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1. at first i wish trump and his wife a speedy recovery and not the hard way johnson had to go.

and i hope he will be also cured from blackouts like that


2. i support oldsaltycrocs post and message to 100%.

missing empathy, support of resentments even in this debate here in many posts. what has happened to people to allow or to support a leader to act like trump does and to tolerate his lies and skewing the truth ? how can people justfy that ? biden and clinton are no excuse to allow trump as president to act like that in a civilized country without consequences. in my opinion trump is the living example how to destroy trust and civilized communication. and what is even worse is that many people seem to adapt or even praise this behaviour as a common or valid way to stabilize american politics as oldsaltycrocodile posts. even the worst filth in the last two decades is a cure in comparison to what trump unchained in only 4 years.

Because we do NOT want a bunch of the stuff the dems have in mind, to happen. It really is that easy.

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hey you in my opinion only for a simple mind it is as easy you are tempted to see it. please show me a list of what the dems make so evil that you let a clown like trump destroy trust and a civilized way to treat each other. if a president is the opposite of an idol how should normal people learn or know how to behave and to treat each other? one of the reasons why no psychopath or criminal should be ever allowed to lead a civilized country - apart from any political content. if people do not trust each other any politcal agenda is meaningless. what is so difficult to understand that and to set the right priority ? forget about dems and reps as long as people are not able to trust anyone anymore and question facts and instead even some try to spread vodoo and conspiracy theories (including the current president as a supporter)! do you think it is coincidence that even neighbours and family menbers tend to be splitted just because of dem and rep debates ? i don't think so. people began to question everything - even proven facts and science in the last 4 years. the reason is simple: it is trumps strategy since day one of his leadership to question or to discredit everything and every institution (even proved as neural or trustworthy for decades) which does not follow his wishes, his egoism and his crude opinions. the problem: simple minded people are tempted to follow a (supposed) strong leader while losing trust in democratic institutions and civilized social interaction. 85 years ago in germany we already made this mistake and the (trump: ...beautiful) second ww followed...


do you really think it is worth to support a pathetic existence just because of a (in some points) deviating political agenda instead of someone who at least should be able to reinstall healthy social interaction and to make a political discussion at first somehow meaningful again?

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hey you in my opinion only for a simple mind it is as easy you are tempted to see it. please show me a list of what the dems make so evil that you let a clown like trump destroy trust and a civilized way to treat each other. if a president is the opposite of an idol how should normal people learn or know how to behave and to treat each other? one of the reasons why no psychopath or criminal should be ever allowed to lead a civilized country - apart from any political content. if people do not trust each other any politcal agenda is meaningless. what is so difficult to understand that and to set the right priority ? forget about dems and reps as long as people are not able to trust anyone anymore and question facts and instead even some try to spread vodoo and conspiracy theories (including the current president as a supporter)! do you think it is coincidence that even neighbours and family menbers tend to be splitted just because of dem and rep debates ? i don't think so. people began to question everything - even proven facts and science in the last 4 years. the reason is simple: it is trumps strategy since day one of his leadership to question or to discredit everything and every institution (even proved as neural or trustworthy for decades) which does not follow his wishes, his egoism and his crude opinions. the problem: simple minded people are tempted to follow a (supposed) strong leader while losing trust in democratic institutions and civilized social interaction. 85 years ago in germany we already made this mistake and the (trump: ...beautiful) second ww followed...


do you really think it is worth to support a pathetic existence just because of a (in some points) deviating political agenda instead of someone who at least should be able to reinstall healthy social interaction and to make a political discussion at first somehow meaningful again?

You can take your holier than thou attitude, and stick it where the sun don't shine. YOU are the one making this a moral issue, when in reality, morals have nothing to do with it, as politicians, as a rule, DON'T HAVE ANY.


If you read some of my earlier posts, you will see the issues I have with the dems platform. I have listed them more than once, just in this thread.


At this point, The republicans could be running Atilla the hun, Saddam Hussien, or even good ol' uncle Adolf himself, and I STILL would NOT vote democrat.

