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They could have avoided this "horrific display" by giving these concerns about the election their day in court. Addressing and INVESTIGATING the questions raised by hundreds of witnesses. But they are not willing to do that, because I assume the results of a thorough audit would not play out in their favor.

Are we going to start doing this every election though? We can go all the way back to the 2000 elections, when George Bush was accused of 'stealing the election'. And ever since then, there is a hue and cry from the losers after EVERY election. It's getting kinda old...


Of course, I don't think we have actually had an honest election for a couple decades in any event. Nor do I expect to see one again in the foreseeable future.

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They could have avoided this "horrific display" by giving these concerns about the election their day in court. Addressing and INVESTIGATING the questions raised by hundreds of witnesses. But they are not willing to do that, because I assume the results of a thorough audit would not play out in their favor.

Are we going to start doing this every election though? We can go all the way back to the 2000 elections, when George Bush was accused of 'stealing the election'. And ever since then, there is a hue and cry from the losers after EVERY election. It's getting kinda old...


Of course, I don't think we have actually had an honest election for a couple decades in any event. Nor do I expect to see one again in the foreseeable future.




Seems you have answered your own question.

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instead to be happy that your valuable democracy still seems to work you are whining. instead to condemn what happened in the capitol you still believe the pure fictional "concerns" or better fairy tails of one sick person. better days will come and you will profit even if you seem not willing or unable to contribute.


too late for five dead people but even better than no reaction and at least a sign of remaining humanity and insight.

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instead to be happy that your valuable democracy still seems to work you are whining. instead to condemn what happened in the capitol you still believe the pure fictional "concerns" or better fairy tails of one sick person. better days will come and you will profit even if you seem not willing or unable to contribute.


too late for five dead people but even better than no reaction and at least a sign of remaining humanity and insight.

Obviously the concerns are not fictional if people are protesting. Sweeping them under the rug is a mistake of arrogance that will sow very deep division and possibly armed conflict in the future.


When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.

Edited by MrJoseCuervo
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"obviously the concerns are not fictional if people are protesting."

sounds logical or reasonable. so if protesters exist and a (in this case a proven false) claim exists something with this claim or concern must be true or reasonable ? is that your logic ? all right, you seem to follow trumps primitive strategy. claiming lies so long that in best case everyone believes that at least a bit of it must be true... (while the quality of the claim - existence of any proven evidence - doesn't matter) ?

i know, many people argue like you and that describes perfectly trumps simple strategy to undermine truth or valid facts. he did that the fist time with the inauguration claim and repeated this false claim so often that still some people (qanon, etc.) believe that these proven false claims are the truth. a simple trick but it works for cheating millions of people - somehow - until now.


so i'm sure this bad and dangerous show with frustrated trump followers - not open for anything but their own personal alternative facts truth - has just begun. a big frustration based on trumps lies. a really sad thing and at least some followers including many in the rep party do not see trump as their holy saviour any more.

there was never a serious evidence of any remarkable or relevant election fraud. just fairy tales so far justified even by rep dominated courts. so what is your message here? lies become truth if only claimed often enough by a president spreading proven lies the whole day ?

yeah, sweeping currently lost people under the rug would be a severe mistake, but this situation is the work of a sick president over four years and the first thing to do is to stop him and his following mob to continue to spread proven wrong claims or at least lacking any evidence until he shows proven evidence. the second step is to bring lost or misleaded people back into reality and away from false claims, qanon and other voodoo stuff which may lead to scenes like on 6th of jan or other terror attacks in future caused by nothing but false claims and a fake holy saviour (including his personal admistration and media) spreading them!


the storm of the capitol was just a logical consequence of trumps speech before. this should be the last warning for all still refusing to see the truth and the danger about trump and his way to communicate and especially to continuously lie or screw facts presented in saviour like manner. it was trumps free decision to act like this and i'm sure (or at least i hope) nobody including his wife urged him to act this way. he is personally responsible for what happened. and if there is anyone still with him or supporting this act intsead of clearly distancing he or she is also responsible!

that is the point i do not understand so many americans (and many others all over the world). so many parallels to what happened 1933 in germany and millions of people didn`t woke up in time. 12 years later with a sick leader over 6 000 000 people were killed just because of their religion - not talking about the war which is an own story...

so it clearly seems too many people forgot about history and the consequences of too long tolerated power abuse and racism.

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are you kidding with your link? after the storm of the capitol with 5 dead people with no proper reaction from his side while this happened ? incredibly and sadly he is much too late with his statements!

this is just reaction out of desperation with no value. it would be great if you can add the uncensored posts and videos of trump and his family while and before the storm of the capitol. for example his speech to the protesters and terrorists who stormed the capitol.

the most fearsome ones of them are most probably deleted in the meantime. but i'm sure the www will not forget...

trump cheated his wife, he cheated his party and he misguided his followers and he supported terrorists illegally and violently entering the capitol. do you really think i believe any of his statements after the 6th of jan and after four years full of proven lies and cheats ? from my point of view nobody can support trump and his actions apart from very special and crude people,simply ignoring or still not knowing what happened since wednesday.

as a last act showing a minimum of responsibility and shame the best would be that he declares his resignation. but as we know trump - this will not happen.

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@eteret - are you a qanon troll ? it would be a good idea to take part in real live again instead of posting crude stuff. i'm seriously worried about you.

question: do you mean they take freedom of proven and repeated content related speech abuse or freedom of speech in general ? and who are "they"?

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