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With the Corona - Virus 19 as our children's new master there could be a lot of laboratory technician jobs opening up. Is Biden promising any new jobs for everyone?

It's quite likely that whatever measures he takes to combat the virus, will actually cost us jobs.



With the corna-virus 19 as the grave marker on the world market. Jobs are there. Signs saying "Hiring" are everywhere I turn.


The last act of a president is to cull the people of the riff-raff. The railroad would have never been built through Havre Montana if the riff-raff around there hadn't been pushed under the rug while the railroad magnate was visiting deciding where to build. When he saw the riff-raff around Havre he immediately told the local governor if the riff-raff was still around no rails would come to town.


Check the out the Havre, Montana underground city next time you're out (of your mind) looking for some interesting way to spend some time away from all the troubles in your area. They found tunnels with a butcher shop, barbershop, grocery store, lawyer office, Candy/Soda Fountain Shop, and ladies in waiting rooms with beds when they were digging up some of the old town to start building some new buildings.


Seems even the Chinese working on the Railroad had trouble finding places to stay outside the camp when it got cold in Montana and found safe warm tunnels with some still in progress, which left some interesting history along with their passing as the rails were laid down for the trains to get to the West. I live in what remains of an old Hotel built back in the 1800's. Lived in by travelers from the East via Steamboats on the Mississippi all the way to Fort Benton, where the passengers took a stagecoach to where my little left over Hotel part is. Then they got a ride on another Steamboat or Keelboats, like the keelboat Davy Crockett's old nemesis had, to Three Forks from here. A steamboat Pilot by the name of Clemens even visited and acted at the Opera House as the City grew up out of the sand dune across the Missouri River from my little chunk of the Hotel.


There's an Ice House on the property outback still intact.


I wonder where I got the idea for Seder Hotel Mystery?!

I just found out that Seder has another meaning in another language. My Indiana Jones sense's have been revived. A mystery in a mystery? Woo Hoo! I found a new mystery to research.


Pilot S. L. Clemens A pilot, in those days, was the only unfettered and entirely independent human being that lived in the Earth. ... Life on the Mississippi. The day of July 31, 1895 was a special one for Great Falls. Samuel Langhorne Clemens best known by his pen name Mark Twain was in town. He was on tour and Great Falls was his first stop in Montana. Paris Gibson took Clemens and his family on a tour of Giant Springs which then was a city park.

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only people who expect too much will be disappointed or write such things. you may have such problems i do not.

instead it would be a better idea to think about how to contribute for a better future and how to unite the nation without racism, buying weapons and ignoring corona.

Not gonna happen. Several of the Dems political positions are going to be EXTREMELY divisive. (gun control, reparations for slavery, economic policy, curbs on free speech, etc.) If they push a couple of those too hard, the are going to get a VERY rude surprise. Keep in mind, he didn't win by much of a margin, and not all the votes are in yet either. (That I am aware of....) There is still a chance, albeit, pretty slim.... that Trump will still win.


crying while spreading permanent unfounded accusations is in my optinion divisive. if your biggest problems are your weapons (why no gun control?) you are really pitful. curbs on free speech ? tell me more or do you mean free speech for racists or supremacists ? i can not follow your arguments, sorry. you seem to me like someone with a hobby to permanently complain without any idea how to contribute something useful for your country and how to unite a nation. more weapons is surely not a valid option.

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Obviously America and Trump are not racist. Why on earth would a record number of Latinos and Blacks support a republican racist white supremist? They wouldn't because he isn't one and neither are his supporters.


You lose because your only weapon is shame, ridicule and personal attacks not logic and reason.

Edited by MrJoseCuervo
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obviously you are ignoring facts and reality. but it is easy to help you out with this problem and some history:


read this


or read this


or this


enough ?


I do not attack anyone personally but i attack lies and ignorance. and i do not close my eyes if people act or argue like trump.

as i said - i don`t know why black or white people support a man like trump who permanently failed the last four years to distance from racists and white supremists in a series of interviews directly asked. and he waited long to distance from ku klux clan! true or not ?


there are still to many black people who support trump. it is their secret why.



tell me if you need support in watching videos (instead of alternative facts videos) proving what i say. i will help you! you will find thousands of them.


trump fails are publicly availabe so what are you trying to tell me ? even more lies ? or your sympathy to a(n) (ex-)president who probably produced more lies than all previous presidents together ? if you love that trump show ok, but don't try to convince me.


if you feel personally touched being confronted with some facts i'm sorry. it is not adressed personally to anyone.

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only people who expect too much will be disappointed or write such things. you may have such problems i do not.

instead it would be a better idea to think about how to contribute for a better future and how to unite the nation without racism, buying weapons and ignoring corona.

Not gonna happen. Several of the Dems political positions are going to be EXTREMELY divisive. (gun control, reparations for slavery, economic policy, curbs on free speech, etc.) If they push a couple of those too hard, the are going to get a VERY rude surprise. Keep in mind, he didn't win by much of a margin, and not all the votes are in yet either. (That I am aware of....) There is still a chance, albeit, pretty slim.... that Trump will still win.


crying while spreading permanent unfounded accusations is in my optinion divisive. if your biggest problems are your weapons (why no gun control?) you are really pitful. curbs on free speech ? tell me more or do you mean free speech for racists or supremacists ? i can not follow your arguments, sorry. you seem to me like someone with a hobby to permanently complain without any idea how to contribute something useful for your country and how to unite a nation. more weapons is surely not a valid option.


Gun Control: Not a single proposal the dems are coming up with will make any difference whatsoever on gun crime.


The dems in New York at one time attempted to make speaking out against AGW a felony..... That is only one example. If you have been following the news in the last several years, there are also many examples of folks be raked over the coals for expressing an opinion the dems don't like.


