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Video Games are for Children!


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Yep. That's what some ladies told me the other day when I asked a girl if she ever played any. My family thinks the same thing. They think that I "waste my time" playing video games. In fact, most people where I live embrace this philosophy.

I argue that video games are a form of entertainment just like television or movies- they are better imo because you can interact with them, not just watch a story. Not only that, I get about a hundred times more entertainment value out of most of my games than they do paying to watch a movie ONE time or tv that they have to pay for EVERY month (I don't watch tv anymore hardly). But, they still don't get it- the appeal I mean- and they still think it is something more appropriate for a child or teenager to do, not an adult.

Ashal over at LL has said pretty much the same thing with regards to his/her family. In the many years that he/she has administered the site, not once has he told a family member or friends what he does for a living. He said they simply would not understand.

Now, I hear you saying "But, I don't think that way!". Don't you though? Let's say you find out that your congressman or a company CEO loves playing video games (a secret love), but, you somehow find out. Doesn't this revelation diminish them in your eyes just a little? They are supposed to be responsible people in positions of power, whom others depend on for leadership and guidance....and you find out that they play a silly little game to pass the time! Now there is that doubt in your mind about their qualifications for the job. I mean, who normally puts playing video games on a resume or application even as a hobby? What if you found out that not only do they play the game(s), but, they're serious about it?!! You would think that was cool, sure. But..........



Why is it so different? What, exactly, is so childish about it?

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I would say it's entirely about your perception of life , and what is expected of you within it

If you are expected to work all day , video games could be considered as a waste of time . it's not really advancing you in any way , so it could be considered as wasting precious time , you could otherwise put into something that will do more for you , like studying or working , or learning some useful skills

and considering the fact that most people won't consider making videos on YouTube or streaming as a job (as it's quite new , and isn't really stable in any way) , these things could easily be seen as a waste of time , that you could put into trying to find an actual job (or how most people will define jobs in today's market)


these things evolve , and video games are a part of modern generations that just didn't exist in previous generations

thus , people from these older generations can rarely understand this


to me , the best way to solve this issue is to consider why it is you play video games

if you only do this to pass the time , than it could be considered as childish , as you are expected to do more with your time as an adult

however , I know that many people , myself included , use this medium as a form of escapism , where instead of drowning ourselves in alcohol or other substances , we instead delve into a different world for a few hours , forgetting about our lives for that time

and with the extremely poor mental health of modern generations , with all of the s#*! going around us , and with how the world works (especially now , where information is all around us , and the internet drowning us from all direction) , I doubt that people will consider this escapism as such a bad thing . however , there are of course limits which should be set , to prevent things like people playing a game for 24+ hours straight , and dying from malnutrition and dehydration like we've seen before . this is why gaming addiction is now a medical issue . it's just now seeping into the public consciousness , due to the events of the past few years

add to this how gaming is seen in the media , with many outlets trying to frame gaming as the cause of violence , and many other things , and you should see a clear picture for why many people will hold a negative approach towards adults playing video games


to answer your question of "if you found out X was playing video games , what would you think?" , depends on the situation . if I found out that the President \ Prime Minister etc of a country was playing video games 10 hours a day , every day , of course I would feel like that person is incapable of fulfilling the demands of the office in which they reside . however , learning that this same person plays a video game for an hour or two on the weekends? why the hell should I care? is there a difference between that person playing 3 hours of Mario golf , rather than playing actual golf? I don't see any difference here

in this sense , it's all about the dosage . I would say exactly the same about that person imbibing for a bit of alcohol . I don't see that person drinking as a problem . however , having that person gulping up a bottle every day just doesn't provide any trust in that person's capabilities


so to sum it up , I would say that as long as you can do this without it having a severe negative impact on how you conduct your life , I see no reason against it

however , if you let it take hold on you , to the point that it's directly impacting your life in a negative way (preventing sleep , harming your work , ruining your relationships) , it becomes the same problem as any other addiction , and should be treated in the same way

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Isn't any form of escapism potentially addictive? I think so. What I am talking about is why do video games seem to have a special stigma attached to them in people's minds? Because they're newer- like you said?

It's ridiculous that I have had to defend my liking and wanting to play video games my WHOLE LIFE to people! I accept them and their hobbies or preferences (or habits), why can't they shut up about mine? They immediately see me as childish when the subject comes up and deserving of little respect. Who the hell are they to judge me? I don't consider them my peers and I gave up on my family a long time ago.

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You know, there are people who think that reading books is wasting precious time (understated "not making money") so... I bet there are still people who think that boys who read books are... not boys, if you see what I mean. Nothing to do there but ignoring them, at least as much as you can.

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I do ignore it and them for the most part. I'm just trying to understand the rationale behind it. They seem to think that admitting one plays video games is somehow admitting a weakness of character. Not just a few of them either- many seem to believe this. Let's compare this to saying that you watch tv or movies most of the time. People just shrug that off, but, they don't think lesser of you for it. See what I mean?


