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No, they didn't learn from past mistakes. In fact the Democratic Party and their supporters have openly copied the very same practices and politics used by the National Socialist German Workers' Party of Germany.


Gina Carano has just recently been "cancelled" because she pointed out this very disturbing fact. The left's continued policy of turning countryman against countryman, neighbour against neighbour and even family member against family member is straight out of the National Socialist German Workers' Party play book. It's truly sad that they themselves don't see it or, more likely, refuse to see it or acknowledge it.

Gina Carano engaged in the same actions as the Nazis. The Nazis convinced people to hate the jews by portraying themselves as the victims of ooppression by the jews. The nazis, like the right wingers in America, know that once priviliged people are deluded enough to believe that they are the persecuted victims, in spite of all evidence, then they can use it to justify any atrocity, any action, any crime, since it is done in the name of avenging these imagined slights, but since these delusional morons never ACTUALLY suffered persecution, they did not know the empathy or perspective that comes with real affliction.


Conservatives who feel consequences for their own actions are not the victims of cancel culture, they are the Weimar era Nazis, desperately trying to make the public think that holding Nazis responsible for their actions is a bad thing.

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i'm lucky not to be a member of american rep party because it seems that moderate, grounded conservatives do not have a party anymore. trumpists and taylor greenes are the real new reps and obviously the majority within rep party. this new rep party is a part of america which i do not understand, it disturbes. i must admit - decades i was not aware of this part of america. reps were able to cover this extreme core somehow. we have similar - much weaker - ultra right conspiracy and supremacist movements in our country. i pray at least europe will not be a place for such a never ending hate, supremacy and revenge driven showdown trump seems to unleash. thanks to trump, taylor greene and friends this rep core is uncovered now. maybe this is the future of the rep party...

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i'm lucky not to be a member of american rep party because it seems that moderate, grounded conservatives do not have a party anymore. trumpists and taylor greenes are the real new reps and obviously the majority within rep party. this new rep party is a part of america which i do not understand, it disturbes. i must admit - decades i was not aware of this part of america. reps were able to cover this extreme core somehow. we have similar - much weaker - ultra right conspiracy and supremacist movements in our country. i pray at least europe will not be a place for such a never ending hate, supremacy and revenge driven showdown trump seems to unleash. thanks to trump, taylor greene and friends this rep core is uncovered now. maybe this is the future of the rep party...

Where have you been the last couple decades? Extremism has become the 'thing' for both parties of late. This isn't anything new, it's pretty much "normal" now. Politics isn't about doing the business of the country, it's about making sure that the Other Guys can't do anything good. And both parties are guilty of that.

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as you know i spent most of the time in europe.

can you explain what you mean with "it become a thing" for both parties ? and maybe some examples to underline this affinity for better understanding ?

at least until obama was president i do not share your impression that politics or politicians do not care.


"politics isn't about doing business for the country" - so who or what do you think build the frame so you earn and spend money, who pays for police, for justice and for defense ? why do you think politicians do not do this ? even trump tried at least to make us believe sometimes to do so between his golf sessions. that he was a bad informed politician with a very limited background is not a secret. but you can't say that about obama.

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Both parties have been drifting further and further in their respective directions. It's been going on for a while. It was fairly mild, right up until Obama was elected, then the republicans decided it was more important that Obama couldn't get anything done, than it was for them to do right by the country. I don't have specific examples, just a general impression I got at the time, from the news that was coming out of the swamp. When Trump got elected, the roles were reversed, and the dems wanted to make sure that Trump couldn't get anything done.... Both sides have been moving further and further from the 'center'..... What was considered 'extremist' ten years ago, is now considered mainstream..... and it gets worse every day.


As for politics not being about doing the business of the country, I typed that wrong. I meant POLITICIANS... you know, people. Their priorities, and the peoples priorities, are NOT the same. Politicians are more concerned about lining their pockets, and making sure their big donors get their pet legislation passed, regardless of what it does to the rest of us. I must have mistyped in my previous post. :smile: It WAS early in the morning for us here. :smile: Gotta refrain from posting till AFTER my first cup of coffee.

