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I would point out that EVERY society is living off of what their ancestors built. Assuming that their ancestors built anything at all......


Ya and while your at it , you might as well point out that water is wet ... hehe .


But am curious what would constitute a society that did not build anything ?

Is it a culture that does not exploit or at least very little ?


Because the inverse is what I would constitute as not building anything .

Which is where I think American society is at , always in Exploit mode.


I've changed my mind on America splitting into 2 federal entities being a good thing.

At least while I would have to live through the change ... since it would take 10-20ish years of turmoil before we would get a working government for the people out of it. (being the whole reason to do it)

So meh ... let the non voting generation deal with it when they decide just looking at their iphones isn't working anymore.


And technology is more what I was talking about ... since there are so many life skills that are getting phased out by it . Plus introducing so many new ways of exploit. (not in a good way)


At a guess, I would say that the native americans were not exploitative, and most of them didn't really build anything permanent... (there are exceptions....) That would likely to apply to pretty much any nomadic people as well. And their lifestyle didn't change for thousands of years, and even then, it was because of an outside influence. (spanish introducing horses, europeans taking over the land.....)


I'm not a great fan of technological advances as much as I am social progression. Just look at what we do with the tech we have now. We have the internet and look at how many who each day segregate ourselves into our own respective little forums to talk with people who agree with us about those we collectively hate. How much actual thought is needed to regurgitate old prejudices?


Are we actually progressing or are we regressing, seeing how many times in the past few years that physical violence has erupted.?


How many times have we heard the statement that someone had pissed someone else off when in reality those making these statements let themselves become pissed off. The fact is that no one can make any of us angrey. We let ourselves become angry because of our own assumptions.


Admiral Rickover used to interview each candidate for submarine school. One of his tests was "You have 3 seconds to piss me off." This brought about a wide variety of behaviors.... the most effective of which was the guy that immediately grabbed the model submarine on the admirals desk, and promptly smashed it.


Needless to say, the admiral was pissed. :D (and the guy got into submarine school.......)


So yeah, it is most certainly possible for others actions/words to piss someone off. To deny that, is to deny reality. Humans are emotional animals. There is no getting around that.

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There is every getting arou






I would point out that EVERY society is living off of what their ancestors built. Assuming that their ancestors built anything at all......


Ya and while your at it , you might as well point out that water is wet ... hehe .


But am curious what would constitute a society that did not build anything ?

Is it a culture that does not exploit or at least very little ?


Because the inverse is what I would constitute as not building anything .

Which is where I think American society is at , always in Exploit mode.


I've changed my mind on America splitting into 2 federal entities being a good thing.

At least while I would have to live through the change ... since it would take 10-20ish years of turmoil before we would get a working government for the people out of it. (being the whole reason to do it)

So meh ... let the non voting generation deal with it when they decide just looking at their iphones isn't working anymore.


And technology is more what I was talking about ... since there are so many life skills that are getting phased out by it . Plus introducing so many new ways of exploit. (not in a good way)


At a guess, I would say that the native americans were not exploitative, and most of them didn't really build anything permanent... (there are exceptions....) That would likely to apply to pretty much any nomadic people as well. And their lifestyle didn't change for thousands of years, and even then, it was because of an outside influence. (spanish introducing horses, europeans taking over the land.....)


I'm not a great fan of technological advances as much as I am social progression. Just look at what we do with the tech we have now. We have the internet and look at how many who each day segregate ourselves into our own respective little forums to talk with people who agree with us about those we collectively hate. How much actual thought is needed to regurgitate old prejudices?


Are we actually progressing or are we regressing, seeing how many times in the past few years that physical violence has erupted.?


How many times have we heard the statement that someone had pissed someone else off when in reality those making these statements let themselves become pissed off. The fact is that no one can make any of us angrey. We let ourselves become angry because of our own assumptions.


Admiral Rickover used to interview each candidate for submarine school. One of his tests was "You have 3 seconds to piss me off." This brought about a wide variety of behaviors.... the most effective of which was the guy that immediately grabbed the model submarine on the admirals desk, and promptly smashed it.


Needless to say, the admiral was pissed. :D (and the guy got into submarine school.......)


