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The West has meddled in the Middle East far longer than Bush. We were in Iran and put up the Shaw in the mid 50's which was what lead to our troubles over there. The European countries have had their hands in there far longer. After WWI they carved the Middle East up like a wedding cake and gave it to themselves.


I do understand why things have gotten so bad, but I agree with General Powell. If we break it, we own it. We own what happened in Iraq all the way up until today and will have to shoulder that burden for a very long time. I do agree with you, we should leave the Middle East. We all need to leave the Middle East and break our addiction to fossil fuels, which in my opinion has done more harm than good in just about every scale imaginable. Our addition to cheap oil has done as much damage over there as our addiction to drugs coming across the Southern boarder has done to the civilians South of the boarder who are terrorized by the Cartels that use the drug money to buy power and influence.


President Trump keeps talking about a border wall to keep things out, when it is our need to entertain ourselves. I know that there is a terrible problem with the Opioid addiction, but our infatuation with recreational drugs has been around a lot longer and has effected far more peoples lives in several South American countries.


We need to stop with this idea of being the benevolent benefactor of the rest of the world and really look at these places with a respect for the people instead of this idea that we are helping by supplanting our culture for theirs.

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Well, we do seem to have a penchant for letting them come here, and supplant our culture with theirs...... All in the name of 'diversity'..... Diversity should occur naturally, it shouldn't be legislated, all that does is create problems.


And yeah, we need to figure out that we are NOT the 'world police', and other countries problems are exactly that. THEIR problems. Sure, we can lend a hand here and there, but, money and equipment, NOT our blood.


If we stay in Iraq/Afghanistan, until the 'mess is straightened out', we are going to be there till the end of time. Currently, WE are the biggest stumbling block to any kind of stability in the region. We can't force it on them at gunpoint, they need to figure it out on their own. Get out. Sooner the better.

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Sometimes I think that we, as a people are trying too hard not to be the opposition than we are at being ourselves. The left is trying so hard to not be what they consider a racist republican and the right is trying too hard to not be their stereotypical imagery of what the left is. I think it is playing out in the cultural wars, which includes the migration question. At times I think the only people who really like what America is today are those who come from other countries. The rest of us are just fighting over the spoils of a world created by past generations, that we are taking for granted.


Owning something is not necessarily buying or paying for something. It is a responsibility of acknowledgement that something was done that disrupted the lives of a good many people. I think our arrogance has taken away several opportunities to mend fences and to extricate us from several countries crap lists.


I may be wrong. It was a long time ago, but I seem to remember after the Iran Hostage criss that the people over there was demanding an apology for our intervention in their internal affairs. Who knows. If President Carter would have given it, we might have been on friendly relations with those people instead of trying to stop their nuclear program.

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Sometimes I think that we, as a people are trying too hard not to be the opposition than we are at being ourselves. The left is trying so hard to not be what they consider a racist republican and the right is trying too hard to not be their stereotypical imagery of what the left is. I think it is playing out in the cultural wars, which includes the migration question. At times I think the only people who really like what America is today are those who come from other countries. The rest of us are just fighting over the spoils of a world created by past generations, that we are taking for granted.


Owning something is not necessarily buying or paying for something. It is a responsibility of acknowledgement that something was done that disrupted the lives of a good many people. I think our arrogance has taken away several opportunities to mend fences and to extricate us from several countries crap lists.


I may be wrong. It was a long time ago, but I seem to remember after the Iran Hostage criss that the people over there was demanding an apology for our intervention in their internal affairs. Who knows. If President Carter would have given it, we might have been on friendly relations with those people instead of trying to stop their nuclear program.

No, I don't think we have any common ground with most folks in the middle east. Their culture/religion is predicated on the destruction of the west. (maybe not originally, but, that sure seems to be the case today.) Of course, they don't like us simply BECAUSE we tend to stick our noses where it doesn't belong. Our government is simply too much in love with themselves, thinking they know what is best for everyone. When they can't even do what's best for our own citizens...... I don't expect that to change anytime soon either.


In all reality, I hope Iraq DOES boot ALL the american troops out. Save us a boatload of money.

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Sometimes I think that we, as a people are trying too hard not to be the opposition than we are at being ourselves.


Did you mean " trying too hard to be the opposition than we are at being ourselves. "

Cuz it certainly didn't make sense with the " Not"


I used to be like you ... with a bleeding heart ... but the blood ran out.

Now I could give a fu#k about ASPCA commercials.

Because if you notice ... the filming is staged quality ... therefore they are making the animals suffer for video value. And that stupid biatch that sounds like she is on 20 quaaludes can go fook herself .

Cheeze and rice ... imagine how much of your donation is going to pay for her habit ?


And don't get me started about saving the holucuck survivors :down:


Anyways sorry to vent ... but I can't see anyway through the conundrum ... but for people to start suffering and die . Most particular ... the self entitled Americans , which are basically spoiled brat children living off of what their ancestors built for them.


2021 I predict being able to watch a lot of people suffering from their own stupidity.

Which I will enjoy for a moment ... but then I will have to pull up my bootstraps and fix it for them :pirate:

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I would point out that EVERY society is living off of what their ancestors built. Assuming that their ancestors built anything at all......


