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Unsolved File Conflicts


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  • 4 months later...

Vortex is killing me, Everything is done manually? mod by Mod? i have 174 mods, and cant get them working.

Everything is in conflict with everything because vortex doesnt have the "yes to all, yes to mod, yes to folder , yes to file, feature.


Resolving the conflicts, im not savy with Xedit, and rules...I get 3 mods in conflict and 2 options, load before and load after, how do I not create a cycle with this? This thing needs a lot of work to catch up to how simple NMM was to use.


Has anyone figured out the weird line that's suppose to set mod categories... are there tutorials on the beta version yet?


Its like we need classes to use this thing. I tried importing everything but not everything imports, it took 45 minutes to import all mods and every 2 minutes I had to grant permission to import a mod. I tried to give administrative privileges but I got a warning saying that's bad to do, so I didn't I had to babysit the process giving permission for 45 minutes.


Some reason Bodyslide 64.exe isn't found in vortex, yet it smiles at me from my data folder... yet no way to get it into vortex, being from vortex it wont let me access it. I open data folder from vortex and only the conversion and slider files show. From desktop opening data everything shows.


Im thinking I'll need a 4 month vacation from Fallout 4 until the beta tutorials start appearing. I've had hundreds of frustrating problems getting all my mods in a row, and the introductory video is less than helpful, I watched apossis video on the alpha version and he really doesn't know how this thing works, SMH. I do like the mod search features, typing in the search window either a mod or a category and it appears, I though NMM needed that for a long time. It will take a while to wrap my head around this thing.


I think waiting the 4 months is the best option, compared to suffering many headaches. Vortex makes me feel like an Orangutan with a calculator.

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There are a lot of threads about Vortex that you could not read perhpas in 2 days. In these threads, you will find a lot of information that is very important for anybody to understand how this program works.


There are also videos about how to use Vortex.


If you do not read and watch videos, you will never learn it. Period.


I am running SkyrimSE with 105 mods and I had to only resolve perhaps 6 rules. I am running Fallout 4 with 75 mods and I had to resolve perhaps 4-5 rules. Why that low ?


Because I read, read and read every single mod description and posts and if I find out there will be a conflict with a mod that I have been using for a long time, I won't download that mod ... nevertheless, still I could download that mod ... BUT ... one of them should override the other(s).


You have to make that decision, that is your job not Vortex and if you want two mods to apply what they do at the same time, then choose "No Rule" or do a merge and Wrye Bash Patch.


Do not blame Vortex if you do not know what you are doing and once you put your hands in this mod manager, do yourself a favor, study it by reading and watching videos and forget about NMM.


And still you can override all the mods which is equal to the "yes to all" in NMM .... you want to learn how ? Easy peasy .... example : you download a mod, a red bolt appears on that mod; you click on the red bolt and 10 mods that you already downloaded are listed in the screen. How can you override all of them ? Choose "Load After" on each one of the mods listed in that "conflict" window and you are doing exactly the same thing you did back in NMM when you chose "Yes to all".


Why not a single tab stating "Load after all of them" ? Because with Vortex you have more control. You can choose not to "load after" one of the mods listed and instead you can choose "no rule", meaning that both will do what they have to do. Again, that is your decision, it is your JOB to find out which one will override which. In NMM, you chose "yes to all" and what do you think you were doing by choosing that ? You were overriding all of them at the same time and that is less control that you have in Vortex.


You do not like the way Vortex handles this particular situation ? Well, you have the choice to go back to NMM and be happy. But if you want to deal with Vortex, which is more powerful, easier and more reliable that any other mod manager out there, then READ, READ, READ and READ till you learn it. Check every thread and you will learn it.


Any question about reading ?

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Has anyone figured out the weird line that's suppose to set mod categories... are there tutorials on the beta version yet?



Along with the sticky at the top of this forum with the FAQ, Videos, etc.. which nobody seems to be reading


Mod Categories, Double CLick on a Mod, a window opens from the right hand side, set your mod category from the drop down menu.


People claim to be watching the videos, reading the FAQ, doing tutorials, yet I keep having to answer the most BASIC questions over and over again.


Mod Categories, how to make Vortex Download when the "Download with Mod Manager" button is pressed, etc.

Very BASIC stuff, that nobody bothers to even look in this forum if the question has been asked before.

Hell, I've answered these questions a multitude of times, bt nobody bothers to see if a question is already been answered, they'd just rather keep asking the same questions over and over, and complaining when things don't work, because they don't bother with the Help thread, FAQs and Videos in the sticky right at the top of the forum.

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Has anyone figured out the weird line that's suppose to set mod categories... are there tutorials on the beta version yet?



