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An there we have it. Not longer just casting aspersions on other people ideas and thoughts, now we finally get the the last bastion of the intellectually and argumentatively challenged = The personal insults and name calling. :laugh:


It's amusing, but also kinda sad, that "certain people" are of the same race as I am. SMH. As admitted by the actually postee, they don't even bother watching the videos posted, or reading and links, because they already have their "approved" doctrine, and NOTHING is allowed to argue against it. Hmmm, there was this group of Germans during the 1930's and 1940's that did the same thing.

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Wow. That went downhill fast.........


And THIS is why I have no hope for this country. Or the human race in general for that matter.


Any time I feel that the tiny spark of hope for humanity may take hold I just visit this thread. There isn't even a wisp of smoke to show where the spark once was by the time I leave.

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Wow. That went downhill fast.........


And THIS is why I have no hope for this country. Or the human race in general for that matter.


Any time I feel that the tiny spark of hope for humanity may take hold I just visit this thread. There isn't even a wisp of smoke to show where the spark once was by the time I leave.


Sad to say, this comment had me laughing rather hard. Mainly because of how true it is. :D

Edited by HeyYou
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Wow. That went downhill fast.........


And THIS is why I have no hope for this country. Or the human race in general for that matter.


Any time I feel that the tiny spark of hope for humanity may take hold I just visit this thread. There isn't even a wisp of smoke to show where the spark once was by the time I leave.


Sad to say, this comment had me laughing rather hard. Mainly because of how true it is. :D



LOL ... and now I see a tendril of smoke rising. Is there yet HOPE??

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Not really sure what happened here. :ermm: I reported one of HackWithTHEJacket's posts for excessive profanity and insults, because they obviously didn't actually have any valid counter arguments.

It looked like the post was edited (I'm assuming by the staff, because the post wasn't marked as "edited") But now it seem to have disappeared altogether :ohmy: Again I assume by staff, because AFAIK, we don't have the ability to delete our own posts.


I personally do have hope for my American brothers and sisters (forgive me for using offensively gendered terms) The way I see it, there is probably at least half the population (perhaps more?) that hasn't been infected with the cancerous dogma that is the "wokeness" culture. :cool:

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Not really sure what happened here. :ermm: I reported one of HackWithTHEJacket's posts for excessive profanity and insults, because they obviously didn't actually have any valid counter arguments.

It looked like the post was edited (I'm assuming by the staff, because the post wasn't marked as "edited") But now it seem to have disappeared altogether :ohmy: Again I assume by staff, because AFAIK, we don't have the ability to delete our own posts.


I personally do have hope for my American brothers and sisters (forgive me for using offensively gendered terms) The way I see it, there is probably at least half the population (perhaps more?) that hasn't been infected with the cancerous dogma that is the "wokeness" culture. :cool:


Whether or not your edits show as "Edited by SoAndSo etc ..." is an option you can enable/disable. Mine is off, but what I can't say for certain is when I edit a post do all of you see no notice that I did, or is it all just for me (so I can remain blithely unaware, as usual).


- Edit - I can add a notice that I edited a post, but I don't see anything except my edits.


- Edit 2 - Hey and I have sort of a "Hijacking Club" ... you're welcome to join in any time Perraine (subject to time zone constraints, of course).

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I think if the option is on, it shows for everyone. If the option is off, no one sees it.


Oh oh Hey ... I see Z is having a look. Hope I haven't gotten us into water deeper than we can stand in!!


- Edit - Or (perish the thought) HOTTER!!

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