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Vortex Alpha Release


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In response to post #57977991.

TheLordOfDarknessTDL wrote: Can somebody help me? I've installed Vortex and transfered all mods from MO sucsessfully but when i try to load my save it says that i have no mods and almost all textures become invisible.

Sorry to hear that. I did not transfer Skyrim from NMM so I cannot help you but I do recommend you to use Vortex feedback by clicking on the three vertical dots located on the right top corner.
Also ( and this could be faster ), go to Vortex forum and enter your question. I am pretty sure that somebody will help you and probably also, one the Vortex developers.
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Ok guys, so I have to admit, I haven't used Vortex as extensively for multiple games yet as I planned. However, there is one huge thing I've noticed with Fallout 4. As an NMM user, my mods aren't crapping out on my save games. 104 mods thus far, and it's smoother than silk with all of my texture packs playing nicely together. Likely I had an install order screwed up in NMM, but even if I did, I didn't do anything different with Vortex for that, and it's running like silk. I've been a part of beta's that were put together more conflicting than this. I get some people are saying some features are missing from MO, but what I'm seeing is that it's going to make it easier for modders to make their mods work together. To me, now that I've played with it a bit, it's more comprehensive. I admit, I uninstalled Fallout 4 just to clear out any old issues, and erased all traces of it from my machine then reinstalled it without any backup data from my steam cloud a few days ago, but I did so because I was having CTD prior to Vortex, and clearing my mods didn't fix it. There were a lot of messed up files, and not even verifying the catch helped. A full wipe of it, and reinstall and it was playing perfectly without mods again. Vortex proceeded to install mods without errors after that, and now I get 0 CTD except in areas that were already common and annoying as hell. I really wish they'd have optimized a few more things so that boston downtown didn't lag so much. From 71.9 fps to 17 is a huge drop. lol Still, it's a far cry better than dropping to 3, and then CTD every time I stepped near some quests in that area. >.> And it's loading my 2k, and 4k textures during all that without much issue (aside from the fps drop I mentioned). I've also had 0 trouble uninstalling mods completely. A save game clean run, loading and saving, then reloading after uninstalling it is all I need, as compared to the save breaking entirely at times. I've wiped out every mod and reinstalled (with a backup of the save just to be safe) just to test it fully, and never had any problems at all with missing textures etc. where as with NMM, just trying a few mods uninstalled would leave empty textures etc. Beautiful work!
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Been stuck using MO for like 6 years now, super functionality but one thing I hate is that it has a god awful ugly interface and annoying permission bugs. It looks like some software from the 90’s, hopefully Votex solves this problem by combining its beautiful modern interface with the super functionality from MO.
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One addition that I think should be added involves FNIS. After you run FNIS through the Vortex you will get a pop-up asking if you want to confirm the changes it made. BUT you don't get that pop-up until the next time you install or enable a mod. The problem of course is that running FNIS is sometimes the last thing you do after installing mods, so the condition for the pop-up doesn't trigger.


So what I'm thinking is a potential error warning, simular to what Vortex puts up when there are potential mod conflicts would be a great way to allow the user to force the pop-up to ... well, pop up.

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Hi there. First, i want to apologies for my English, i will try to do my best to explain my question. Second - that question may already be answered, just i can`t manage to find the answer.


I have latest NMM installed in my C:\ Games\Nexus Mode Manager, where he manage mod installation on X Rebirth (also installed in C:\Games\X rebirth). Everything works fine. I decided to give Vortex a try, installed it (default, one-click installer) and then i tried to import my mods from NMM. There was an error page shown in Vortex, saying that there is "no NMM install found with mods for this game", although there is one and its works fine. Then i just skipped this part and install all of my mods one by one.


I will send feedback to team about this, but can someone tell me is there an error to my end or its problem with Vortex, unable to find NMM on its default install path or something else.


So far i can see, that Vortex easily (hehe, probably not to easy for his developer :) will become THE next mod manager, superior in NMM from technical point of view, although at this point manually add tons of mod, deploy, activate them, click here, click there, dismiss, allow, click, click, click..... is not so funny :). I personally still prefer that clean and somewhat "asket" approach of NMM, but can understand and accept the concept of Vortex. I will continue to insist and try to use Vortex, side by side with good old NMM, because obviously that is the future. :)


So, back to my question. It is that Vortex can`t detect NMM if he is not in default install path or there is something that i miss? Thank you all and again - don't mind my English.

