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The stop stupid answer to keeping them out is ... go after those who employ them.


Stop the migrant worker program ... because that is the avenue it mostly comes through.

Drugs / sex traffic /// most all of it !!!


Of course this will have a pretty significant economic impact. But it will stop what the willfully ignorant wall builders want to stop. Boom ! DONE !!!


I ain't scared ... lets do it :armscrossed:

The folks that come here on the migrant worker program are actually here legally. Granted, there are a fair few illegal migrant workers as well, which makes them difficult to find. But, we still have industries that will hire them, and have them show up at a fixed location on a daily basis, simply because they can pay them less, and don't have to pay all the other costs associated with legal employees. (social security, workmans comp, etc.) Going after THEM, and making it painful to employ illegal workers would go a long way toward reducing the desire to hire them... and if there aren't jobs to be had, the illegals have less motivation to come here.


Trouble is, there will ALWAYS be folks willing to hire them..... all in the name of greed. It's a problem that we aren't going to be able to fix. So, next best thing is, control the border. Be that a wall, armed border patrol, that are actually authorized to shoot..... Maybe if we take a harder line on folks storming our borders, fewer folks would be willing to risk it. Currently, the only drawback is getting caught, and shipped back. And then they are right back at it, trying to get across again. I have seen far too many news articles about various criminals that have already been deported multiple times. (one guy had been booted out NINE times in just the last two years......) If they are dead, they won't be trying it again.


Because face it, when you have THOUSANDS of folks coming en masse to our borders, that is not immigration, that is Invasion. Treat them just like any other enemy combatant. Shoot first, ask questions later. They are in the midst of committing a crime, the slap on the wrist they are getting now, simply is not a deterrent.


Yep, that's pretty callous. But, I bet we wouldn't have to resort to that for very long before folks got the hint..... and we would see FAR fewer folks trying to cross illegally.

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Actually the easier thing is to go back and correct the mistake of not taking over Mexico.


Therefore Mexico becomes part of the United States. Our southern border would be a lot cheaper eh ?


But seriously .... ya that is not an option with the present un-united state of America ...

But if the US split ... I could see Mexico becomeing part of 1 of the halves.

And I know ... that isn't the half you want to be in. Which is ok ... we should figure a way to at least be allied neighbors.

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Actually the easier thing is to go back and correct the mistake of not taking over Mexico.


Therefore Mexico becomes part of the United States. Our southern border would be a lot cheaper eh ?


But seriously .... ya that is not an option with the present un-united state of America ...

But if the US split ... I could see Mexico becomeing part of 1 of the halves.

And I know ... that isn't the half you want to be in. Which is ok ... we should figure a way to at least be allied neighbors.



Of course, that would do absolutely horrible things to the 'gun crime' numbers........ and the left would be pointing at that, and screaming to high heaven "BAN ALL GUNS". Even though guns ARE banned in Mexico. :D

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Actually the easier thing is to go back and correct the mistake of not taking over Mexico.


Therefore Mexico becomes part of the United States. Our southern border would be a lot cheaper eh ?


But seriously .... ya that is not an option with the present un-united state of America ...

But if the US split ... I could see Mexico becomeing part of 1 of the halves.

And I know ... that isn't the half you want to be in. Which is ok ... we should figure a way to at least be allied neighbors.



Of course, that would do absolutely horrible things to the 'gun crime' numbers........ and the left would be pointing at that, and screaming to high heaven "BAN ALL GUNS". Even though guns ARE banned in Mexico. :D



There's also the fact there are many who've lived in the U. S. A. for as many as 140 years owning large ranchos, fields of vegetables, groves of berries, and fruit, and all of them have always been here in American long before, "we the people got set up. (Mexican Heritage, bloodline and all)...


Just in the U. S. A. they have had farms, groves, and ranches long before states were created in the U. S. of A. and are Mexican by blood. Their relatives back in Mexico visit regularly and work the crops and groves. They are all legally here, hundreds, maybe thousands, just helping out the family during harvest seasons their family have lived in the U. S. A. long before the people we think are us! They have family who never lived in Mexico for over 140 years.


After harvest season, they all go back to their homes in Mexico, marry, celebrate, and work for American Retired people who have small businesses in Mexico.


Let's check out Mexico and see if we can open a business there. LOL

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LOL ya the mere 250ish years of this country ... is really just a blip to what the continent has wittnessed of human interaction.


If the country started with harshness of disenfranchisement. Doesn't it beg to reason it will end that way. At least for the decendents who did that. Sorry I know your grand fathers sins our not yours and mine. But if you make it as such .. it will be.

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The stop stupid answer to keeping them out is ... go after those who employ them.


Stop the migrant worker program ... because that is the avenue it mostly comes through.

Drugs / sex traffic /// most all of it !!!


Of course this will have a pretty significant economic impact. But it will stop what the willfully ignorant wall builders want to stop. Boom ! DONE !!!