Along with the sticky at the top of this forum with the FAQ, Videos, etc.. which nobody seems to be reading


Mod Categories, Double CLick on a Mod, a window opens from the right hand side, set your mod category from the drop down menu.


People claim to be watching the videos, reading the FAQ, doing tutorials, yet I keep having to answer the most BASIC questions over and over again.


Mod Categories, how to make Vortex Download when the "Download with Mod Manager" button is pressed, etc.

Very BASIC stuff, that nobody bothers to even look in this forum if the question has been asked before.

Hell, I've answered these questions a multitude of times, bt nobody bothers to see if a question is already been answered, they'd just rather keep asking the same questions over and over, and complaining when things don't work, because they don't bother with the Help thread, FAQs and Videos in the sticky right at the top of the forum.




500% agree with you HadToRegister .... and yesterday I replied to this thread and it will be my last time trying to help whoever is having an issue that really does not exist and they are happening exactly because they are not reading, investigating or watching videos.


This is a very serious trend from new users of Vortex. They come from NMM believing they are masters or geniuses and without reading anything, they want to deal with Vortex and be able to do stuff they are not suppose to do, like changing the installation path, dealing with groups ( creating new groups and monkey around with something that is super sensitive for the game to be stable ), using LOOT and auto-sort at the same time, etc, etc.


And when I said in my previous entry there are enough threads about Vortex that nobody could read in 2 days, I meant that there is ENOUGH information, more than enough to learn every single aspect of this great mod manager. But I guess that they do not like to read at all.


Knowledge is acquired via reading, investigation, trying, observing results, asking valid questions, applying suggestions from more knowledgeable people, etc. Doing the contrary is ignorance !

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  • 4 weeks later...


You do not like the way Vortex handles this particular situation ? Well, you have the choice to go back to NMM and be happy. But if you want to deal with Vortex, which is more powerful, easier and more reliable that any other mod manager out there, then READ, READ, READ and READ till you learn it. Check every thread and you will learn it.


Any question about reading ?

I've spent the last week trying to figure out how Vortex works and I'm still with a shitload of error messages, it's not always about reading and watching videos. Just chill and help if you can (or feel like to), you don't need to sound that arrogant. Trading knowledge and experiences with opther people is even more useful than reading or watching videos in some cases (most of them, for me), isn't that what this forum is for?

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I tried to use vortex for TESV, I had nothing but problems, conflict after conflict, glitch after glitch after glitch. So I did the obvious and read the not very helpful help, watched the videos, etc. I came away even more confused and conflicted.Checked the forums for help, found the responses from Vortex authors and supporters to be... far less than helpful, more along the lines of politely abusive... go read the useless help and watch the dippy videos. These helpful souls seem to be putting the same effort into being helpful as they put into Vortex development. Vortex seems to be nothing more than MO in different and even more conflicting clothing, isn't the purpose of a mod manager to manage things like conflicts... load orders and make the mods work together? How come it now relies on you the user to do most or all of this, I understand, it's free, thanks for the effort guys, but it seems Vortex is giving us users exactly what we paid for, more if you count the polite abuse. I have since gone back to NMM, and am finally back to playing Skyrim, instead of playing VORTEX. PS. Obviously Vortex needs more work guys, so either get on with it or at least drop the abusive attitude, when you get perfectly valid complaints and quiries about it's usability. I am not a noob, I've been around a long time, tried manualy installing, tried MO, tried NMM, now tried Vortex, but I have never heard so many backhanded insults from frustrated developers as I am reading now. If you can't fix it then drop it, but please don't fix NMM, as it seems to be working very well without repairs. Thanks for reading my rant, sincerly Bumrap.

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Probably a silly-but-related question, when you're resolving file conflicts you get four options: "No rule", "Loads before", "Loads after", and "Conflicts with". The first three are obvious in what they do, but what the heck does "Conflicts with" do? XD

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Probably a silly-but-related question, when you're resolving file conflicts you get four options: "No rule", "Loads before", "Loads after", and "Conflicts with". The first three are obvious in what they do, but what the heck does "Conflicts with" do? XD


If you select "Conflicts with" as a rule, you are telling Vortex that you know there's a conflict but you don't choose to resolve it. Vortex will respect your choice and then let you get on with your game.


Edit: Here' an explanation that I offered in another thread. For those conflicts which aren't really conflicts, just select the rule "Conflicts with," save it, and deploy. You only have to do that for one member of a conflicting pair. Leave the other member set to "No rule." The Vortex message "There are unsolved file conflicts" will then change to "Some mod dependencies are not fulfilled." Then launch your game and start playing - Vortex won't stop you.

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