly hope and pray that these things would happen to us ... like yay, for destruction and apocolypse.

When I first heard of the Nabiru conspiracy it was :facepalm: oh not another one ... anyhow moving right along.


Let's look at earthquakes ... one might say that ten times more people died now than back in 19-whatever, but you have to take into account that there are more people now ... than back then, right ?


Yet on the other hand here is small statistic of earthquakes worldwide by decade:


1980 to 1989 ... 6 - 6.9 Magnitude ... 980 earthquakes ...... 7 - 7.9 Magnitude ... 101 earthquakes ..... 8 - 9.9 Magnitude ... 4


1990 to 1999 ... 6 -6.9 Magnitude ... 1339 earthquakes ..... 7 -7.9 Magnitude ... 147 earthquakes ...... 8 -9.9 Magnitude ... 6


2000 to 2009 ... 6 - 6.9 Magnitude ...1467 earthquakes ..... 7- 7.9 Magnitude ... 131 earthquakes ...... 8 - 9.9 Magnitude ...13


2010 to 2012 ... 6 to 6.9 Magnitude ... 365 earthquakes ..... 7 - 7.9 Magnitude ... 46 earthquakes ....... 8 - 9.9 Magnitude ... 2


What's so scary about the current decade is that we're already at a quarter of the 6 to 6.9's and close to half of the 7 to 7.9's and we're only two years into the decade.

So at the edge, I don't think so but the temperature is rising, I'll say that much.


All info from the USGS National Earthquake Information Center

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