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If you're a staunch Republican there is no need to read the PDF that is available to sway your opinions from your Republican vote to the Democrat's side.


So, if you don't feel a need to change from your republican airs to favor the other with democratic themes don't read all the stuff documented in this PDF before you vote.



That is the most condescending snide opinion post I have read here in quite a while.

Aside from your hubristic assumption of moral superiority your sources are hyper partisan.

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If you're a staunch Republican there is no need to read the PDF that is available to sway your opinions from your Republican vote to the Democrat's side.


So, if you don't feel a need to change from your republican airs to favor the other with democratic themes don't read all the stuff documented in this PDF before you vote.



That is the most condescending snide opinion post I have read here in quite a while.

Aside from your hubristic assumption of moral superiority your sources are hyper partisan.



You mean my childlike post referring to another thread of which neither or any of them, like this one, I rarely read? I thought I saw a Halloween scheme that befit the wolves of man, the spooks of politics in this thread, sailors wolf whistling from up on deck at the ladies on the dock below.


Along with my memories of the monsters we men are told about we will likely grow up to be like and from the movie, *All the Kings Men* with Broderick Crawford I felt the two websites were probably as full of mystical and schizophrenic meandering many of the threads and movies made up of actors who are pretenders just like many of us at this famous website Nexusmods. Nothing is real to anyone who has been there that we learn about from movies or books.


So full of mystical meaning, schizophrenic two headed writers, and the long big words I have glanced at and winched because all the big words hurt my eyes. I didn't read either of those posted threads. I saw a Halloween theme and another comercial artist rendition that just fit in here on this thread perfectly to my childlike childish thinking.


Oh! I could have and probably should have added SCREAMS and BOO! but because I saw a picture full of buildings with dollar signs floating down like confetti at a parade; from my mind came the idea. Oh from my comic book DAZE! Oh how it brought out the thoughts about how hazy I am when it comes to comparing the life of J. F. K. before he became President with the story in the book made into a movie All the Kings Men with Broderick Crawford. My how Mr. Crawford has a striking facial similarity to R. Nixon in one of those poses with him smiling for the shot. Oh and how Mr. Crawford's character was changed horribly in my mind from my memories of him in Broderick Crawford in Highway Patrol!


After the tears flowed from realizing that I had been duped. Poor Camelot? Then after more tears in the Junior High School classroom because they played the horrible news about President Kennedy being shot I no longer cared to be or even wanted to be sided with anyone with a political bag.


All of us men being touted as nothing more than storytellers of our grand adventures we never had, battles against the enemies we only read about, usurpers, gangsters, alcoholics, drug addicts, dishonest door to door salesmen, and carpetbaggers. The greatest of all films I saw was The Flim Flam Man with George C. Scott that sank the vampires third bite into everyone that believed movies were the truth.


Blood suckers! Who's my Dad? Where did your father go? Sailors who whistled from the decks just before they got liberty to go ashore. Girls barely out of their diapers asking 18 year old boys; Where you from sailor? Wolves wearing dairy queen cups on their heads.


I can't think of one nice movie to describe via touts describing men while women did the dirty under the table and no one paid attention to them, not even when women were raging about the rotten ways of husbands on our little minds holding us male babes on their laps, holding us like they caught a convict and convincing us to slave for them or they would call the copper and turn us over to the law, charging boys money for tickles, and teasing their favorite little boys, bribing them with candy and cookies. Then stole it back while we were afraid a ghost of a sheriff, a cop, or a marshal might appear catching us with the chocolate he bribed her for sex with.


Some women went so far as sending their children off to find their fathers in the local tavern or up the hill by the still. Hoping they wouldn't get back before she was done playing with the postman or the pan handler pretending they had been in the garden picking out our dinner.


Which brings to mind the holier than thou attitude you say I have. Me?! I'm just a wizened child.


Raised among all the horrific losers who tried to grow up to be men who slipped into the nearest pair of the man's shoes who deserted his wife and then deserted their country and made another big movie about how great we all are who were soldiers during the WWII and came home to find a child in his shoes where he left his suitcase behind, accusing his wife of sleeping with other men. He's not my boy!


Another male who went off to shop in another country for another woman where there was a war nearby at every port; sailor.


If you don't have any scars from being treated like the trash that didn't come back in a coffin then; Excuse me! I'll lend you some of mine I got stateside when the Vietnam war hadn't even been declared lost yet.


I still feel the pains I got from civilians who had more brawn than brains, who didn't enlist like I did, and beat me up after I received an Honorable Discharge for having served stateside in the Marine Corps during Vietnam.


I'm just like a voodoo Zombie drifting along, without a voodoo queen, maggots falling off my living corpse as I limp along through post after post, gazing at writers spilling their tripe to get attention for some dirty deeds all the other men are doing, none of them are like.


The premises of this thread in my opinion is a Halloween escape for politicians.


All of you want to be like men, that you think were great and you've earned the rank of, a man among men too. But!
Out there in a shadowy space where you spend all your time hiding in the woods, wearing masks, and hiding behind avatars now too. Someone is already sniffing around, listening for a sound, and ready to pounce on your little royal highness.

Don't cry! Don't pout! Don't sniffle! And don't look behind you!







Got Cha!


