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Vortex Alpha Release


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In response to post #57603456.

Grecia300 wrote: I have to disagree with JokerManiaque's comment below. As a MO user, the menu's seem alien and far from being as organized and all round as good as MO. If the dev team for Vortex was going for a middle ground between NMM and MO UI styles, then I'm afraid you've missed the mark a little.

But on the bright side, the UI is darker than MO and wont blind me as much late at night. (Yes, I do realize the irony of that statement)

This completely it took around an hour to get used to MO while with vortex i'm still not used to it after 4 hours. by the way MO's dark mode (under settings -> general -> style) seems to be about as dark as vortex in case you didn't know.
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In response to post #57589691. #57598431, #57599596, #57600696 are all replies on the same post.

HelelBenShahaar wrote: At first glance, I can only repeat what I said to SirSalami: this thing frightens me.

I can't really understand anything I see there. Doesn't look very user friendly, all things considered.

I never used Mod Organizer, but I tried Wrye Bash for a short time. Looking back at them, their interfaces looked ancient as hell. Not necessarily a bad thing, but not good in my experience. I never actually got used to WB and I don't think I'll ever be using MO.

However, Vortex's interface looks too modern. Looks more aesthetic than functional to be honest. This may not sit well with some users. Doesn't sit well with me, that's for sure.

To put it the best I can, as far as interfaces were concerned: WB and MO looked like Windows 95 and Windows 2000, respectively. NMM looks like Windows XP. Vortex looks like Windows 10.

I have a feeling that this was a too large of a leap from NMM's simple and very useful mechs. Like you skipped the metaphorical Windows 7.

Highly unlikely that my voice will mean a bloody thing in a long run, but at least I said what was on my soul.
Anqayas wrote: I agree. It feels weird, hard to use.
r0ck7y wrote: i think the whole interface will change after they leave the alpha as they said somewhere else before that's they haven't started on the interface yet and it will be planned later when Vortex is stable and ready. still not sure if that's what they meant or i understood it wrong.
Valyn81 wrote: sound to me like they are never satisfied. "Its old and too simple" to "I don't like xp", now "it is too modern and hightech!" Please, stop being an old fart and learn to adapt.

MO is super simple if you take a little time to learn it; NMM was SUPER simple and cause more issues than it resolved; Vortex should be a happy mid between them or simply a new and inventive way to make our gaming experience easier.

I had trouble understanding at first too but once you get used to it, it is great.
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In response to post #57589476. #57600196, #57600531 are all replies on the same post.

Lollia wrote: I have a question about Vortex. The Nexus Mod Manager will refuse to launch if I have moved any of the mod files downloaded with its aid. It will only launch once the missing files are placed back in its download directory. Since the mods that use those rar files are already installed and operational in-game, the large, memory eating files are just taking up space. Will Vortex, if I should choose to move the mod installation files, also refuse to launch?
instyne49 wrote: I'm going to go out on a limb here, as I'm just getting ready to download Vortex, and haven't seen the interface. Reading through all the Warnings, it seems they made it clear to backup all your files, and then to import versus actually moving things from NMM over to Vortex. Unless of course you're willing to go wholehog and completely switch to Vortex. Reading your post, it looks like you physically moved your files out of NMM. If on the other hand, you did as recommended, and imported things from NMM, and then it removed them from your original folder, you need to use the bug reporting feature in the upper right hand corner of Vortex, and let Tannin know directly that there is a problem. I'm definitely not an expert on anything involving modding, but in a few minutes I'll see if there is indeed a problem with importing. Good luck.
Valyn81 wrote: instyne49, i think you are right. Lollia move the fine and did not actually do as they advised.. I hope this does not mess up their LO but if it does, at least the can start with Vortex as a clean slate.

I thank you both for your responses, but I'm afraid you have misunderstood me. I am NOT moving to Vortex. I am very happy with the Nexus Mod Manager as it is, save for the issue I posted about.

Currently, all the mods I have downloaded with NMM take up 64.1 GB. The mods are installed and run fine, but NMM won't launch if I delete the rar files the mods were originally packed in. If had downloaded the mods manually, I could delete them with no trouble. But since NMM downloaded them, it freaks out and refuses to launch, even though those files no longer have a purpose. Every time my computer does a system restore point, I lose a terabyte of space. My computer backing up that 64.1 GB is redundant; I have portable hard-drives for that purpose, I don't need NMM to babysit me. NMM is acting like a hoarder who won't let anything out of its sight. I simply want to know if Vortex has the same problem as NMM. Edited by Lollia
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In response to post #57589691. #57598431, #57599596, #57600696, #57607326 are all replies on the same post.

HelelBenShahaar wrote: At first glance, I can only repeat what I said to SirSalami: this thing frightens me.

