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No I mean the establishm


Washington ? you probably mean trump and his naive and overpaid press secretary including some of his naive supporters who still not check whats going on...

The establishment ruling class that sought to undermine a legitimately elected President. Their arrogance has no equal and this is nothing more than a peaceful protest. If they continue to sell us out to China and undermine our country they will see real conflict that will not end well for them.

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ok, so we let the peaceful protestler, placing bombs, pee in front of the capitol. what are they protesting for ? for a trump autocracy ignoring official election result and the courts (even rep dominated)? these are the courts of the president trump - but only if they do what he likes or wants ? study what happened 1933 in germany...

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ok, so we let the peaceful protestler, placing bombs, pee in front of the capitol. what are they protesting for ? for a trump autocracy ignoring official election result and the courts (even rep dominated)? these are the courts of the president trump - but only if they do what he likes or wants ? study what happened 1933 in germany...



The bar for what passes for a peaceful protest as been set very low:



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Hmm, not really interested in any of this, but the news today was really shocking.


Washington Congress Shootings live on footage broadcasted on international news reports. Governor requested help from National Guard, White House said "no". Reporters as well as politicians over here are speechless.

And to think I have relatives over there. That's not the U.S. of A. I remember.


Saw it from a video taken, there are two conflicting ID reports of who it was, one report was it was a 16 year old, the other report is she is a 14 year vet of the US air force, however she was shot in the neck by someone (Likely Secrete Service of FBI (did see the back of one Black jacket that had FB in yellow on the back of it) while escorting Senators out of the Chambers) inside the hallway leading to the stairwell where she was either trying to get through the little window (while right by a cop who was ignoring her). No one in the hallway seemed to get violent most seemed to be just yelling. Other than 30 people dressed in black attacking while wearing some US flags, (reportedly by some retired FBI they were antfi) DC PD I didn't seem much violence. Ticks me off that members of the press compared what happened today to Pearl Harbor, or 9/11 the building wasn't set on fire, no other buildings were attacked (from video seen after people were told to leave), just a crap load of people pretty much going Rabble Rabble and waving flags. What is worse Trump put out a tweet telling people to calm down and go home and it got deleted by Twitter in minutes, which was posted minutes after it was reported people rushing the Congress building.

Edited by Gracinfields
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what are you talking about ? you mean the storm of the capitol was a peaceful act ? maybe in your fantasy. welcome back to reality. this was trumps calculated plan for his last act. maybe to get the chance to take over with emergency law. why do people storm the capitol in an organized manner and ignored barriers ?

a very sad thing that a woman died for nothing but probably for illegal trespassing - this all happened under trumps full responsibility! he even encouraged and pushed people to act illegal while this woman was shot. make an end with stupidly screwing the reality in favor of trump. there is nothing to justify in favor of trump. he is fully responsible for that. again a clear case of power abuse.

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4 confirmed deaths now during 2021 Insurrection Day. ...I actually had to google that term. Good Lord.


Heard a little bit ago, 1 reported died of heart attack after being tear gassed, 1 trampled not sure when, no idea about the other one.


Edit add seems the 3rd was medical related as well, leaving the 4th as the one that got shot.

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Sad day for those people who went out to rally. They were likely suffering from cabin fever because of Covid-19. The rally was as good as it gets to get out for a bit of fresh air.


The rest of the people who showed up and did the vile act and vandalism were likely fanatics running wild to upset the rally on purpose. Probably young people who've only just begun living out from under the security of their parents roofs and had their dreams turned upside down even more so, because of Covid-19 effecting everyone in the U. S. A. too?


Or they could have been sympathizers for the Dem's who just wanted to spoil the rally to make the Republicans look worse?

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They could have avoided this "horrific display" by giving these concerns about the election their day in court. Addressing and INVESTIGATING the questions raised by hundreds of witnesses. But they are not willing to do that, because I assume the results of a thorough audit would not play out in their favor.

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