So yeah, it is most certainly possible for others actions/words to piss someone off. To deny that, is to deny reality. Humans are emotional animals. There is no getting around that.


Sorry, but no. Emotions are feelings and as such can be controlled if control is more important to a person than being controlled. It's all in whats important to you.


It's my experience that the less you think of imagery such as being arrogant or placing undue importance on material items the less chance of being effected by others interactions with you.


Knowing yourself and loving others in such a way as to endeavor to understand the situation can do wonders at this.


Booker T Washington had a very excellent quote " I shall allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him."


When you are angered, you hate and that's something that can not be gotten around. You either hate what was done or the person doing what was done. Like I said its a value system.




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There is every getting arou






I would point out that EVERY society is living off of what their ancestors built. Assuming that their ancestors built anything at all......


Ya and while your at it , you might as well point out that water is wet ... hehe .


But am curious what would constitute a society that did not build anything ?

Is it a culture that does not exploit or at least very little ?


Because the inverse is what I would constitute as not building anything .

Which is where I think American society is at , always in Exploit mode.


I've changed my mind on America splitting into 2 federal entities being a good thing.

At least while I would have to live through the change ... since it would take 10-20ish years of turmoil before we would get a working government for the people out of it. (being the whole reason to do it)

So meh ... let the non voting generation deal with it when they decide just looking at their iphones isn't working anymore.


And technology is more what I was talking about ... since there are so many life skills that are getting phased out by it . Plus introducing so many new ways of exploit. (not in a good way)


At a guess, I would say that the native americans were not exploitative, and most of them didn't really build anything permanent... (there are exceptions....) That would likely to apply to pretty much any nomadic people as well. And their lifestyle didn't change for thousands of years, and even then, it was because of an outside influence. (spanish introducing horses, europeans taking over the land.....)


I'm not a great fan of technological advances as much as I am social progression. Just look at what we do with the tech we have now. We have the internet and look at how many who each day segregate ourselves into our own respective little forums to talk with people who agree with us about those we collectively hate. How much actual thought is needed to regurgitate old prejudices?


Are we actually progressing or are we regressing, seeing how many times in the past few years that physical violence has erupted.?


How many times have we heard the statement that someone had pissed someone else off when in reality those making these statements let themselves become pissed off. The fact is that no one can make any of us angrey. We let ourselves become angry because of our own assumptions.


Admiral Rickover used to interview each candidate for submarine school. One of his tests was "You have 3 seconds to piss me off." This brought about a wide variety of behaviors.... the most effective of which was the guy that immediately grabbed the model submarine on the admirals desk, and promptly smashed it.


Needless to say, the admiral was pissed. :D (and the guy got into submarine school.......)


So yeah, it is most certainly possible for others actions/words to piss someone off. To deny that, is to deny reality. Humans are emotional animals. There is no getting around that.


Sorry, but no. Emotions are feelings and as such can be controlled if control is more important to a person than being controlled. It's all in whats important to you.


It's my experience that the less you think of imagery such as being arrogant or placing undue importance on material items the less chance of being effected by others interactions with you.


Knowing yourself and loving others in such a way as to endeavor to understand the situation can do wonders at this.


Booker T Washington had a very excellent quote " I shall allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him."


When you are angered, you hate and that's something that can not be gotten around. You either hate what was done or the person doing what was done. Like I said its a value system.





Yes, emotions are feelings. And for the most part, they can be controlled. But not 100% of the time. Terribly sorry, but, if you are a human being, and not some variety of sociopath/psychopath, then it is indeed possible for other people to piss you off. In fact, it's rather likely that it will happen to you quite frequently over the course of your life. You may not necessarily REACT, but, it's highly likely various folks have made you angry over the course of your life....


And really, hate doesn't enter into it. Many people have pissed me off over the years. I don't hate them, nor do I hate their actions. I get over it. Just like most other folks.

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There is every getting arou






I would point out that EVERY society is living off of what their ancestors built. Assuming that their ancestors built anything at all......


Ya and while your at it , you might as well point out that water is wet ... hehe .


But am curious what would constitute a society that did not build anything ?

Is it a culture that does not exploit or at least very little ?


Because the inverse is what I would constitute as not building anything .

Which is where I think American society is at , always in Exploit mode.