I can't really understand anything I see there. Doesn't look very user friendly, all things considered.

I never used Mod Organizer, but I tried Wrye Bash for a short time. Looking back at them, their interfaces looked ancient as hell. Not necessarily a bad thing, but not good in my experience. I never actually got used to WB and I don't think I'll ever be using MO.

However, Vortex's interface looks too modern. Looks more aesthetic than functional to be honest. This may not sit well with some users. Doesn't sit well with me, that's for sure.

To put it the best I can, as far as interfaces were concerned: WB and MO looked like Windows 95 and Windows 2000, respectively. NMM looks like Windows XP. Vortex looks like Windows 10.

I have a feeling that this was a too large of a leap from NMM's simple and very useful mechs. Like you skipped the metaphorical Windows 7.

Highly unlikely that my voice will mean a bloody thing in a long run, but at least I said what was on my soul.
Anqayas wrote: I agree. It feels weird, hard to use.
r0ck7y wrote: i think the whole interface will change after they leave the alpha as they said somewhere else before that's they haven't started on the interface yet and it will be planned later when Vortex is stable and ready. still not sure if that's what they meant or i understood it wrong.
Valyn81 wrote: sound to me like they are never satisfied. "Its old and too simple" to "I don't like xp", now "it is too modern and hightech!" Please, stop being an old fart and learn to adapt.

MO is super simple if you take a little time to learn it; NMM was SUPER simple and cause more issues than it resolved; Vortex should be a happy mid between them or simply a new and inventive way to make our gaming experience easier.
RadioactiveStud wrote: I had trouble understanding at first too but once you get used to it, it is great.

unfortunately there are a lot of old fart's out here, (I proudly count myself as one, 60 years old really soon). XP was good, a nice step from 98. windows 8 sucked, too big of a change, too much to try to learn for the sake of ... aesthetics. at this point 10, a decent mix, still not really liked. I just want to push a button and have it work, don't want to relearn how to do something that was really simple a couple of months ago for the sake of ... aesthetics?
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In response to post #57603581. #57605851 is also a reply to the same post.

adamscd123 wrote: I might just be stupid, but this program improves nothing for me. It is not intuitive and cannot even recognize that I have NMM installed in order to import my mod information. I cannot correctly load the mod order and the sorting function is not so great. I have removed this program until better instruction on its use is released. So far this is not a better product.
RetroDaddy wrote: an excerpt from one of my social media sites, Thanks to rmm200

If you are using NMM to manage Fallout 4 (for example), download and install Vortex. Run Vortex and click "Import from NMM". Close Vortex. Open NMM and set up a profile with NO mods selected. Activate it. Close NMM and verify your game directory is squeaky clean. Fire up Vortex and click "Deploy". Take a look around settings, and give it a test run. If you want to go back to NMM for awhile, click "Purge mods" first. Game directory is squeaky clean again.

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In response to post #57589691. #57598431, #57599596, #57600696, #57607326, #57607936 are all replies on the same post.

HelelBenShahaar wrote: At first glance, I can only repeat what I said to SirSalami: this thing frightens me.

I can't really understand anything I see there. Doesn't look very user friendly, all things considered.

I never used Mod Organizer, but I tried Wrye Bash for a short time. Looking back at them, their interfaces looked ancient as hell. Not necessarily a bad thing, but not good in my experience. I never actually got used to WB and I don't think I'll ever be using MO.

However, Vortex's interface looks too modern. Looks more aesthetic than functional to be honest. This may not sit well with some users. Doesn't sit well with me, that's for sure.

To put it the best I can, as far as interfaces were concerned: WB and MO looked like Windows 95 and Windows 2000, respectively. NMM looks like Windows XP. Vortex looks like Windows 10.

I have a feeling that this was a too large of a leap from NMM's simple and very useful mechs. Like you skipped the metaphorical Windows 7.

Highly unlikely that my voice will mean a bloody thing in a long run, but at least I said what was on my soul.
Anqayas wrote: I agree. It feels weird, hard to use.
r0ck7y wrote: i think the whole interface will change after they leave the alpha as they said somewhere else before that's they haven't started on the interface yet and it will be planned later when Vortex is stable and ready. still not sure if that's what they meant or i understood it wrong.
Valyn81 wrote: sound to me like they are never satisfied. "Its old and too simple" to "I don't like xp", now "it is too modern and hightech!" Please, stop being an old fart and learn to adapt.