Edited by Daering
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In response to post #58033066.

Daering wrote: Hi there. First, i want to apologies for my English, i will try to do my best to explain my question. Second - that question may already be answered, just i can`t manage to find the answer.

I have latest NMM installed in my C:\ Games\Nexus Mode Manager, where he manage mod installation on X Rebirth (also installed in C:\Games\X rebirth). Everything works fine. I decided to give Vortex a try, installed it (default, one-click installer) and then i tried to import my mods from NMM. There was an error page shown in Vortex, saying that there is "no NMM install found with mods for this game", although there is one and its works fine. Then i just skipped this part and install all of my mods one by one.

I will send feedback to team about this, but can someone tell me is there an error to my end or its problem with Vortex, unable to find NMM on its default install path or something else.

So far i can see, that Vortex easily (hehe, probably not to easy for his developer :) will become THE next mod manager, superior in NMM from technical point of view, although at this point manually add tons of mod, deploy, activate them, click here, click there, dismiss, allow, click, click, click..... is not so funny :). I personally still prefer that clean and somewhat "asket" approach of NMM, but can understand and accept the concept of Vortex. I will continue to insist and try to use Vortex, side by side with good old NMM, because obviously that is the future. :)

So, back to my question. It is that Vortex can`t detect NMM if he is not in default install path or there is something that i miss? Thank you all and again - don't mind my English.

Hi Daering ... do not apologize for your english mate .. I was not born in US but I am bilingual, not perfect but I am. So back to business, recently there have been several posts about Vortex not able to properly import from NMM and I wish I could help you but I did not import my Skyrim game, what I did was to restart a whole new game and install my game from scratch in Vortex. I wanted to test Vortex that way and I can vouch now that my game is running as it should.
NMM is gone, meaning that, sooner or later, it will be no more. My suggestion is to focus on Vortex and forget about comparing ( in your mind ) both programs.
Vortex is superior than NMM and still, simple to use. The problem is that after using NMM for months or years, our mind is already used to, and to break with our mind process will not happen in one day, and it is in our nature, not to move forward, we do not like changes and we tend to stick to what we have, as I said it is part of a human behavior.
In the beginning, Vortex may looks not that simple as NMM but it is once you learn how to work with and it is by all means, far superior and more powerful than NMM in all regards. I have been learning Vortex by trying, asking questions, reading Vortex forums and watching Gopher's videos. I do recommend to do the same and try to forget NMM so your mind will be focusing entirely on Vortex.
Remember that it is in Alpha state and errors will happen, crashes and lack of functionality may happen as well, precisely, because it is in Alpha state.
I still have Fallout 4 in NMM and I will not import this game to Vortex, not even if Vortex was in Beta. My Fallout 4 is heavily modded and patched; there are some mods I would like get rid of and there are several that I would like to include and also, get rid of my patches, so I won't test Vortex in the import department at all.
I recommend you to go into Vortex forums and place your question in there. Also, you can use Vortex feedback by clicking on the three vertical dots located on the top right corner of it and that will take you to another screen where you can place your feedback or question. Happy gaming ... :)
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In response to post #58033066. #58033761 is also a reply to the same post.

Daering wrote: Hi there. First, i want to apologies for my English, i will try to do my best to explain my question. Second - that question may already be answered, just i can`t manage to find the answer.

I have latest NMM installed in my C:\ Games\Nexus Mode Manager, where he manage mod installation on X Rebirth (also installed in C:\Games\X rebirth). Everything works fine. I decided to give Vortex a try, installed it (default, one-click installer) and then i tried to import my mods from NMM. There was an error page shown in Vortex, saying that there is "no NMM install found with mods for this game", although there is one and its works fine. Then i just skipped this part and install all of my mods one by one.

I will send feedback to team about this, but can someone tell me is there an error to my end or its problem with Vortex, unable to find NMM on its default install path or something else.