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hey you in my opinion only for a simple mind it is as easy you are tempted to see it. please show me a list of what the dems make so evil that you let a clown like trump destroy trust and a civilized way to treat each other. if a president is the opposite of an idol how should normal people learn or know how to behave and to treat each other? one of the reasons why no psychopath or criminal should be ever allowed to lead a civilized country - apart from any political content. if people do not trust each other any politcal agenda is meaningless. what is so difficult to understand that and to set the right priority ? forget about dems and reps as long as people are not able to trust anyone anymore and question facts and instead even some try to spread vodoo and conspiracy theories (including the current president as a supporter)! do you think it is coincidence that even neighbours and family menbers tend to be splitted just because of dem and rep debates ? i don't think so. people began to question everything - even proven facts and science in the last 4 years. the reason is simple: it is trumps strategy since day one of his leadership to question or to discredit everything and every institution (even proved as neural or trustworthy for decades) which does not follow his wishes, his egoism and his crude opinions. the problem: simple minded people are tempted to follow a (supposed) strong leader while losing trust in democratic institutions and civilized social interaction. 85 years ago in germany we already made this mistake and the (trump: ...beautiful) second ww followed...


do you really think it is worth to support a pathetic existence just because of a (in some points) deviating political agenda instead of someone who at least should be able to reinstall healthy social interaction and to make a political discussion at first somehow meaningful again?

You can take your holier than thou attitude, and stick it where the sun don't shine. YOU are the one making this a moral issue, when in reality, morals have nothing to do with it, as politicians, as a rule, DON'T HAVE ANY.


If you read some of my earlier posts, you will see the issues I have with the dems platform. I have listed them more than once, just in this thread.


At this point, The republicans could be running Atilla the hun, Saddam Hussien, or even good ol' uncle Adolf himself, and I STILL would NOT vote democrat.




This is why intelligent discourse is impossible.


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hey you in my opinion only for a simple mind it is as easy you are tempted to see it. please show me a list of what the dems make so evil that you let a clown like trump destroy trust and a civilized way to treat each other. if a president is the opposite of an idol how should normal people learn or know how to behave and to treat each other? one of the reasons why no psychopath or criminal should be ever allowed to lead a civilized country - apart from any political content. if people do not trust each other any politcal agenda is meaningless. what is so difficult to understand that and to set the right priority ? forget about dems and reps as long as people are not able to trust anyone anymore and question facts and instead even some try to spread vodoo and conspiracy theories (including the current president as a supporter)! do you think it is coincidence that even neighbours and family menbers tend to be splitted just because of dem and rep debates ? i don't think so. people began to question everything - even proven facts and science in the last 4 years. the reason is simple: it is trumps strategy since day one of his leadership to question or to discredit everything and every institution (even proved as neural or trustworthy for decades) which does not follow his wishes, his egoism and his crude opinions. the problem: simple minded people are tempted to follow a (supposed) strong leader while losing trust in democratic institutions and civilized social interaction. 85 years ago in germany we already made this mistake and the (trump: ...beautiful) second ww followed...


do you really think it is worth to support a pathetic existence just because of a (in some points) deviating political agenda instead of someone who at least should be able to reinstall healthy social interaction and to make a political discussion at first somehow meaningful again?

You can take your holier than thou attitude, and stick it where the sun don't shine. YOU are the one making this a moral issue, when in reality, morals have nothing to do with it, as politicians, as a rule, DON'T HAVE ANY.


If you read some of my earlier posts, you will see the issues I have with the dems platform. I have listed them more than once, just in this thread.


At this point, The republicans could be running Atilla the hun, Saddam Hussien, or even good ol' uncle Adolf himself, and I STILL would NOT vote democrat.




This is why intelligent discourse is impossible.




Screw You with Your Orange Text .

There is no way I am going to put up with Orangutans with voting rights.

Besides ... have you seen how fast they cannot lick stamps ?

