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I hate to inform some of y'all but freedom of speech is not for every speech nor does it apply to private companies. The first amendment does not cover the incitement of violence or speech putting people in immediate danger. The SCOTUS has decided this issue long ago with the famous analogy of yelling fire in a crowded theater.


The first amendment is meant to cover speech against the government or about the government for which the government can not say, toss you in jail because you say you hate Trump or that you hate Nancy Pelosi. If you say you want to kill someone or encourage violence then that is not protected speech. As to Twitter and other platforms, they are private companies and are not covered by free speech. They can remove or not at will as is their right as a private corporation. That isn't what the first amendment is or ever has been about. So Twitter and Facebook can be pushed back against if you don't like their decision or you can take your business elsewhere if you desire. You can say on Twitter or anywhere how unfair you think it is, but you can not incite violence and expect it to be protected speech.


If you believe that unlawful, violent entry into the capital and killing a police officer with a fire extinguisher is anything other than a crime of murder and the overall attempt at insurrection then you are kidding yourself.


The newly elected senator from Georgia, Rev. Raphael Warnock was arrested in 2017 while praying with a small group in the Capital Rotunda peacefully protesting the vote against the Affordable Care Act. Neither he nor any of his congregation interfered with the business at the capital. They did not cause any destruction of property, they did not block doorways or interfere in any way. He was taken in handcuffs (which he peacefully accepted) and arrested by officers who were standing there almost the entire time they were praying. That was free speech, peaceful protest and the "good trouble" the late John Lewis spoke of many times. What happened Wednesday was none of that.


I have a degree in history and have studied all manner of times and places for most of my 49 years. I have studied elected officials, monarchs, emperors, and despots. I have seen the rise of republics and all of their eventual falls. I have watched and studied authoritarian self-coups, the rise of dictators and violent revolutions. I have seen might trying to make right and peaceful and violent protest through time and place. This was the attempt of a coup by the President of the United States and the call for violent insurgency by him and his followers.


After the Constitutional Convention it is said a woman outside the building asked Benjamin Franklin what government they gave the people, a monarchy or a republic. His famous answer was, "A republic madam, if you can keep it." We don't know for certain this really happened though historians believe it did in some form close to this. True or not, it goes to show the that the only people who can really end the United States republic is ourselves. It is the people within, not without that will be the harbingers of the republics demise.


As I said, no republic in history has ever survived. And if you study the rise and fall of tyrants and the ends of republics you begin to see a pattern. A pattern that is beginning to repeat itself here in these times. But we have only ourselves to blame. So the question stands. Will we keep our republic?

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I hate to inform some of y'all but freedom of speech is not for every speech nor does it apply to private companies. The first amendment does not cover the incitement of violence or speech putting people in immediate danger. The SCOTUS has decided this issue long ago with the famous analogy of yelling fire in a crowded theater.


The first amendment is meant to cover speech against the government or about the government for which the government can not say, toss you in jail because you say you hate Trump or that you hate Nancy Pelosi. If you say you want to kill someone or encourage violence then that is not protected speech. As to Twitter and other platforms, they are private companies and are not covered by free speech. They can remove or not at will as is their right as a private corporation. That isn't what the first amendment is or ever has been about. So Twitter and Facebook can be pushed back against if you don't like their decision or you can take your business elsewhere if you desire. You can say on Twitter or anywhere how unfair you think it is, but you can not incite violence and expect it to be protected speech.


If you believe that unlawful, violent entry into the capital and killing a police officer with a fire extinguisher is anything other than a crime of murder and the overall attempt at insurrection then you are kidding yourself.


The newly elected senator from Georgia, Rev. Raphael Warnock was arrested in 2017 while praying with a small group in the Capital Rotunda peacefully protesting the vote against the Affordable Care Act. Neither he nor any of his congregation interfered with the business at the capital. They did not cause any destruction of property, they did not block doorways or interfere in any way. He was taken in handcuffs (which he peacefully accepted) and arrested by officers who were standing there almost the entire time they were praying. That was free speech, peaceful protest and the "good trouble" the late John Lewis spoke of many times. What happened Wednesday was none of that.