I've changed my mind on America splitting into 2 federal entities being a good thing.

At least while I would have to live through the change ... since it would take 10-20ish years of turmoil before we would get a working government for the people out of it. (being the whole reason to do it)

So meh ... let the non voting generation deal with it when they decide just looking at their iphones isn't working anymore.


And technology is more what I was talking about ... since there are so many life skills that are getting phased out by it . Plus introducing so many new ways of exploit. (not in a good way)


At a guess, I would say that the native americans were not exploitative, and most of them didn't really build anything permanent... (there are exceptions....) That would likely to apply to pretty much any nomadic people as well. And their lifestyle didn't change for thousands of years, and even then, it was because of an outside influence. (spanish introducing horses, europeans taking over the land.....)


I'm not a great fan of technological advances as much as I am social progression. Just look at what we do with the tech we have now. We have the internet and look at how many who each day segregate ourselves into our own respective little forums to talk with people who agree with us about those we collectively hate. How much actual thought is needed to regurgitate old prejudices?


Are we actually progressing or are we regressing, seeing how many times in the past few years that physical violence has erupted.?


How many times have we heard the statement that someone had pissed someone else off when in reality those making these statements let themselves become pissed off. The fact is that no one can make any of us angrey. We let ourselves become angry because of our own assumptions.


Admiral Rickover used to interview each candidate for submarine school. One of his tests was "You have 3 seconds to piss me off." This brought about a wide variety of behaviors.... the most effective of which was the guy that immediately grabbed the model submarine on the admirals desk, and promptly smashed it.


Needless to say, the admiral was pissed. :D (and the guy got into submarine school.......)


So yeah, it is most certainly possible for others actions/words to piss someone off. To deny that, is to deny reality. Humans are emotional animals. There is no getting around that.


Sorry, but no. Emotions are feelings and as such can be controlled if control is more important to a person than being controlled. It's all in whats important to you.


It's my experience that the less you think of imagery such as being arrogant or placing undue importance on material items the less chance of being effected by others interactions with you.


Knowing yourself and loving others in such a way as to endeavor to understand the situation can do wonders at this.


Booker T Washington had a very excellent quote " I shall allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him."


When you are angered, you hate and that's something that can not be gotten around. You either hate what was done or the person doing what was done. Like I said its a value system.





Yes, emotions are feelings. And for the most part, they can be controlled. But not 100% of the time. Terribly sorry, but, if you are a human being, and not some variety of sociopath/psychopath, then it is indeed possible for other people to piss you off. In fact, it's rather likely that it will happen to you quite frequently over the course of your life. You may not necessarily REACT, but, it's highly likely various folks have made you angry over the course of your life....


And really, hate doesn't enter into it. Many people have pissed me off over the years. I don't hate them, nor do I hate their actions. I get over it. Just like most other folks.


you can not be angered at anything unless you give it permission to anger you. you can be bothered by something, you can even be upset by something that happens to you, but if you allow it to anger you, that is your fault that you are angry, not the antagonists.

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Not quoting simply because it's getting too long. :)


In any event, I disagree. Anger is a reaction to a stimulus. Some stimuli will be more provocative than others. Different people have different tolerance levels for anger/reaction, but, there generally is ALWAYS some reaction. Stepping on one guys foot may get a comment. Stepping on some others guy foot may get you shot. Saying the wrong thing to someone can evoke similar varied responses. It's all in how much BS you are willing to tolerate. As I said, some folks can tolerate a whole lot more than others. Some folks have no tolerance at all. (and could probably make use of some anger management courses.....) Is it a 'choice'?? As much as pulling your hand out of a fire is a choice.


There is no 'one-size-fits-all' definition here. Blanket statements do not belong here, as not everyone is the same. (which is likely part of the problem, but, I can live with that.)

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There is every getting arou






I would point out that EVERY society is living off of what their ancestors built. Assuming that their ancestors built anything at all......


Ya and while your at it , you might as well point out that water is wet ... hehe .


But am curious what would constitute a society that did not build anything ?

Is it a culture that does not exploit or at least very little ?


Because the inverse is what I would constitute as not building anything .

Which is where I think American society is at , always in Exploit mode.


I've changed my mind on America splitting into 2 federal entities being a good thing.

