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even the worst pessimist has a chance to find his optimism. other than intelligence pessimism is not innate :smile:


and some words to trump because this debate is about him and not reps or dems:


it is somehow fascinating and shocking how so many people are still willing to play down, tolerate or even celebrate the severe personal issues of their leader even if he tries to challenge the democracy itself without reason or evidence just by manipulating and permanently spreading lies and misleading information and sabotage the most important act of a democracy after a fair election. is good entertainment and bragging more important than credibility, reliability and a stable democracy? do you really think the power over the u.s is in the right and trustworthy hands ?


why is the loudest, the most ignorant, the most self-congratulating and ego-focused and self-obsessed man we have ever seen as a democratic elected leader for so many people a tolerable president and someone who is still supported by a conservative party ? why do so many people allow such a man to act with so much power and to rule the u.s. ?


no pro trump/rep participant explained that phenomenon so far in this debate. for me it seems to be the same phenomenon that already happened in germany in 1933 and it ended with one leader and one party because democratic parties acted divided and undecided for too long and democratic institutions were already paralyzed.


to come back to my first sentence: this time i'm optimistic that both parties and the leaders of the democratic institutions are aware of the situation.

trump and his admistration have absolutely the right for self-dissassembly within the legal requirements and instead of the traditional handover. so we should give them the time.

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how often will you tell me that ? i know that and that is the reason why trump is simply not voteable but you still voted for him. the reps failed to solve the trump problem within time. that was not your fault but you and so many others failed to show the reps that they failed to chose a capable candidate. be happy that 77 000 000 people in your country checked that earlier. you seem to still work on that maybe to the end of your days...

the biggest problem with trump was not his agenda. some of his ideas were comprehensible but the rude and incompetent way how he tried to implement ideas and to install family members in his administration and his intransparency was in no way acceptable and also his personal inability to lead while lying and misguiding people with his personal fake spreading media apparatus which leaded to a dangerous situation and a more divided country than ever before. the unprecedented problem with trump and his pathetic ego is still not solved. my impression is that you do not read what i write and explain. in my opinion it is very clear, fact proven and simple to understand. ask if you think i'm not clear.

apart from that both parties made mistakes and will never deliver 100% and voting is always combined with hope and trust. if a candidate cheats, manipulates and misguides he should not be voted. period. it is a problem the party has to solve. if they do not solve it and democracy is intact the deselection follows as you can see. the way trump acts after his deselection should show even the dumbest rep voter that trump is completely incapable due to his personality shortcomings.

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Please post your countries travel agency pamphlets here.


You know; for the people to prepare to move to your countries so we can pick and choose a new place to live, like some people do, swapping one cable network for another just because the new one offers cheaper costs, with more channels, and faster Internet speeds than the other cable company or Wi-Fi service they already have.

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if you mean all the trump followers just shut fairy tail spreading media and movements like fox tv, qanon and breitbart down and their big problem with the loss of reality should be solved soon. apart from that i'm sure nobody wants them in the bad shape they currently are.

i don't think that the majority of people in the u.s., the non trump voters, are interested in leaving their country. as the true patriots they are needed to save the u.s. from corruption and racism.

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if you mean all the trump followers just shut fairy tail spreading media and movements like fox tv, qanon and breitbart down and their big problem with the loss of reality should be solved soon. apart from that i'm sure nobody wants them in the bad shape they currently are.

i don't think that the majority of people in the u.s., the non trump voters, are interested in leaving their country. as the true patriots they are needed to save the u.s. from corruption and racism.

Now THAT is farking HILARIOUS.


Biden isn't going to save us from anything. In fact, he is going to do more to divide the nation than Obama, and Trump combined. He is just as corrupt and dishonest as every other politician in Washington DC.


If would be nice if the fairy tale world you seem to believe in actually existed, but, sad to say, it is only in your deluded mind. Reality is quite a bit different.

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Ah the days when the first voting staged had two pages of candidates hoping that the people would choose one of the three Republicans or three Democrats and hundreds hoping for one of the other offices. We got to choose from 3 for president and vice president before the next voting day which then left the people choice of one of the three on either side. Oh how gloriously confounding it was!


Once the peoples selections were in for one for Pres and Vice Pres were only on the ballot still we had the last laugh. Given two voting pages, for Reps and Dems, we couldn't vote on one or and the other for just the people we liked in the Reps group or Dems group. We tossed them both into the ballot box with only one marked for the final count. LIfe was just amazing back then.


3 candidates of President and Vice President from each side to choose from each year.


Oh how my head ached after I struggled for a few minutes to decide which side of the two ballots I would choose. While I wanted so to choose the most promising candidates from both sides of the political arena to fill the official positions.


I got so I so hoped I could mix and mingle the good of the two sides. This years one and only ballot had both Reps and Dems on the same page and wouldn't you know it, one office had only a Dem running for it. I felt a twinge of the flames of my youth as I looked at that one female who dared run for an office noone, no Libertarian, and that was the only other group who had a presidential candidate, no green party, no others even got their names on the ballot. That woman was the only person who even had the gumption to run for the office no one else wanted.


