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it is almost amazing to me..


one has historic peace agreements through out the middle east and gets nominated for Nobel peace prize like 5 times by 5 different countries, record employment levels for every demographic. did more for veterans than any other president, gave historic black colleges funding so they didnt need to beg the government anymore.


and one starts drone striking it damn near right after "getting elected" and whos party burned America to the tune of 2+ billion dollars of damage and managed to harm the very people they claimed to stand for. Who cant string together five words without the help of his wife and is actively destroying the very country with crippling, job ending executive orders.


and still all anyone can say is orange man bad? change the record that song is really really old and over played

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it is almost amazing to me..


one has historic peace agreements through out the middle east and gets nominated for Nobel peace prize like 5 times by 5 different countries, record employment levels for every demographic. did more for veterans than any other president, gave historic black colleges funding so they didnt need to beg the government anymore.


and one starts drone striking it damn near right after "getting elected" and whos party burned America to the tune of 2+ billion dollars of damage and managed to harm the very people they claimed to stand for. Who cant string together five words without the help of his wife and is actively destroying the very country with crippling, job ending executive orders.


and still all anyone can say is orange man bad? change the record that song is really really old and over played


200,000 jobs ended with a single EO. The workers on the main Keystone pipeline, the workers on the branching off lines, the people that were supporting those jobs, and even working on the infrastructure for those later parts of the job. I can't remember the amount for the wall work, at least the people that were supporting those workers still have others requiring their services, as their not in fly over states like 90% of the Keystone pipeline.


As for sending troops to Syria to helping protect the building of the Russian pipeline. (Who is the Russian asset again?)


Oh and while we are cutting jobs let's invite another million people into the country while skipping legal procedure for legal entry, let's skip the covid tests (Look up McAllen Texas), and lets try and give 11 million illegals already in the US citizenship without vetting them for criminal active other than illegally crossing the border. Oh and let us tear down a wall that we sunk large sum of money into which ICE said help cut thousand of trafficking routes (Human and Drug) down to a couple hundred routes. Heaven forbid people die of fentanyl (In one year ICE stop enough illegal fentanyl from entering the country that the total captured could kill all 325 Million+ americans 5 times over).


Oh and lets not forget letting Genetic Men into female sports because they Identify as women, even if they didn't take the surgery. It is not like it will turn out like that competition where a male who couldn't cut it in the male league suddenly said he is female joined the female league and went straight to number one by breaking their skulls in the ring.


There is much more but ,,|,, the whole bidden administration and the puppet masters with their hand up their collective ass.

Edited by Gracinfields
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I wouldn't bother guys, the main antagonist here is xrayy and they quote virtually verbatim from CNN articles (I know, because I read CNN and MSNBC articles to see what the lunatics are up to each day) So they will NEVER admit that they are in the wrong and believe, without thought or hesitation, everything the sycophantic left wing MSM tells them.


Here is a perfect example of their blind worship of their overlords and their delusional narratives.


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I wouldn't bother guys, the main antagonist here is xrayy and they quote virtually verbatim from CNN articles (I know, because I read CNN and MSNBC articles to see what the lunatics are up to each day) So they will NEVER admit that they are in the wrong and believe, without thought or hesitation, everything the sycophantic left wing MSM tells them.


Here is a perfect example of their blind worship of their overlords and their delusional narratives.



Oh I have been ignoring him, I just put that post there in addition to what ben said and vent a bit.

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hey gracingfields, great that you respect me. i did the same with perraine. but i still see you.

it's sad that you are part of this group but i accept and respect that...


my advice: people who can not laugh watching this source should better ignore me :wink: even if the background is sad reality. well documented and far away from conspiracy.


trumps new hobby... really impressive!

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You can't just go around dropping links to facts around here AmaccurzerO, that's not allowed. Only "approved" sources, thoughts and "feelings" are allowed.

There are some facts in that video, and each one is followed by someones speculations......


He did some good things, he did some not so good things. I would be happy if he would just simply fade from the scene at this point...... Of course, Pence running in 24 won't be any better than Trump.....

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Oh, I totally agree! It would be great if the Republican Party had somebody ... Anybody other than Trump to represent them, and actually put some spine back into the "conservative" party, but sadly, you are right about Pence, He's almost as much of an establishment sock puppet as Biden.


Maybe DeSantis? Or is he too controversial? He's got some 'cajones' and seems pretty switched on, but that might upset the more mainstream population.

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Oh, I totally agree! It would be great if the Republican Party had somebody ... Anybody other than Trump to represent them, and actually put some spine back into the "conservative" party, but sadly, you are right about Pence, He's almost as much of an establishment sock puppet as Biden.


Maybe DeSantis? Or is he too controversial? He's got some 'cajones' and seems pretty switched on, but that might upset the more mainstream population.

Doesn't matter who you pick, it's gonna annoy someone. :) That said, I think that DeSantis would have a better chance of getting elected than Trump, or Pence..... If Trump runs, it is pretty much a guaranteed loss. Pence? Hhhhmmm..... he hasn't annoyed nearly as many people as trump, but, he has issues all his own, that the bulk of the voting public will have a problem with. Enough to cost him the election? Don't really know. Would rather not test that theory though. :)

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