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Honest question -

Do you believe that the Trump Administration had feasible plan in place for the roll-out of the Covid vaccine? And that they had policies and orders in place for the acquisition and distribution of the vaccine to ensure all eleigible Americans could get inoculated if needed or desired?

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Both parties have been drifting further and further in their respective directions...... and it gets worse every day.



thanks, i understand. but why both parties ? i only see one party drifting - the reps - from right and conservative to far right and to more conspiracy. and right - it gets worse. trump seems to high jack the party - if not already done and unleashes his hate and his seek for revenge. but it seems that (too) many americans exactly support that with the result you describe. it seems so simple to identify but they seem like somehow blinded by the slogan "america first" and crude claims and theories, making them one with far right extremists.

i can not see that to this unhealthy degree in the dem party. and claim what you want - but biden is clearly not supporting far left like trump supports and "uses" the far right. he was even able to (mis)use this groups for the storm of the capitol based on his false claims.


some politicians are obviously corrupt and many not - tell me the most prominent you can remember ? i think you will find black sheep in all professions. what would you call it if a leader installs his family as his administration (or prominent parts of it) instead of independent consultants ? to me it looks like a behavior i know from autocracies. at least in my country i have never seen such a suspicious and trust undermining behaviour.

and tell me - why do 74 million americans - even if this is a minority - support such a behavior ? is nepotism and supremacy including conspiracy such a desirable objective ?

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You are assuming that folks that voted republican in the last election, support everything that Trump does/says. Let me assure you, that is NOT the case. Sure, they support some of his policies, maybe even most of them, but, by and large, a significant percentage of them, (like me....) do NOT support the dems policies/positions, therefore, they vote for the 'other guys'. It isn't an all or nothing affair here. It is simply a matter of preference for the direction we want the country to go. Do I agree with/support everything Trump does/says? Oh hell no. I think he is an idiot, and I hope the republican party wakes up before the next presidential election, and decides to run someone that can actually win. I don't think Trump qualifies there......


In short, folks voted for what they saw as the 'lesser of two evils'......

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so i think i checked your pro arguments in favor of trump which are more "lesser bad" arguments. but do you really think the price is not too high ?


and no - i do not assume that rep voting folks support everything. but i assume that people who voted trump were aware of the consequences!

trump is what he is and that it means that even a storm of the capitol is what he would let happen (verbally unleashed by himself) including misleading and repeated, permanently false claims as a clear misuse of his presidential power.


so what is so evil and dangerous regarding biden compared with trump ?

i do not understand your trouble so far.


biden is known as moderate and there is no doubt that he has good connections to many reps (of course not to the extremists and the far right surpemacy wing). what makes him so so evil that even schwarzenegger, cheney and other reps see the danger in trump and not in biden ?

and why do you think trump or reps under the lead of trump with his revenge and hate agenda will save the country ? how should this work with support of far right extremists and conspiracy instead of distancing from these groups? is this the agenda of serious reps and a realistic way to heal the wounds after the storm of the capitol?

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Biden is not a moderate. Maybe on some issues, but, not enough of them.


It isn't Biden himself that is the problem, it is his stance on the issues. Putting us back into the Paris accord, attempting to essentially double the federal minimum wage, banning certain types of firearms, based purely on cosmetic features, banning certain firearm accessories, (high capacity magazines, even though they are standard on a fair few weapons he is not banning.....) and a host of others. I have been thru this list several times in this thread. Nothing there has changed. Biden certainly hasn't changed his position......


Right now, it *seems* like the republicans are rabidly pro-trump. Let me assure you, that is not the case. Yes, there are SOME out there that are, but, they are NOT the majority. (you know, the voters......) If trump runs in 24, he will lose. Again. Pretty much guaranteed. The media just likes to report on the far far right, as they sells newspapers/magazines/advertising space...... You don't hear about the moderate republicans, as they are not newsworthy....

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