I have a degree in history and have studied all manner of times and places for most of my 49 years. I have studied elected officials, monarchs, emperors, and despots. I have seen the rise of republics and all of their eventual falls. I have watched and studied authoritarian self-coups, the rise of dictators and violent revolutions. I have seen might trying to make right and peaceful and violent protest through time and place. This was the attempt of a coup by the President of the United States and the call for violent insurgency by him and his followers.


After the Constitutional Convention it is said a woman outside the building asked Benjamin Franklin what government they gave the people, a monarchy or a republic. His famous answer was, "A republic madam, if you can keep it." We don't know for certain this really happened though historians believe it did in some form close to this. True or not, it goes to show the that the only people who can really end the United States republic is ourselves. It is the people within, not without that will be the harbingers of the republics demise.


As I said, no republic in history has ever survived. And if you study the rise and fall of tyrants and the ends of republics you begin to see a pattern. A pattern that is beginning to repeat itself here in these times. But we have only ourselves to blame. So the question stands. Will we keep our republic?

Of course not. It's the nature of the beast. Once the people figure out they can vote themselves free money, it's pretty much the beginning of the end. The dems promise exactly that, and they got elected. (didn't help the republicans any that Trump isn't exactly a fine example of a human being....)

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Of course not. It's the nature of the beast. Once the people figure out they can vote themselves free money, it's pretty much the beginning of the end. The dems promise exactly that, and they got elected. (didn't help the republicans any that Trump isn't exactly a fine example of a human being....)


it was and it is irrelevant what the dems promise or promised. biden was not voted because of his brilliance (but that does not exclude that he is). the high rate of votes ruled the latest elections. reps have not lost too many votes but the number of people not accepting trump, and this is the majority in the u.s., was aware that these elections are very important to save democracy, not the dems. i don't know why reps trusted and supported trump so long and why some still do. this was their biggest mistake. simply the negative influence of trump switched a red state into a blue state. i hope reps will do better next time and they will learn from that and chose a capable candidate instead of a narcissist even if they will have to live without the qanon and racists and some other extremists votes. if reps are unable to win their internal fight for independence against trump they will accelerate their own destruction and we will see instead a pure trump and friends party which will continue the fight for the destruction of the republic.

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I hate to inform some of y'all but freedom of speech is not for every speech nor does it apply to private companies. The first amendment does not cover the incitement of violence or speech putting people in immediate danger. The SCOTUS has decided this issue long ago with the famous analogy of yelling fire in a crowded theater.


The first amendment is meant to cover speech against the government or about the government for which the government can not say, toss you in jail because you say you hate Trump or that you hate Nancy Pelosi. If you say you want to kill someone or encourage violence then that is not protected speech. As to Twitter and other platforms, they are private companies and are not covered by free speech. They can remove or not at will as is their right as a private corporation. That isn't what the first amendment is or ever has been about. So Twitter and Facebook can be pushed back against if you don't like their decision or you can take your business elsewhere if you desire. You can say on Twitter or anywhere how unfair you think it is, but you can not incite violence and expect it to be protected speech.


If you believe that unlawful, violent entry into the capital and killing a police officer with a fire extinguisher is anything other than a crime of murder and the overall attempt at insurrection then you are kidding yourself.


The newly elected senator from Georgia, Rev. Raphael Warnock was arrested in 2017 while praying with a small group in the Capital Rotunda peacefully protesting the vote against the Affordable Care Act. Neither he nor any of his congregation interfered with the business at the capital. They did not cause any destruction of property, they did not block doorways or interfere in any way. He was taken in handcuffs (which he peacefully accepted) and arrested by officers who were standing there almost the entire time they were praying. That was free speech, peaceful protest and the "good trouble" the late John Lewis spoke of many times. What happened Wednesday was none of that.


I have a degree in history and have studied all manner of times and places for most of my 49 years. I have studied elected officials, monarchs, emperors, and despots. I have seen the rise of republics and all of their eventual falls. I have watched and studied authoritarian self-coups, the rise of dictators and violent revolutions. I have seen might trying to make right and peaceful and violent protest through time and place. This was the attempt of a coup by the President of the United States and the call for violent insurgency by him and his followers.


After the Constitutional Convention it is said a woman outside the building asked Benjamin Franklin what government they gave the people, a monarchy or a republic. His famous answer was, "A republic madam, if you can keep it." We don't know for certain this really happened though historians believe it did in some form close to this. True or not, it goes to show the that the only people who can really end the United States republic is ourselves. It is the people within, not without that will be the harbingers of the republics demise.