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1. at first i wish trump and his wife a speedy recovery and not the hard way johnson had to go.

and i hope he will be also cured from blackouts like that


2. i support oldsaltycrocs post and message to 100%.

missing empathy, support of resentments even in this debate here in many posts. what has happened to people to allow or to support a leader to act like trump does and to tolerate his lies and skewing the truth ? how can people justfy that ? biden and clinton are no excuse to allow trump as president to act like that in a civilized country without consequences. in my opinion trump is the living example how to destroy trust and civilized communication. and what is even worse is that many people seem to adapt or even praise this behaviour as a common or valid way to stabilize american politics as oldsaltycrocodile posts. even the worst filth in the last two decades is a cure in comparison to what trump unchained in only 4 years.

Because we do NOT want a bunch of the stuff the dems have in mind, to happen. It really is that easy.



From the Dems side ... an Uno Reverse. It is really that simple , and why we are going to destroy all the things that people built by working together.


"We" as in both sides. As in what fuels the circling cesspool down the drain.


Have you noticed how trends come around faster ?

That means we are closer to the center of the drain.


Here is something good to help the pain though.


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at this point i can leave the debate. if people are able to ignore or just wipe away the worst moral issues in a civilized country of a leader over 4 years with already severe and disturbing results for the country at least these people are in my eyes are kind of lost or even dangerous for their country. we do not talk about a harmless dems vs reps problem.


we learned from history what happens if people ignore too long severe moral issues and we see what happens in countries of autocratic leaders screwing up truth and moral for their personal benefit and crude ideas day by day. if people are not willing to learn from history and to fight against such tendencies before it is too late the western civilized world with its values and democratic structures will not survive. with a divisive, egoistic, unfair and lying leader since day one no nation will be able to live as a peaceful and united community.


i'm really proud of a america which helped to save the world 80 years ago. this america helped gemany to develaop as a civilized democratic nation and me to post uncensored in the internet. i really appreciate that gift and this kind of highest possible freedom. but i'm sad to watch how america changed in only four years and so many people in the u.s. seem to be prepared to accept a political and social decline of values for some promised personal advantages. many seem to severely underestimate the importance of these values. the history and autocratic leaded countries show what happens in this case...


i hope at least we in germany learned this lesson 75 years ago and i hope no other nation with already valuable democratic structures will ever need a history lesson like that again before it is too late. one weak moment in history and we tolerated a dangerous leader within democratic structures for too long and history showed impressively what happens if the wrong man is tolerated and rules a nation without early consequences.

a leader who questions and even publicly try to discredit and sabotage his own country election procedures which worked for decades is for me already dangerous and unacceptable as a democratic leader. he had 4 years to solve that (non existant) problem which was 3.5 years no problem for him and never for anyone else until he realized and decided he could take advantage for the election spreading some fairy tails.


i cannot deny upcoming problems with neo nazi racist people in germany just ignoring or even not knowing their own history. thank you america for saving us 75 years ago from an ultra right racist regime. a democracy only works as long as a leader acts trustworthy responsible and unselfish! i can not say that watching trump too often driven by an unreflected pathological ambition, egoism and naivety so even his administration has to protect him from himself.


so at least i can not wipe away these moral issues and yes - if necessary i would stick with it where the sun don't shine before living in a country developing into a divisive, ignorant, intolerant and nazi germany like nation with a childish, intolerant, protectively, egoistic and truth screwing leader supported by blind executors of his crude and divisive ideas camouflaged as a political agenda.

a nation needs a leader who is able or at least willing to unite and to bring all people together again fighting for humanity and the same rights as 80 years ago and all the positive developed since then. one thing i know for sure: trump is not that kind of leader! accepting trump as a leader means accepting the end of the u.s as a united nation including all treated as equal. if this is what you like or want vote trump!