And seriously people have died playing video games because they don't eat or drink? I've never heard of that before.

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I don't think there really is a rationale behind it , at least not any that is easy to understand

the thing about this is that you need to try and look at this from the perspective of those telling you it's childish

what I mean by this is how do they see video games , and what do they know about this


my best is that most of these people have never played a video game in their life

most have probably never been to an arcade (if they are of the older generations) . many only see these games either when it's discussed in the news (with serious negative connotations) , or when they see young people playing on their phones (I can say this , looking at my young cousins , playing silly kid games on their smart phones) . if you consider this , the people judging you have never experienced what you have in playing these games

it's like trying to explain drinking alcohol to someone who has never done so in their lives . they won't be able to see it from your perspective , unless you show them the experience (though I'm sure that if they care about you , knowing how much good it does to you should be enough for them to accept it)


as for people dying , I remember hearing about people from Asian countries that played WoW for around two days straight , and died as a result of this

it's actually something that isn't really uncommon , or at least it wasn't so (there is even a South Park episode about WoW , that pokes at the effects of this game , and what it can do to people who play it without self control)

and I've heard about people who were clearly negatively affected by video game addiction (as an example , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVK4PAwT9fc )

on the other hand , I've also heard about many people who's lives were saved by video games (I've specifically heard several people detailing how Dark Souls have helped them deal with depression , as an example of this)

but these aren't the things that these people judging you will hear . they won't be exposed to this , unless you expose them to this . and I'm almost sure that if they'll listen to some of the stories regarding video games , they would at least get a better understanding on how these games could have a positive influence

so maybe it won't convince them that video games are good for adults , but at least maybe they'll understand why we play them


I would honestly say that video games are just the modern adult addiction

in the past , it was rampant alcoholism , cigarettes and maybe even drugs . now video games are the way some people handle their problems (and I would say that punching a set of pixels is much better than punching a wall......)

of course too much escapism could be dangerous , but I would say that if you do it responsibly (how you view it , not how others do) , you should be fine


as a small side note , I remember how my parents used to tell me how weird it is for them to see me in front of a screen on my time off . they recall their time as kids , playing ball with their neighbors and such , and they consider my generation as far less social (and to some extent , newer generations are less social in person , though far more social due to online capabilities) . I don't think they understood me , nor will they ever truly understand me , but I think they've grown to accept and hopefully respect my decisions on how I wish to spend my free time . if these people don't respect you enough to at least give you the benefit of the doubt , they aren't worth your time and definitely not your anger . and if they really care about you , they should at least try to understand it from your perspective (or at least , that's what I would expect them to do)

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What I hear is that fantasy is for kids or freaks, so basically any fantasy video game would get that label for them. Most of the time those are very practical or very busy people for whom a lot of thing not from this reality are waste of time.

But maybe anything from this world - like TV series, romances, and things like that are interesting for them.

And some of them for some reason they can bear adventures and mobile games, but not shooter games - they are violent, fantasy - ofcourse, and now I wonder what they would think about sport games - I will have to ask.


So why some people want to immerse a different world for a different kind of experience other than this world and want it as different as possible and why some other people do like small puzzles and stories from this reality, and different reality feels wrong to them?

(I'm trying to put together the most fitting groups, but ofcourse it can differ)


And some poeple simply don't own computer or console. So they cannot imagine how games can keep you interested.

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So when I think about it - the words you use are important too - if you say games, they instantly imagine kids - if they skip the computer part, but if you would say you are playing military shooter simulator where you practice alertness and judgement, they can admire you actually ;-)

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Well the point is this; Am I supposed to feel guilty for loving to play video games? I'm an adult that earns money honestly, pays my bills, takes care of my family, obeys the laws of my community and country- just like them. Yet they try to shame me and other adults for playing video games- which in their tiny minds- supposedly is meant just for children and teenagers.

Somehow, the stereotype for anyone over the age of 18(?) that still plays video games on a consistent basis is the jobless, irresponsible, misfit loser that lives in their parents basement.


No, there is something about adults playing video games rather than watching movies or tv that separates them from the rest of society- and it's not just a simple preference of hobby. I think that some good things can be assumed for those that choose playing a video game as their favorite hobby. One, is that they usually have above average intelligence. Two, is that they usually have a better than average education. Three, is that they probably have a more active imagination than normal. Everyone can enjoy watching or listening to a story. Not everyone can make one up of their own.


In essence, I believe that "Gamer" is becoming a more defined and distinctive subclass of society. I once heard a remark by a fellow gamer that I thought was pretty accurate. He said "Wow, wouldn't it be great if everyone in the world were Gamers? Then everyone could resolve their differences in an online multiplayer without a need for violence or war!" Yeah, bro. I hear ya on that! :thumbsup:

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