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Dropping files in Vortex stopped working


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It does work for me on 0.13.5. Windows 10. x64. What version of Windows are you running on? Are you running any background apps that might interact with drag and drop? I run GoToMyPC and it used to give fits to one of my apps because it did something globally to drag and drop and the clipboard.

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Very odd. As I said: it works for me and I don't think I've changed anything in there recently.


I've attached a simple test extension you can install by first renaming to droptest.7z, then extracting to C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\vortex\plugins (keep the subdirectory from the archive!). Now when you restart vortex there should be a new page in the left navbar (a little bug icon) containing a gray dropzone. Please drag the file on there (don't drop) and then let me know what it says in the box.



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@Tannin42 : attached where ?


ALSO : I uninstalled Vortex again, downloaded the 0.13.5 from The Nexus , deleted the Vortex map in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming so nothing would be left from my old install .

But nothing changed : still can't drop files


@simsrw73 : I'm on WIN 7 Ultimate 64 bit. ...and no, no back ground apps that distort my dragging and dropping ... I would have noticed that, right?

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Back again. Just tested it. the bug icon shows, I can activate it, grey square appears.


Don't know what you are expecting, but the "grey dropzone" responds the same as the Vortex "Drop File here " zone : squared out, every sort of file type is rejected : xxx.zip , xxx.rar , xxx.7z, .jpg , .txt ... all get the same treatment.


just a thought here : I had to download a "fix" to counter the LOOT Master Update issue because I'm on WIN 7 and was getting that error on Vortex. Could that have something to do with it ?


anyway, I hope you can fix it, I really am appreciating your help :smile:


Danke schön !

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Running Vortex as administrator causes the problem !! REMEMBER : I'm on WIN 7 64bit Ultimate.


I remember reporting an issue on Vortex 0.13.1 that switching on administrator right caused problems ( can't for the life of me remember what it was, you might have to look it up ) .

Vortex 0.13.3 and 0.13.5 come downloaded with administrator rights already activated.


Remembering my earlier issues with administrator rights I decided to switch it off... and SHABANG!


It just works :tongue:


Oh Tannin42 : The gray box mentions "Files" if you hover over it with a xxx.7z file :wink:

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Yea, I told people about the Admin thing and I was criticized for it.
Now I hope people can see how stupid the admin thing and "levels" works in windows.

I use Vegas Pro for my Audio and Video work, and under my admin account, if I run it as an Admin, I cannot Drag and Drop Media files to it.
When I run it as a regular user on an admin account, I can drag and drop.

As I said n another thread about Admin and levels of permission, Windows handles this stuff really stupidly.

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