At least while I would have to live through the change ... since it would take 10-20ish years of turmoil before we would get a working government for the people out of it. (being the whole reason to do it)

So meh ... let the non voting generation deal with it when they decide just looking at their iphones isn't working anymore.


And technology is more what I was talking about ... since there are so many life skills that are getting phased out by it . Plus introducing so many new ways of exploit. (not in a good way)


At a guess, I would say that the native americans were not exploitative, and most of them didn't really build anything permanent... (there are exceptions....) That would likely to apply to pretty much any nomadic people as well. And their lifestyle didn't change for thousands of years, and even then, it was because of an outside influence. (spanish introducing horses, europeans taking over the land.....)


I'm not a great fan of technological advances as much as I am social progression. Just look at what we do with the tech we have now. We have the internet and look at how many who each day segregate ourselves into our own respective little forums to talk with people who agree with us about those we collectively hate. How much actual thought is needed to regurgitate old prejudices?


Are we actually progressing or are we regressing, seeing how many times in the past few years that physical violence has erupted.?


How many times have we heard the statement that someone had pissed someone else off when in reality those making these statements let themselves become pissed off. The fact is that no one can make any of us angrey. We let ourselves become angry because of our own assumptions.


Admiral Rickover used to interview each candidate for submarine school. One of his tests was "You have 3 seconds to piss me off." This brought about a wide variety of behaviors.... the most effective of which was the guy that immediately grabbed the model submarine on the admirals desk, and promptly smashed it.


Needless to say, the admiral was pissed. :D (and the guy got into submarine school.......)


So yeah, it is most certainly possible for others actions/words to piss someone off. To deny that, is to deny reality. Humans are emotional animals. There is no getting around that.


Sorry, but no. Emotions are feelings and as such can be controlled if control is more important to a person than being controlled. It's all in whats important to you.


It's my experience that the less you think of imagery such as being arrogant or placing undue importance on material items the less chance of being effected by others interactions with you.


Knowing yourself and loving others in such a way as to endeavor to understand the situation can do wonders at this.


Booker T Washington had a very excellent quote " I shall allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him."


When you are angered, you hate and that's something that can not be gotten around. You either hate what was done or the person doing what was done. Like I said its a value system.





Yes, emotions are feelings. And for the most part, they can be controlled. But not 100% of the time. Terribly sorry, but, if you are a human being, and not some variety of sociopath/psychopath, then it is indeed possible for other people to piss you off. In fact, it's rather likely that it will happen to you quite frequently over the course of your life. You may not necessarily REACT, but, it's highly likely various folks have made you angry over the course of your life....


And really, hate doesn't enter into it. Many people have pissed me off over the years. I don't hate them, nor do I hate their actions. I get over it. Just like most other folks.



Wow! Did you find a crowd rallying in the street while you walking your dog today? Did you feel the excitement of your youth surging in your blood and hope to see a fight break out? Which I conclude; from my own experiences how the thrill from the others in the crowd causes a vibrating sensation our bodies experience and does get me so excited.


And yet I believe we share that kind of nervous thrill?


When we are near the excited mass of people we hope we are able to run; fast enough if we see the battle begin; to either get into the brawl, or run away with the dog and find comfort behind our brick and mortar prison's concrete walls.


Do you have a key to your cell or are you the warden of your keep?

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Ya I shouldn't let commercials piss me off so much .

Just invent a way to bypass them .

Then market it on all forms of media :nuke: :laugh:

It's called a DVR. :)


I am waiting for an ad-blocker for smart TV's. :D


I just don't watch broadcast television any more. Anything I want to watch will eventually show up on some streaming service or other, sans commercials.

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Actually I think most TV's these days will act like a dvr ... just need to plug in a USB drive and format it with the TV instructions. This particular TV will do 90 minutes regardless of the drive size.


But the problem with watching TV behind live broadcast ... is eventually when fastforwarding commercials ... You catch up.

But ya I know .. that is just one of the many ways to avoid watching commercials. Some times its like I get mad just knowing they exist.


And why I say corporations are not people ... therefore cannot have an individuals right to speech. The core of why an individual should be above a business in that respect.


What is the reason you think is most important for companies to not be deemed the same as an individual HeyYou ?

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