Ya and while your at it , you might as well point out that water is wet ... hehe .


But am curious what would constitute a society that did not build anything ?

Is it a culture that does not exploit or at least very little ?


Because the inverse is what I would constitute as not building anything .

Which is where I think American society is at , always in Exploit mode.


I've changed my mind on America splitting into 2 federal entities being a good thing.

At least while I would have to live through the change ... since it would take 10-20ish years of turmoil before we would get a working government for the people out of it. (being the whole reason to do it)

So meh ... let the non voting generation deal with it when they decide just looking at their iphones isn't working anymore.


And technology is more what I was talking about ... since there are so many life skills that are getting phased out by it . Plus introducing so many new ways of exploit. (not in a good way)

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I would point out that EVERY society is living off of what their ancestors built. Assuming that their ancestors built anything at all......


Ya and while your at it , you might as well point out that water is wet ... hehe .


But am curious what would constitute a society that did not build anything ?

Is it a culture that does not exploit or at least very little ?


Because the inverse is what I would constitute as not building anything .

Which is where I think American society is at , always in Exploit mode.


I've changed my mind on America splitting into 2 federal entities being a good thing.

At least while I would have to live through the change ... since it would take 10-20ish years of turmoil before we would get a working government for the people out of it. (being the whole reason to do it)

So meh ... let the non voting generation deal with it when they decide just looking at their iphones isn't working anymore.


And technology is more what I was talking about ... since there are so many life skills that are getting phased out by it . Plus introducing so many new ways of exploit. (not in a good way)


At a guess, I would say that the native americans were not exploitative, and most of them didn't really build anything permanent... (there are exceptions....) That would likely to apply to pretty much any nomadic people as well. And their lifestyle didn't change for thousands of years, and even then, it was because of an outside influence. (spanish introducing horses, europeans taking over the land.....)

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Sometimes I think that we, as a people are trying too hard not to be the opposition than we are at being ourselves.


Did you mean " trying too hard to be the opposition than we are at being ourselves. "

Cuz it certainly didn't make sense with the " Not"


I used to be like you ... with a bleeding heart ... but the blood ran out.

Now I could give a fu#k about ASPCA commercials.

Because if you notice ... the filming is staged quality ... therefore they are making the animals suffer for video value. And that stupid biatch that sounds like she is on 20 quaaludes can go fook herself .

Cheeze and rice ... imagine how much of your donation is going to pay for her habit ?


And don't get me started about saving the holucuck survivors :down:


Anyways sorry to vent ... but I can't see anyway through the conundrum ... but for people to start suffering and die . Most particular ... the self entitled Americans , which are basically spoiled brat children living off of what their ancestors built for them.


2021 I predict being able to watch a lot of people suffering from their own stupidity.

Which I will enjoy for a moment ... but then I will have to pull up my bootstraps and fix it for them :pirate:


What I said was what I meant. Trying too hard not to be something is acting out so ridiculously against something that you seem to the casual observer to be far more unhinged than your rival. Certainly in today's political circus we have seen over the top ridiculous statements and activities on both sides that have turned off the center so much I would submit that many of them will be more likely to be voting for Donald Duck than anyone on any ticket.


Sorry about whatever you meant by bleeding heart, but as we all are, we are not here on this world to be liked or disliked. We are here to state our opinions as we see it and deal with the aftermath as we have the mind to do. I think too many people are so addicted to this FACEBOOK trend to take likes as some sort justification for more and more ridiculousness. They end up playing for short lived adoration instead of long term sensibilities.


With that being said, I do appreciate respectful corrective criticisms and a swift kick in the pants when I go too far on a tirade.

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I would point out that EVERY society is living off of what their ancestors built. Assuming that their ancestors built anything at all......


Ya and while your at it , you might as well point out that water is wet ... hehe .


But am curious what would constitute a society that did not build anything ?

Is it a culture that does not exploit or at least very little ?


Because the inverse is what I would constitute as not building anything .

Which is where I think American society is at , always in Exploit mode.


I've changed my mind on America splitting into 2 federal entities being a good thing.

At least while I would have to live through the change ... since it would take 10-20ish years of turmoil before we would get a working government for the people out of it. (being the whole reason to do it)

So meh ... let the non voting generation deal with it when they decide just looking at their iphones isn't working anymore.


And technology is more what I was talking about ... since there are so many life skills that are getting phased out by it . Plus introducing so many new ways of exploit. (not in a good way)


At a guess, I would say that the native americans were not exploitative, and most of them didn't really build anything permanent... (there are exceptions....) That would likely to apply to pretty much any nomadic people as well. And their lifestyle didn't change for thousands of years, and even then, it was because of an outside influence. (spanish introducing horses, europeans taking over the land.....)


I'm not a great fan of technological advances as much as I am social progression. Just look at what we do with the tech we have now. We have the internet and look at how many who each day segregate ourselves into our own respective little forums to talk with people who agree with us about those we collectively hate. How much actual thought is needed to regurgitate old prejudices?


Are we actually progressing or are we regressing, seeing how many times in the past few years that physical violence has erupted.?


How many times have we heard the statement that someone had pissed someone else off when in reality those making these statements let themselves become pissed off. The fact is that no one can make any of us angrey. We let ourselves become angry because of our own assumptions.

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