As I said, no republic in history has ever survived. And if you study the rise and fall of tyrants and the ends of republics you begin to see a pattern. A pattern that is beginning to repeat itself here in these times. But we have only ourselves to blame. So the question stands. Will we keep our republic?


I am so relieved to see another person who understands freedom of speech. Was it the Athenians who had a complete democratic government? I remember reading about the Fall of Rome and other countries. I studied that a quarter of a century ago. I haven't kept up and the book is so far back in my library I would probably not be heard from or seen again for a year or more.


Do you remember if it was Athens that was governed by Democratic rules? Did they have a falling out because the men no longer ruled their government?


So much to learn and so little time.

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Of course not. It's the nature of the beast. Once the people figure out they can vote themselves free money, it's pretty much the beginning of the end. The dems promise exactly that, and they got elected. (didn't help the republicans any that Trump isn't exactly a fine example of a human being....)


it was and it is irrelevant what the dems promise or promised. biden was not voted because of his brilliance (but that does not exclude that he is). the high rate of votes ruled the latest elections. reps have not lost too many votes but the number of people not accepting trump, and this is the majority in the u.s., was aware that these elections are very important to save democracy, not the dems. i don't know why reps trusted and supported trump so long and why some still do. this was their biggest mistake. simply the negative influence of trump switched a red state into a blue state. i hope reps will do better next time and they will learn from that and chose a capable candidate instead of a narcissist even if they will have to live without the qanon and racists and some other extremists votes. if reps are unable to win their internal fight for independence against trump they will accelerate their own destruction and we will see instead a pure trump and friends party which will continue the fight for the destruction of the republic.


I will grant you that Trumps behavior most certainly played a role in his defeat...... But, that is not the only factor in the elections. Highly likely we will never know folks motivation for voting the way they did. A wouldn't trust a poll on the topic. Too many folks with vested interests in making sure that their perspective is seen as 'the truth'..... When in reality, there is no truth here.


I also don't see the dems, or votes for them, 'saving' democracy. I find it much more likely that the results will be an acceleration of the degradation of our society, and further division in this nation. The events at the captiol a few days ago are indicative of a much deeper divide that is apparent on the surface. I don't see that changing, I only see it getting worse, and even more evident. The dems are essentially going to have a free hand in determining policy for at least the next two years. Only time will tell if that is good/bad/indifferent....

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Of course not. It's the nature of the beast. Once the people figure out they can vote themselves free money, it's pretty much the beginning of the end. The dems promise exactly that, and they got elected. (didn't help the republicans any that Trump isn't exactly a fine example of a human being....)


it was and it is irrelevant what the dems promise or promised. biden was not voted because of his brilliance (but that does not exclude that he is). the high rate of votes ruled the latest elections. reps have not lost too many votes but the number of people not accepting trump, and this is the majority in the u.s., was aware that these elections are very important to save democracy, not the dems. i don't know why reps trusted and supported trump so long and why some still do. this was their biggest mistake. simply the negative influence of trump switched a red state into a blue state. i hope reps will do better next time and they will learn from that and chose a capable candidate instead of a narcissist even if they will have to live without the qanon and racists and some other extremists votes. if reps are unable to win their internal fight for independence against trump they will accelerate their own destruction and we will see instead a pure trump and friends party which will continue the fight for the destruction of the republic.


I will grant you that Trumps behavior most certainly played a role in his defeat...... But, that is not the only factor in the elections. Highly likely we will never know folks motivation for voting the way they did. A wouldn't trust a poll on the topic. Too many folks with vested interests in making sure that their perspective is seen as 'the truth'..... When in reality, there is no truth here.


I also don't see the dems, or votes for them, 'saving' democracy. I find it much more likely that the results will be an acceleration of the degradation of our society, and further division in this nation. The events at the captiol a few days ago are indicative of a much deeper divide that is apparent on the surface. I don't see that changing, I only see it getting worse, and even more evident. The dems are essentially going to have a free hand in determining policy for at least the next two years. Only time will tell if that is good/bad/indifferent....