So far i can see, that Vortex easily (hehe, probably not to easy for his developer :) will become THE next mod manager, superior in NMM from technical point of view, although at this point manually add tons of mod, deploy, activate them, click here, click there, dismiss, allow, click, click, click..... is not so funny :). I personally still prefer that clean and somewhat "asket" approach of NMM, but can understand and accept the concept of Vortex. I will continue to insist and try to use Vortex, side by side with good old NMM, because obviously that is the future. :)

So, back to my question. It is that Vortex can`t detect NMM if he is not in default install path or there is something that i miss? Thank you all and again - don't mind my English.
sopmac45 wrote: Hi Daering ... do not apologize for your english mate .. I was not born in US but I am bilingual, not perfect but I am. So back to business, recently there have been several posts about Vortex not able to properly import from NMM and I wish I could help you but I did not import my Skyrim game, what I did was to restart a whole new game and install my game from scratch in Vortex. I wanted to test Vortex that way and I can vouch now that my game is running as it should.
NMM is gone, meaning that, sooner or later, it will be no more. My suggestion is to focus on Vortex and forget about comparing ( in your mind ) both programs.
Vortex is superior than NMM and still, simple to use. The problem is that after using NMM for months or years, our mind is already used to, and to break with our mind process will not happen in one day, and it is in our nature, not to move forward, we do not like changes and we tend to stick to what we have, as I said it is part of a human behavior.
In the beginning, Vortex may looks not that simple as NMM but it is once you learn how to work with and it is by all means, far superior and more powerful than NMM in all regards. I have been learning Vortex by trying, asking questions, reading Vortex forums and watching Gopher's videos. I do recommend to do the same and try to forget NMM so your mind will be focusing entirely on Vortex.
Remember that it is in Alpha state and errors will happen, crashes and lack of functionality may happen as well, precisely, because it is in Alpha state.
I still have Fallout 4 in NMM and I will not import this game to Vortex, not even if Vortex was in Beta. My Fallout 4 is heavily modded and patched; there are some mods I would like get rid of and there are several that I would like to include and also, get rid of my patches, so I won't test Vortex in the import department at all.
I recommend you to go into Vortex forums and place your question in there. Also, you can use Vortex feedback by clicking on the three vertical dots located on the top right corner of it and that will take you to another screen where you can place your feedback or question. Happy gaming ... :)

Hi sopmac45 and thank you for your reply. I already used Vortex feedback form to send some other error reports that i faced during install of my mods list, some of them installed directly from Nexus site. In fact, these errors didn`t bothered me much, because i still have NMM manage my game as backup option and i know Vortex in still in Alpha, so some errors here and there are to be expected. Nothing to be afraid of, they will be fixed at some point. After all we use Vortex at that point with that in mind - it is still in development.

I have my Wither 3 managed by The Witcher 3 Mod Manager and X Rebirth in NMM, that way i do not restrict myself using only one tool, but what i think is more appropriate and useful for each of my games. As i said already, at some point i will definitely switch completely to Vortex, because i can see the potential in him to be the new mod tool. At first glance Vortex may seems overcrowded :)) but it takes half an hour to run trough settings and get used with new concept and layout, but i definitely will check Gopher's videos, as you suggest.

Again, thank you for you answer and recommendation. And this is probably a good time to say thanks to Nexus team too, for their hard work to gives us more advanced tool, so we can more easily broke and repair our games, hehehe :D

Edited by Daering
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In response to post #58026271.

xnadler wrote: One addition that I think should be added involves FNIS. After you run FNIS through the Vortex you will get a pop-up asking if you want to confirm the changes it made. BUT you don't get that pop-up until the next time you install or enable a mod. The problem of course is that running FNIS is sometimes the last thing you do after installing mods, so the condition for the pop-up doesn't trigger.

So what I'm thinking is a potential error warning, simular to what Vortex puts up when there are potential mod conflicts would be a great way to allow the user to force the pop-up to ... well, pop up.

You can click the "Deploy Mods" button on the mod list tab to force Vortex to check for changes in mods, which will trigger the pop-up.
Of course it won't solve the problem for the unaware users, but for now it's the best way I found to force the pop-up to appear.
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