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Bethesda Lied


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^^ Even makers of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series (GSC Game World) are now toast. So much for Stalker 2.


As for the TES franchise, it's a vast cash cow for Zeni/Beth, they'll squeeze the s*** out of it for every last drop. There's no love in that.


Indie is where it's headed, folks. Games like LoG are being put out by small outfits that put a real emphasis on fun gaming, something that is lost to people like Todd Howard and his goonsquad.

Edited by Morwyn Kelm
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Ah, wow. Bethesda making an mmo. (Okay, maybe not bethesda, but a Elder Scrolls MMo is being made regardless.) Sucks to see another developer sell its soul. At least I still have Biowa. . .wait, no. EA destroyed them. Well, Pandemic is. . .oh, wait, they're gone. Well, okay Valve is still here. . .but they haven't made a game in forever, least not that I know about.


FROM software, you are officially my favorite developer. Please, never change.

The MMO is based hundred of years before the TES games and it's a spin-off. It means nothing.

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a tes mmo eh? well all i can muster up is a........meh :confused: proberly just gonna turn into another wow.. in terms of structure and its simplicity... you know so that any 8yo kid can pick it up and play it
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Well I choose to be optimistic about it. I hope that it'll be cool and fun. I'll reserve actual judgement until they actually release something with substance about it.


Oh, I think It'd be cool to see what kind of lore they can explore. Shouldn't the Dwemer and Snow Elves still be around? There are also major events that I think might be fun to have the opportunity to learn more about and perhaps be a part of.

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I suppose it could be fun, but I have a feeling it's just going to be like every other MMO. I'll play it I guess, if there's no monthly charge. But I highly doubt that...
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From past experiences, this can either go horribly wrong or horribly right. If it goes horribly wrong, Elder Scrolls dies. If it goes horribly right, they'll only make expansions for the MMO and no more single player RPGs.


Although, on the bright side, since ZeniMax is leading the MMO design, maybe Bethesda will still work on the single player games, right?




>has no interest in playing any MMO games ever, be they Elder Scrolls or not<

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