Is that a hint that you know about Athens dear HeyYou?! That all forms of governed minds do not rule the ignorant who didn't go to school, and don't understand a word of what the governor/governess is saying while s/he stands at the podium and someone with queue cards shows the mental giants children when to say Yay and when to Applaud?

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I know it's been a long time since I last posted on this forum but the real reason why I think Trump lost in Georgia and why the state seems to have turned blue is not because of a lack of support for Trump or anything like promise of money, etc... This Election was the highest turn out in history for any national election. Trump lost Georgia and states like Arizona for one simple fact, Democrats just had a stronger ground game in registering eligible voters that clearly hadn't participated in previous elections. It becomes a clearer picture when u look at the exit polls for the recent Georgia Senate Runoff, being the highest turnout ever in history for a Georgia Senate Runoff race too. In My opinion Georgia has been a blue state for a while but only recently has one political party taken advantage of trying to register more voters then the other party.

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...I also don't see the dems, or votes for them, 'saving' democracy. I find it much more likely that the results will be an acceleration of the degradation of our society, and further division in this nation. The events at the captiol a few days ago are indicative of a much deeper divide that is apparent on the surface. I don't see that changing, I only see it getting worse, and even more evident. The dems are essentially going to have a free hand in determining policy for at least the next two years. Only time will tell if that is good/bad/indifferent....


the problem is that you can vote only for dems or reps. but this time it was dems (incl. some reps and non voters) vs trump. i think this is not so difficult to to understand and colourwheels is right with the highest turn out. and if you followed what happened on 6th of jan and all of trumps democracy and election hostile anouncements before the election i'm sure that many people realized at this point that trump fights for his ego and not for any political agenda.

in fact i'm sure these elections saved democracy at least for the next four years. apart from possible interference of racists or terrorists there is no doubt about that.

trump is clearly responsible for the storm of the capitol but he did also a thoroughly and unique job in preventing to give any support to his successor or to ease the takeover.


i'm happy about this awareness of the american majority right in time.



it sounds like arnie read my mind... so true! please watch this before you continue this debate! thank you!

he says what has to be said by all true american patriots and reps. and this is the spirit which must be an inseparable part of any true presidential candidate!





and i found this. nothing really surprising:

who broke into the capitol ?



because this is a gaming site some weird stuff from facists claiming antifa members were part of the capitol rioters.

facists presented this dishonored game symbol as antifa related. just another qanon or whatever facist fairy tail...

dishonored 2 is a beautiful game and it is pure bulls**t to put it in relation to antifa.

just compare with my ingame image


i'm sure this rioter below received no suprenatural skills like emily




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...I also don't see the dems, or votes for them, 'saving' democracy. I find it much more likely that the results will be an acceleration of the degradation of our society, and further division in this nation. The events at the captiol a few days ago are indicative of a much deeper divide that is apparent on the surface. I don't see that changing, I only see it getting worse, and even more evident. The dems are essentially going to have a free hand in determining policy for at least the next two years. Only time will tell if that is good/bad/indifferent....


the problem is that you can vote only for dems or reps. but this time it was dems (incl. some reps and non voters) vs trump. i think this is not so difficult to to understand and colourwheels is right with the highest turn out. and if you followed what happened on 6th of jan and all of trumps democracy and election hostile anouncements before the election i'm sure that many people realized at this point that trump fights for his ego and not for any political agenda.

in fact i'm sure these elections saved democracy at least for the next four years. apart from possible interference of racists or terrorists there is no doubt about that.

trump is clearly responsible for the storm of the capitol but he did also a thoroughly and unique job in preventing to give any support to his successor or to ease the takeover.


i'm happy about this awareness of the american majority right in time.



it sounds like arnie read my mind... so true! please watch this before you continue this debate! thank you!

he says what has to be said by all true american patriots and reps. and this is the spirit which must be an inseparable part of any true presidential candidate!





because this is a gaming site some weird stuff from facists claiming antifa members were part of the capitol rioters.

facists presented this dishonored game symbol as antifa related. just another qanon or whatever facist fairy tail...

dishonored 2 is a beautiful game and it is pure bulls**t to put it in relation to antifa.



i'm sure this rioter below received no suprenatural skills like emily





There was a Libertarian on the ballot where I vote running for president. I had three choices.



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