If that happens on any other ballots, why, all the young people, well; young enough, from any political party could write in their name, tell all their family, lover, or the two friends they known to vote for them, and I would bet they would get the official post hands down. :laugh:

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in theory this election was such a simple choice because trump disqualified himself for the job already and publicly.

to put it short: at least more than 77000000 voters are with me and it is the clearly the american majority of voters. much clearer than the result of the votes in 2016.


this was the most secure and fair election and it seems to be still disrespected by a big minority of americans questioning even their own democratic institutions without any evidences or any serious suspicion. it is a shame how many rep politicians act (misguided or obsessed with power - i don't know) and the world is watching how they damage and discredit their democracy in the next weeks with such a shameful act!

where are the honest reps supporting the stability of their democracy which is the democracy for all ? i see only a few. if this doesn't change quickly it will be the reps oath of disclosure!

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November 15, 2020; Sunday 11:48 AM MST. I, owner of the pseudonym name Pagafyr, write to xrayy

in theory this election was such a simple choice because trump disqualified himself for the job already and publicly.

to put it short: at least more than 77000000 voters are with me and it is the clearly the american majority of voters. much clearer than the result of the votes in 2016.


this was the most secure and fair election and it seems to be still disrespected by a big minority of americans questioning even their own democratic institutions

Pagafyr to xrayy : Signs that the elders not so old as I; 18 to 38 years of age still suffer the dismal views of the captive audience at the auditoriums filled with family and trusted cousins that make good television productions. We who are too distant, distant cousins, to their genealogical tree branch get no invitations to party with them indoors at an auditorium or a local theater where we too then would be seen on TV EVER!


without any evidences or any serious suspicion.


Pagafyr to xrayy : We the distant cousins DISTANT ONLY BY MILES OF SEPARATION, NOT GENETICALLY so, WE cannot even get a feel for what they think, where they play, where they work, and the businesses they own and operate. Which over the last 50+ years they have sent work to people thousands of miles away. Sending all the manufacturing work to places like China, Bangladesh, India, Japan, Mexico, even the Philippines, and other countries the politicians with family businesses on both sides of the political fence sold out our countrymen's jobs to for cheaper labor.


it is a shame how many rep politicians act (misguided or obsessed with power - i don't know) and the world is watching how they damage and discredit their democracy in the next weeks with such a shameful act!

where are the honest reps supporting the stability of their democracy which is the democracy for all ? i see only a few. if this doesn't change quickly it will be the reps oath of disclosure!


Pagafyr to xrayy : It's a shame how you seem so healthy and comfortable with your special speal, and delight in flogging one side as if you have never been aware of people that would have been better suited from both sides of the fence. It's as if you are one of those who sit on the fence eating vegetations that makes you like one of those famous Lotus Eaters from the tales told about Ancient Mariners like Odysseus. After the Battle at Troy to get the queen back; off went the captain on his ship to lands the winds took his ship off course too.


Pagafyr to xrayy : Sleep and dream for your own schemes are fair as the air you breath from the aroma of crops nearby. That is; if you are living in a city where a breath of air hasn't all the vitamins and minerals mixed in with each breath you take in the SMOG.


Pagafyr to xrayy : I agree with some of your fanciful text and video enlightened mindful visions. By the by; my views and thinking was to separate those whose were crooked carpetbaggers from the candidates, separate them and put into office those that power would take longer to corrupt.

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You cannot separate the man from his politics. People aren't voting for the man, they are voting for his politics.


I've been following this thread on and off for some time now, and of all the people that have contributed to this conversation, I've found your arguments to be very balanced and closer to the truth than the other debaters (not to kiss ass; just an honest observation). I agree with your sentiment that politicians can't be trusted and as was the case with the 2016 election, we were dealt a bad hand in this one as well. Many people these days seem to operate under the illusion that the people elect their representatives. They're wrong. Money decides the elections. People forget (perhaps conveniently) that there are lobbyists and special interest groups that have bought out our government and have pull with each of the candidates. Political favors are very much alive in our "Democracy", which if you ask me (and no one did), hasn't been a Democracy in well over a century; if it even ever was one!


Out of curiosity, I want to know if you've ever watched George Carlin or if you agree with any of his sentiments? I've found his observations on our society and political system to be

very astute, if not somewhat offensive at times, lol. Anyway, and correct me if I'm mistaken, I've found your views to be much more in line with his, at least as it concerns thinking for yourself, not choosing sides, and cultivating a healthy sense of skepticism towards the bull. we've been led to believe.


Anyway, the Founding Fathers saw this sh*t coming. Forget Nostradamus. These guys predicted these very outcomes almost two centuries in advance. It's funny. Or perhaps, if anything, a strong demonstration of the kind of foresight these men had. I believe it was Madison Monroe, John Adams, and even George Washington at one point that warned the nation that it would come to this as a consequence of the two-party political system. Less than a hundred years after their predictions, we had a Civil War, and over a century later, it seems we're staring down the barrel of another one. People just don't follow the issues anymore. There's no "United" States. It's never been. It never will be. People vote for parties without even knowing who they're voting for. They vote Red. They vote Blue. They don't vote with a brain because we are a myopic species: we don't see past our issues and smarter men and women profit from that. It's a sad situation.


Anyway, just ranting at this point. I like this kind of stuff (if you couldn't tell :laugh:).

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