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Trump was quiet because he was banned from Twitter. :D (and likely other places as well.) I think expecting him to EVER 'see the error of his ways' is extremely unlikely. He is in his 70's, and this is how he has been all his life. (I blame his parents. :smile: ) He isn't Ebenezer Scrooge, he isn't going to be visited by any ghosts, and he most certainly isn't going to change how he is. I think you were being overly optimistic. :D


I noticed recently in right-wing forums and media outlets there is an ongoing debate about Trump's Twitter account being permanently suspended. There seems to be a complete misunderstanding about what constitutes protected speech and the laws that we have lived under on the internet for almost the past 3 decades. Regardless of Twitter being owned by a private corporation which in turn gives such an entity the prerogative to suspend and ban users without any repercussions for discriminately doing so. Also regardless of the fact that even free speech has it's limitations, as the classic example where one can't get away claiming yelling "Fire!" in a crowded theater as protected speech when there is no actual fire.


The recent debate seems to focus on Section 230 of Title 47 of the United States Code. Vigorous Trump supporters have been claiming that because Twitter permanently suspended Trump's account that Twitter no longer should be protected by Section 230 protections. To my understanding, even if this was the case it would most likely put a burden on twitter to police it's user activity even more on their platform if everything that is posted could make them be held liable (leading to Trump's account being permanently suspended anyways). Sometimes I don't even understand how illogical these people can be when it comes to trying to defend Trump for any of his actions. Trump has recently floated around the idea of creating his own social media platform since every other known platform with high user traffic seems to intervene or outright remove the misinformation and dangerous rhetoric that Trump has posted within his presidency.


There basically is no longer a GOP. The republican party and those who blindly follow Trump are willing to give up anything and everything to follow him as their dictator. Even if over half the republicans who support Trump will indiscriminately listen to anything and believe everything Trump says, there is no more hope in trying to save the republican party. Just like Trump being in his 70's, the GOP has gotten to the old age where it's likely not going to change now either, even if Trump will no longer be President soon.


I see that idea pretty much in line with Dem thinking though. They want gun manufacturers to be held accountable for what folks do with their product, regardless of how the perpetrator of some action came about being in possession of said product. By that reasoning, I should be able to sue the auto manufacturer for a drunk drivers actions, or a car-jackers actions for that matter. It's downright idiotic. Of course, as it's coming out of the beltway, I am just not surprised. Seems that folks there live in some alternate reality, that has little or no resemblance at all to what the rest of us live. I think that has become far more prevalent that last decade or so.....


Personally, I think holding a platform accountable for what their users post on it is stupid. Like the law that was passed not so very long ago that made online singles sites responsible for what their users put up.... (to wit: marketing under-age girls for sex....) Expecting some platform or other to be able to 'police' their MILLIONS of users, is just a bit unrealistic. Craigslist responded by simply nuking their personals section altogether.....

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Trump was quiet because he was banned from Twitter. :D (and likely other places as well.) I think expecting him to EVER 'see the error of his ways' is extremely unlikely. He is in his 70's, and this is how he has been all his life. (I blame his parents. :smile: ) He isn't Ebenezer Scrooge, he isn't going to be visited by any ghosts, and he most certainly isn't going to change how he is. I think you were being overly optimistic. :D


the whitehouse has its own page, which is usually the vehicle for official communications. that has not been shut down.
trump is still free to give press conferences.
trump hijacked social media for his official communications, unlike most presidents. this is why he is now suffering and it looks like he has been silenced.


and i´ve never been optimistic (during the whole debate) regarding trump - this is a complete misinterpretation of my content here. I just hoped he is not as disturbing as the leader was who destroyed german democracy with his false claims and later on raised ww2.

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Trump was quiet because he was banned from Twitter. :D (and likely other places as well.) I think expecting him to EVER 'see the error of his ways' is extremely unlikely. He is in his 70's, and this is how he has been all his life. (I blame his parents. :smile: ) He isn't Ebenezer Scrooge, he isn't going to be visited by any ghosts, and he most certainly isn't going to change how he is. I think you were being overly optimistic. :D


the whitehouse has its own page, which is usually the vehicle for official communications. that has not been shut down.
trump is still free to give press conferences.
trump hijacked social media for his official communications, unlike most presidents. this is why he is now suffering and it looks like he has been silenced.


Even though the Whitehouse has it's own site for official communications and that any President can hold a press conference is beyond the point. Trump doesn't have the attention span most the time to do either of these things for himself without help. Unlike social media where Trump was able to get away posting a single sentence or short phrase unfiltered. Twitter and Facebook was the perfect place to see how Trump really felt on issues or anything that was on his mind regardless if what he had to say was true or not. Trump has mainly seemed silent because He can't just tweet some brain fart that comes out of his head any time he feels like it now.

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trump and some reps do their best to destroy rep party - even without social media :wink:


maybe these pensylvanian people can help to save the reps :wink: (from an official n-tv news media link)


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Death penalty would be more appropriate for that old fascist pervert.

Wow ... Calling for the murder of another human being. Good to see that unity and tolerance they keep talking about.


The only 'tolerance' they have, is for the folks that agree with them.

Edited by HeyYou
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Death penalty would be more appropriate for that old fascist pervert.

Wow ... Calling for the murder of another human being. Good to see that unity and tolerance they keep talking about.


I called for the execution of a psychopath, the only common point those individuals have with the human beings is their physical shape.

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Death penalty would be more appropriate for that old fascist pervert.

Wow ... Calling for the murder of another human being. Good to see that unity and tolerance they keep talking about.


I called for the execution of a psychopath, the only common point those individuals have with the human beings is their physical shape.


If you think Trump is a psychopath, you need to re-look up the definition of that term. He doesn't qualify. Narcissist? Yep. Arrogant? Yep. Egotistical? Yep. I would also add "somewhat delusional"...... But psychopath? Nah.


Still and all, calling for someones death because you don't personally like them, is just a bit over-the-top. Doesn't really say nice things about you either.

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Death penalty would be more appropriate for that old fascist pervert.

Wow ... Calling for the murder of another human being. Good to see that unity and tolerance they keep talking about.


I called for the execution of a psychopath, the only common point those individuals have with the human beings is their physical shape.


If you think Trump is a psychopath, you need to re-look up the definition of that term. He doesn't qualify. Narcissist? Yep. Arrogant? Yep. Egotistical? Yep. I would also add "somewhat delusional"...... But psychopath? Nah.


Still and all, calling for someones death because you don't personally like them, is just a bit over-the-top. Doesn't really say nice things about you either.


Stop your pathetic comedy! If I had called for death penalty against a mundane citizen likely victim of a judicial fault you would have immediately found 1000 arguments to back up my point.

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