You can't follow my arguments for a couple reasons. Top o' the list is because you don't want to. You don't have any clue about american history/culture, as you don't live here. You were raised in a completely different culture from us, so, naturally, your attitudes are going to be different. Also, you have been so well indoctrinated by the leftist propaganda, that you simply refuse to believe anything I say, even when the facts of the matter are readily available from numerous sources. (not all of which are right-leaning either.)


I seriously don't expect to convince you of anything at all, as you have already had your mind made up for you, and anything that contradicts your beliefs, must be misinformation, or flat out lies. To be honest, I don't even know why I bother with you. You don't live here, you don't vote here, therefore, your opinions are meaningless. You have no dog in the hunt.......


I must be really bored....... Think I will go out and count clouds. That would be a more productive use of my time......

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answer my clear an simple question first or got out and count clouds. it seems to me a good idea to do that more often ;)


this was the question:

trump who permanently failed the last four years to distance from racists and white supremists in a series of interviews directly asked. and he waited long to distance from ku klux clan! true or not ?

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Once again the fishermen of the distant lands play their lines thinking they may catch the golden fish that will grant them wishes if they release it instead of eating it. The power of dreams schemes and plans that plot are all settling down a jot.


No need to further drown anymore worms. The fish are in bed and won't be out biting since dawn has long passed. Trolls hope for more entertainment along their bridges and just like the fish the prey that gives them cause are resting in their homes, blankets, comforters over them, and no one is out to bother for a time. Rest your weary mind.


Refresh your focus and get ready for the wave of new scribes all wanting the job others get paid to do. Who will you believe? The ones who are bitter and want to prove their News is better than the gossip that all the well paid writers write? Hm?


Time to go sweep the walk of powder white snow. So the mail deliverer will know I am expecting them.

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answer my clear an simple question first or got out and count clouds. it seems to me a good idea to do that more often :wink:


this was the question:

trump who permanently failed the last four years to distance from racists and white supremists in a series of interviews directly asked. and he waited long to distance from ku klux clan! true or not ?

What you don't seem to understand is, I simply do not care about that. That is a personal issue with Donny. It is is leadership on the economy, gun/free speech rights, and foreign policy that I voted for. Not the man.

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i think i understand you but do you understand why i fear people who support a leadership which is not trustworthy, divisive and a cheated mess ?


it is simple: just study what happened to germany in 1933 before the second world war. thanks god the u.s. saved germany and the world from a divisive racist leader who misused his power in a weak moment of a democracy to switch it into an autocracy. so i do not understand people like you telling me they feel good with and vote for a leader who obviously cheats, acts divisive, does not distance from racists and supremists, disrespects the democratic structures and institutions around him - and you and me know already from history how this could end for a democracy to tolerate that behavior.

i'm glad that the majority of the u.s voters know about that problem with trump and and i do not understand the others in your country including most reps playing this obvious problem down and instead think they can support such a one man show with a clear conscience. you all should know better!

trump does not fail because all his decisions are wrong but because he is unpredictable and a danger for an open democracy the way he acts by ignoring values required for a peaceful society. a man and leader who refuses to distance from extremists and racists just to collect more votes is a danger. ignoring or tolerating that means also ignoring and tolerating what happened with the democratic structures 1933 in germany.


as long as you think the political agenda is more important than the political structures you are obviously not aware how politics work and that a working democratic structure is not a gift but an achievement which has to be defended with highest priority. one moment of weakness or unawareness and all achievements are gone including any agenda or political party!

a trustworthy leadership without permanent lies of the leader and undermining the democratic structures which gives the the leader the power to lead is essential! if this is not secured and guaranteed any political agenda is meaningless and it will lead to autocracy. and because of this the way trump acts by questioning and discrediting the structures who trusted him and gave him the power is obviously a danger for the political structures.

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i think i understand you but do you understand why i fear people who support a leadership which is not trustworthy, divisive and a cheated mess ?


it is simple: just study what happened to germany in 1933 before the second world war. thanks god the u.s. saved germany and the world from a divisive racist leader who misused his power in a weak moment of a democracy to switch it into an autocracy. so i do not understand people like you telling me they feel good with and vote for a leader who obviously cheats, acts divisive, does not distance from racists and supremists, disrespects the democratic structures and institutions around him - and you and me know already from history how this could end for a democracy to tolerate that behavior.

i'm glad that the majority of the u.s voters know about that problem with trump and and i do not understand the others in your country including most reps playing this obvious problem down and instead think they can support such a one man show with a clear conscience. you all should know better!

trump does not fail because all his decisions are wrong but because he is unpredictable and a danger for an open democracy the way he acts by ignoring values required for a peaceful society. a man and leader who refuses to distance from extremists and racists just to collect more votes is a danger. ignoring or tolerating that means also ignoring and tolerating what happened with the democratic structures 1933 in germany.


as long as you think the political agenda is more important than the political structures you are obviously not aware how politics work and that a working democratic structure is not a gift but an achievement which has to be defended with highest priority. one moment of weakness or unawareness and all achievements are gone including any agenda or political party!

a trustworthy leadership without permanent lies of the leader and undermining the democratic structures which gives the the leader the power to lead is essential! if this is not secured and guaranteed any political agenda is meaningless and it will lead to autocracy. and because of this the way trump acts by questioning and discrediting the structures who trusted him and gave him the power is obviously a danger for the political structures.

LOLOLOLOL. You are really funny.


If you trust ANY politician, you have already lost.


If I only voted for folks that were "Trustworthy", I wouldn't be voting for any of them. Take a look back at Hilary's political career, and then explain to me what makes you think she would have been any different than Trump, aside from her political policies....... She is just as big a crook as Trump, if not even more so.

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