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Tales of Faerun


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That's really up to you guys, I can have both, as he really only says one or two words when needed, so he doesn't really clutter, and knows the underdark better than Byron, but dislikes fighting, so keep byron for the cooking and the potions and fighting. Caladus is a guide of little words.
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Very Well! Byron and Caladus will meet you at the Green Giant Inn. There you can stable the horses, (as Byron is a friend of the owner, you can probably get him to do it free) and Byron and Caladus can sort of take the leading position (Auri, you are still in charge, but My characters come from the underdark, and will guide you as Caladus knows that area, and Byron knows more of the underdark further in if needed.) once you meet up. They will guide you to the entrance, and then through the underdark. Byron is getting bored! Caladus isn't very fun company for him alone... he needs people who say more than a few words... he will also purchase supplies for the group, food, water flasks, ale, herbs for his mixtures, spices the works! Just pm me when you guys are getting close, as I will be working on the story I write, as listed in my signature box. Thank you! Edited by BaldurAnthology
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