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at this point i can leave the debate. if people are able to ignore or just wipe away the worst moral issues in a civilized country of a leader over 4 years with already severe and disturbing results for the country at least these people are in my eyes are kind of lost or even dangerous for their country. we do not talk about a harmless dems vs reps problem.


we learned from history what happens if people ignore too long severe moral issues and we see what happens in countries of autocratic leaders screwing up truth and moral for their personal benefit and crude ideas day by day. if people are not willing to learn from history and to fight against such tendencies before it is too late the western civilized world with its values and democratic structures will not survive. with a divisive, egoistic, unfair and lying leader since day one no nation will be able to live as a peaceful and united community.


i'm really proud of a america which helped to save the world 80 years ago. this america helped gemany to develaop as a civilized democratic nation and me to post uncensored in the internet. i really appreciate that gift and this kind of highest possible freedom. but i'm sad to watch how america changed in only four years and so many people in the u.s. seem to be prepared to accept a political and social decline of values for some promised personal advantages. many seem to severely underestimate the importance of these values. the history and autocratic leaded countries show what happens in this case...


i hope at least we in germany learned this lesson 75 years ago and i hope no other nation with already valuable democratic structures will ever need a history lesson like that again before it is too late. one weak moment in history and we tolerated a dangerous leader within democratic structures for too long and history showed impressively what happens if the wrong man is tolerated and rules a nation without early consequences.

a leader who questions and even publicly try to discredit and sabotage his own country election procedures which worked for decades is for me already dangerous and unacceptable as a democratic leader. he had 4 years to solve that (non existant) problem which was 3.5 years no problem for him and never for anyone else until he realized and decided he could take advantage for the election spreading some fairy tails.


i cannot deny upcoming problems with neo nazi racist people in germany just ignoring or even not knowing their own history. thank you america for saving us 75 years ago from an ultra right racist regime. a democracy only works as long as a leader acts trustworthy responsible and unselfish! i can not say that watching trump too often driven by an unreflected pathological ambition, egoism and naivety so even his administration has to protect him from himself.


so at least i can not wipe away these moral issues and yes - if necessary i would stick with it where the sun don't shine before living in a country developing into a divisive, ignorant, intolerant and nazi germany like nation with a childish, intolerant, protectively, egoistic and truth screwing leader supported by blind executors of his crude and divisive ideas camouflaged as a political agenda.

a nation needs a leader who is able or at least willing to unite and to bring all people together again fighting for humanity and the same rights as 80 years ago and all the positive developed since then. one thing i know for sure: trump is not that kind of leader! accepting trump as a leader means accepting the end of the u.s as a united nation including all treated as equal. if this is what you like or want vote trump!



It's obvious you have never been here, and basing your opinions on what you read. I question the sources of that material, as you obviously have a very skewed view of american history/politics.


Trump most certainly is NOT the most morally bankrupt president we have had, he might rank as fourth, or fifth...... possibly even lower than that. Trouble is, if you vote according to the moral values of some politician, you wouldn't be voting for ANY of them. There is no such thing as an 'honest politician'. They ALL lie, cheat, steal, and have the morals of a field rat. Trump is just more obvious about it.


And according to you....... I should vote for the most 'morally upright' candidate??? Or maybe that should be the 'least morally reprehensible'......... That's just idiotic. We aren't voting for a PERSON, we are voting on the direction we want our country to take. I could put up a pretty good argument AGAINST the dems, on purely moral grounds, however, that would be extremely politically incorrect, and tends to rub a fair few folks the wrong way, and draw this thread off on several tangents.... way off topic.....


I have seen the moral and societal decline as well, but, it isn't just the last four years. It's the last several decades. And, in my opinion, it is democrat policies/positions that are driving that decline. Right off a cliff.

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What I find most telling, is the reaction of many Democrats, left wing politicians, left wing sychophants and the left wing propaganda media outlets. So many of them saying or wishing ill health or even death for Trump and his familiy


These "people" and I really don't like calling them that, because I don't think they deserve to be classified the same as me, are actually wishing for the death of another human. Let that sink in! That is the type of creature people such as xrayy and saltycroc are supporters of.

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What I find most telling, is the reaction of many Democrats, left wing politicians, left wing sychophants and the left wing propaganda media outlets. So many of them saying or wishing ill health or even death for Trump and his familiy


These "people" and I really don't like calling them that, because I don't think they deserve to be classified the same as me, are actually wishing for the death of another human. Let that sink in! That is the type of creature people such as xrayy and saltycroc are supporters of.

Well, the left has already more than adequately show that 'logic' and 'reason' have no part in their decision making process. It's all drama, and emotion. Another one of the reasons I will not vote for a dem.

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