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regardless how this election ends and if you voted for dems or reps: im my opinion trump (still as the president) shows in the last two days and hours who he is and who he was through the last four years and why he is a miscast.

i hope that his permanent divisive behavior and his misguiding twaddle will end somehow and that the u.s. will be leaded by someone who is trustworthy and tries to be president for all people and who fight against racism, terrorism and all kind of pure inhuman action. trust is so important. but trust to a leader or as a leader can never be build on a series of lies, egoism, vanity, narcissism and megalomania as trump tries all the time.

i'm optimistic that the oldest democracy will affirm itself, regardless how a man like trump permanently questions or denigrates it.

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regardless how this election ends and if you voted for dems or reps: im my opinion trump (still as the president) shows in the last two days and hours who he is and who he was through the last four years and why he is a miscast.

i hope that his permanent divisive behavior and his misguiding twaddle will end somehow and that the u.s. will be leaded by someone who is trustworthy and tries to be president for all people and who fight against racism, terrorism and all kind of pure inhuman action. trust is so important. but trust to a leader or as a leader can never be build on a series of lies, egoism, vanity, narcissism and megalomania as trump tries all the time.

i'm optimistic that the oldest democracy will affirm itself, regardless how a man like trump permanently questions or denigrates it.

If you trust ANY politician, you are delusional.

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i do not believe in generalized negative statements against any occupational group. if you can not trust people or people who are politicians generally you should have a severe reason for that. it will probably lead to permanently hide in a rabbit hole for the rest of your live.

do not trust anybody blindly but as long as somebody acts trustworthy at least i treat him/her as trustworthy regardless of his/her profession. i don't know why you refuse to use your common sense for such cases and instead bashing people or groups of people generally.


if someone like trump proves to be not trustworthy because of his permanent lies and his conscious misleading chatter i simply do not trust or vote him even if he fills my pockets with his dirty money. even if biden is a bad politician or a dem i have no prove that he is someone who permanently lies or tries to question basic values like u.s. democrathy.

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i do not believe in generalized negative statements against any occupational group. if you can not trust people or people who are politicians generally you should have a severe reason for that. it will probably lead to permanently hide in a rabbit hole for the rest of your live.

do not trust anybody blindly but as long as somebody acts trustworthy at least i treat him/her as trustworthy regardless of his/her profession. i don't know why you refuse to use your common sense for such cases and instead bashing people or groups of people generally.


if someone like trump proves to be not trustworthy because of his permanent lies and his conscious misleading chatter i simply do not trust or vote him even if he fills my pockets with his dirty money. even if biden is a bad politician or a dem i have no prove that he is someone who permanently lies or tries to question basic values like u.s. democrathy.

Show me ONE honest politician. Just one. You won't be able to, because they are ALL indeed dishonest. They will tell you what they think you want to hear, then do whatever is best for THEM. All of them. Without exception. Maybe I am just jaded by the american political system, but, so far, no one has proven me wrong.

Edited by HeyYou
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show me any human being on this planet which never lied. you will not find it - (hey)you and me included. but that is not the point. and i think you miss the point if you indirectly try to excuse or even play down trumps extreme behavior - totally not trustworthy- with a general statement against politicians.

trump is the president and it is not relevant what other people do but it is relevant what he does as the president and how he behaves. what i see is more than disturbing. if i think he already reached the bottom he always finds a way to dive deeper in his dirty soap opera behavior while permanently committing abuse of the power of his presidency. i have no words that so many american still find an excuse to tolerate that.

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show me any human being on this planet which never lied. you will not find it - (hey)you and me included. but that is not the point. and i think you miss the point if you indirectly try to excuse or even play down trumps extreme behavior - totally not trustworthy- with a general statement against politicians.

trump is the president and it is not relevant what other people do but it is relevant what he does as the president and how he behaves. what i see is more than disturbing. if i think he already reached the bottom he always finds a way to dive deeper in his dirty soap opera behavior while permanently committing abuse of the power of his presidency. i have no words that so many american still find an excuse to tolerate that.

I see what ya did there. :D


I am not trying to excuse anyones behavior. I have already flatly stated that Trump is an idiot. (I have another word for it, that is more accurate, but, can't use that one here..... :) )


If you are considering electing someone, their behavior/honesty is most certainly relevant. Of course, I don't expect ANY politician to be 'honest'. For the most part, we are only given the choice of the lesser of several evils. Whomever you vote for, is still 'evil'. Problem is, for the last (far too) many election cycles, the candidates we are offered just suck. So, you don't vote for the person that's running, you vote on their positions on the issues.

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it is the responsibility of the dems and the reps to chose th0eir candidates. nobody urged them to chose trump or biden. reps are aware who trump is and how evil he can be but they forgot to drop him in time. they had their chance to assign a lesser divisive rep candidate. if reps fail they do because of trump. currently reps have no own identity they are trump and at least i don't know why. biden is probably not the perfect candidate but he is more than a dirty soap opera one man show and he acts in no way divisive like trump does. he has also friends within the reps. it would be great if he could unite the nation. trump surely will not be able.


don't underestimate the one man show trump. he is no rep he is just trump and his adminstration is mainly a job machine for his family. never seen this kind of celebrated abuse and mix of personal and economical interests and misuse of his job as a president - at least not in the u.s.in the last decades.

in my opinion this is even worse than to tolerate a man like biden.

there is one reason trump acts so terribly cheeky: he permanently has to cover his shortcomings and to distract others from discovering his limited capabilities. it seemed to work for him and his blind followers at least in the last four years...

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