MO is super simple if you take a little time to learn it; NMM was SUPER simple and cause more issues than it resolved; Vortex should be a happy mid between them or simply a new and inventive way to make our gaming experience easier.
RadioactiveStud wrote: I had trouble understanding at first too but once you get used to it, it is great.
bigd4450 wrote: unfortunately there are a lot of old fart's out here, (I proudly count myself as one, 60 years old really soon). XP was good, a nice step from 98. windows 8 sucked, too big of a change, too much to try to learn for the sake of ... aesthetics. at this point 10, a decent mix, still not really liked. I just want to push a button and have it work, don't want to relearn how to do something that was really simple a couple of months ago for the sake of ... aesthetics?

I don't understand what people find hard about using it - I mean if you just sit there and look at it for a minute or two, it's all very self explanatory, I understood how to use it within a few minutes... Edited by GeneralJohn
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In response to post #57603581. #57605851, #57608151 are all replies on the same post.

adamscd123 wrote: I might just be stupid, but this program improves nothing for me. It is not intuitive and cannot even recognize that I have NMM installed in order to import my mod information. I cannot correctly load the mod order and the sorting function is not so great. I have removed this program until better instruction on its use is released. So far this is not a better product.
RetroDaddy wrote: an excerpt from one of my social media sites, Thanks to rmm200

If you are using NMM to manage Fallout 4 (for example), download and install Vortex. Run Vortex and click "Import from NMM". Close Vortex. Open NMM and set up a profile with NO mods selected. Activate it. Close NMM and verify your game directory is squeaky clean. Fire up Vortex and click "Deploy". Take a look around settings, and give it a test run. If you want to go back to NMM for awhile, click "Purge mods" first. Game directory is squeaky clean again.
bigd4450 wrote: What?

nevermind Edited by adamscd123
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Disregard my bug report, I just wasn't patient enough to let the mods to fully register before starting to import in which I was receiving that error. Although, perhaps a condition check should be added stating mods have not been registered yet, please be patient instead of registering a bug report. But then again, this is alpha and the bug report may end with adding that condition check.


I am still importing my game and then I have to do the clean up before testing running the game. So far I like the UI. Those that don't, just admit you don't like change ... LOL


I'll have to test this on TTW see if it can handle large file installation like MO/MO2 can. NMM could not or mostly not and was suggested not to be used with TTW.


I hope more skins are released. Bright is too bright and default is Nexus Look.

Edited by KeltecRFB
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In response to post #57603581. #57605851, #57608151, #57608681 are all replies on the same post.

adamscd123 wrote: I might just be stupid, but this program improves nothing for me. It is not intuitive and cannot even recognize that I have NMM installed in order to import my mod information. I cannot correctly load the mod order and the sorting function is not so great. I have removed this program until better instruction on its use is released. So far this is not a better product.
RetroDaddy wrote: an excerpt from one of my social media sites, Thanks to rmm200

If you are using NMM to manage Fallout 4 (for example), download and install Vortex. Run Vortex and click "Import from NMM". Close Vortex. Open NMM and set up a profile with NO mods selected. Activate it. Close NMM and verify your game directory is squeaky clean. Fire up Vortex and click "Deploy". Take a look around settings, and give it a test run. If you want to go back to NMM for awhile, click "Purge mods" first. Game directory is squeaky clean again.
bigd4450 wrote: What?
adamscd123 wrote: nevermind

Are you responding to me or RetroDaddy?
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In response to post #57603581. #57605851, #57608151, #57608681, #57609106, #57609226 are all replies on the same post.

adamscd123 wrote: I might just be stupid, but this program improves nothing for me. It is not intuitive and cannot even recognize that I have NMM installed in order to import my mod information. I cannot correctly load the mod order and the sorting function is not so great. I have removed this program until better instruction on its use is released. So far this is not a better product.
RetroDaddy wrote: an excerpt from one of my social media sites, Thanks to rmm200

If you are using NMM to manage Fallout 4 (for example), download and install Vortex. Run Vortex and click "Import from NMM". Close Vortex. Open NMM and set up a profile with NO mods selected. Activate it. Close NMM and verify your game directory is squeaky clean. Fire up Vortex and click "Deploy". Take a look around settings, and give it a test run. If you want to go back to NMM for awhile, click "Purge mods" first. Game directory is squeaky clean again.
bigd4450 wrote: What?
adamscd123 wrote: nevermind
adamscd123 wrote: Are you responding to me or RetroDaddy?
Pippboss wrote: Importing from MO now.

Hey Adam, first install Vortex as Admin or Run as Admin, and be patient. It takes a bit for it to register when you are on stage 2 setup in the import tool and Tannin even has that message of" being patient, may take a while" in the Import Tool Setup wizard.

Although, I do have experience with MO and MO2, and then there is Cisco ISE or Identity Services Enigine (now there is a piece of software you need patience with, especially when upgrading). Edited by KeltecRFB
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