I ain't scared ... lets do it :armscrossed:


I wonder who that might be run by. :confused:


That wouldn't be their families who own the American soil: ranchos, fields of vegetables, groves of coffee beans, nuts and berries, and orchards of peaches, and also have their signature on the U. S. of A. paper money as our Treasurers. who have all had land have since before the militia with Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie that fought Santa Anna at the Alamo in San Antonio would it?! :laugh:

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Yes you are right ... it would affect a lot of south of the border people.


but I was betting it would effect the american consumers the most.


people who have no idea what a hard life really means.

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The stop stupid answer to keeping them out is ... go after those who employ them.


Stop the migrant worker program ... because that is the avenue it mostly comes through.

Drugs / sex traffic /// most all of it !!!


Of course this will have a pretty significant economic impact. But it will stop what the willfully ignorant wall builders want to stop. Boom ! DONE !!!


I ain't scared ... lets do it :armscrossed:



I agree with you to a certain point, however, the concept of the "wall" should be more pragmatic than just simply to build a fence across the border.


It should mean to fully "stop" everything that has, is or will allow illegal immigrants to cross, live, work and suck our resources as it has been happening. We have thousands of them already living in US that could continue working in those farms so he economy will not suffer as you said.


We should stop women to cross the border and giving birth and automatically get the citizenship for their babies, which they use not only to declare them in the income tax return and get money from the government but at the same time, because their children is already a US citizen, the entire family will also get the citizenship sooner or later .... US is the only country in the world with this stupid policy and that policy was not made by the illegal immigrants nor by the worker program, but by the Congress.


Before thinking about letting come in, we should think about what is the cause for them to cross the border and violate this country law as they please ? The answer is simple : their governments are thieves that steal all the money from the country, do not create jobs for them and they have no other option to look for another place to get a job. This is very sad but it is not our problem. Instead crossing the border, they should fight and resolve their own issues as a country and people and that is why, when US decides to build the "wall - fence", it will force them to take their business in their own hands.


I am a tax payer and I have to pay a lot of money for my insurance and not only that, I have to pay back to the freaking IRS every year and I know ( because of the job that I have allow me to be in touch with everything I have said ) that my taxes are being used not only to support the war in other countries but to support immigrant programs that allow them to get for free, what I cannot get myself and I am a citizen of US. Selfish ? No I am not. I have no problem with other people coming to US by the legal channels but not illegally as it is happening.

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The stop stupid answer to keeping them out is ... go after those who employ them.


Stop the migrant worker program ... because that is the avenue it mostly comes through.

Drugs / sex traffic /// most all of it !!!


Of course this will have a pretty significant economic impact. But it will stop what the willfully ignorant wall builders want to stop. Boom ! DONE !!!


I ain't scared ... lets do it :armscrossed:



I agree with you to a certain point, however, the concept of the "wall" should be more pragmatic than just simply to build a fence across the border.


It should mean to fully "stop" everything that has, is or will allow illegal immigrants to cross, live, work and suck our resources as it has been happening. We have thousands of them already living in US that could continue working in those farms so he economy will not suffer as you said.


We should stop women to cross the border and giving birth and automatically get the citizenship for their babies, which they use not only to declare them in the income tax return and get money from the government but at the same time, because their children is already a US citizen, the entire family will also get the citizenship sooner or later .... US is the only country in the world with this stupid policy and that policy was not made by the illegal immigrants nor by the worker program, but by the Congress.


Before thinking about letting come in, we should think about what is the cause for them to cross the border and violate this country law as they please ? The answer is simple : their governments are thieves that steal all the money from the country, do not create jobs for them and they have no other option to look for another place to get a job. This is very sad but it is not our problem. Instead crossing the border, they should fight and resolve their own issues as a country and people and that is why, when US decides to build the "wall - fence", it will force them to take their business in their own hands.


I am a tax payer and I have to pay a lot of money for my insurance and not only that, I have to pay back to the freaking IRS every year and I know ( because of the job that I have allow me to be in touch with everything I have said ) that my taxes are being used not only to support the war in other countries but to support immigrant programs that allow them to get for free, what I cannot get myself and I am a citizen of US. Selfish ? No I am not. I have no problem with other people coming to US by the legal channels but not illegally as it is happening.


Yep, birthright citizenship actually made sense back in the day... but, not so much any more. Trump was talking about changing that at one point, but, he got shot down. Apparently, it would take another amendment to the constitution to affect that change, and that is not a simple process. Question becomes, would 2/3rds of the states ratify it?

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Because face it, when you have THOUSANDS of folks coming en masse to our borders, that is not immigration, that is Invasion. Treat them just like any other enemy combatant. Shoot first, ask questions later. They are in the midst of committing a crime, the slap on the wrist they are getting now, simply is not a deterrent.

Yep, that's pretty callous. But, I bet we wouldn't have to resort to that for very long before folks got the hint..... and we would see FAR fewer folks trying to cross illegally.


Did that work in East Berlin? No. No, it did not.

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