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I think if the option is on, it shows for everyone. If the option is off, no one sees it.


Oh oh Hey ... I see Z is having a look. Hope I haven't gotten us into water deeper than we can stand in!!


- Edit - Or (perish the thought) HOTTER!!


For the most part, you and I RUN right up to 'that line'...... but, rarely cross it. :D Unless momentum carries us.......

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I think if the option is on, it shows for everyone. If the option is off, no one sees it.


Oh oh Hey ... I see Z is having a look. Hope I haven't gotten us into water deeper than we can stand in!!


- Edit - Or (perish the thought) HOTTER!!


For the most part, you and I RUN right up to 'that line'...... but, rarely cross it. :D Unless momentum carries us.......



Damn that Issac Newton anyway!

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  • 4 weeks later...

"Think of it," tweeted L.A. Times columnist Mark Barabak. Cheney "is at risk of losing her leadership for telling the truth. And insisting on doing so. You can dress it up anyhow you’d like. But that’s the bottom line." after the storm of the capitol the next stage to undermine a serious democracy, standing for values.


congratulations to trump and to his permanent steategy of repeated lies. this strategy seems to work - at least in the u.s.! and many u.s. people still believe this too. republicans seem to be tired of open democracy. i doubt that they are still the serious party they were a decade before. but at least a clear decision.


america - we need you as a functional democracy! seems you lost a party in a two party system. this is no functional democracy. democrats have no serious counterpart any more.

where are the true republicans fighting for values and truth? all suspended by the power of a narcisist and his followers ?

and the world watches this sad act how a party destroys itself based on the victory of lies, pure ignorance and narcisissm. probably just the beginning of a selfdestructive act. nobody wins but u.s. democracy loses and about the half of america seems not to be aware or instead celebrating. how weird! read george orwells "1984" . never thought that this may become truth in the u.s.. but sad 1933 and 1938 in germany is also the truth... and the world watched it without consequences in time. how is ths possible with this knowledge in 2021 ?

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  • 1 month later...

"Think of it," tweeted L.A. Times columnist Mark Barabak. Cheney "is at risk of losing her leadership for telling the truth. And insisting on doing so. You can dress it up anyhow you’d like. But that’s the bottom line." after the storm of the capitol the next stage to undermine a serious democracy, standing for values.


congratulations to trump and to his permanent steategy of repeated lies. this strategy seems to work - at least in the u.s.! and many u.s. people still believe this too. republicans seem to be tired of open democracy. i doubt that they are still the serious party they were a decade before. but at least a clear decision.


america - we need you as a functional democracy! seems you lost a party in a two party system. this is no functional democracy. democrats have no serious counterpart any more.

where are the true republicans fighting for values and truth? all suspended by the power of a narcisist and his followers ?

and the world watches this sad act how a party destroys itself based on the victory of lies, pure ignorance and narcisissm. probably just the beginning of a selfdestructive act. nobody wins but u.s. democracy loses and about the half of america seems not to be aware or instead celebrating. how weird! read george orwells "1984" . never thought that this may become truth in the u.s.. but sad 1933 and 1938 in germany is also the truth... and the world watched it without consequences in time. how is ths possible with this knowledge in 2021 ?


I would have to slightly disagree a bit here. America is still a functioning democracy despite what people might think. It might seem currently that the Republican party is no longer a serious political party on a national level, but locally around the country they still have deep roots that keeps their party relevant and will for generations even after Trump is long gone and dead. Logically speaking Trump probably won't be alive 3 decades from now and most likely will be an irrelevant influence to the republican party in less than half that time. Just because one party Nationally is more relevant then the other in an unequally balanced way isn't a real threat to our democracy. through out history there was always a more dominantly leading party nationally for decades and decades at a time. Until there is an existence of only one political party in our country, I very much doubt there is anything to worry about when it comes to democracy.


Over 74 million people voted for Trump in the last election and Biden only won by over a little of 7 million votes. In my opinion I thought Biden was an extremely weak candidate yet He still won the election. I am not saying Biden is a bad President or anything just he is not extraordinary in any way. The American people were just so fed up with Trump and they voted him out of office and would rather have a non-extraordinary President rather then a complete lunatic to run the country.

Edited by colourwheel
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the future will show us and i really hope you are right. for the time it is still scary how many americans follow trump blindly or should i say "brainless" ?

That number is declining, fortunately. We will see what happens in '24.....

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Funny how some call Trump the fascist, and yet Biden just openly confirmed that the 2nd Amendment was written to ensure that "the people" could arm themselves and defend themselves, and their rights against a Tyrannical government. But it also seems that Biden subscribes the the "Rasczak" doctrine of political power. Apparently, HA HA if you don't like HIS rules, and you wanna fight against HIS government, well you better be ready for air strikes from F15's and be prepared to be nuked, 'coz he's got bigger guns than you do.


But yeah ... Trump was the fascist, apparently.

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Funny how some call Trump the fascist, and yet Biden just openly confirmed that the 2nd Amendment was written to ensure that "the people" could arm themselves and defend themselves, and their rights against a Tyrannical government. But it also seems that Biden subscribes the the "Rasczak" doctrine of political power. Apparently, HA HA if you don't like HIS rules, and you wanna fight against HIS government, well you better be ready for air strikes from F15's and be prepared to be nuked, 'coz he's got bigger guns than you do.


But yeah ... Trump was the fascist, apparently.

Biden just wants to take guns away from americans. He is using the rise in the crime rate as an excuse. Doesn't seem to matter to him that guns sales have spiked in the past, even while the crime rate was going DOWN. And this is happening while democrat controlled cities are defunding their police, various and sundry 'gun crime' units have been disbanded, a few of those cities have a severe shortage of police officers, simply due to the anti-police sentiment in those locations. And the politicians wonder why the crime rate is spiking........ Just goes to show you that anyone can be elected to office, regardless of their qualifications. Apparently, 'common sense' is NOT one of aspects that dem voters are looking for. Seems to me, that they are more concerned with being soft on criminals, making sure you can't defend yourself, and pushing the idea that if you are white, you are automatically racist, and hate everyone that is not white......

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It's not truly about taking away the guns, instead it's more about keeping "the peons" docile, fearful ... controlled and pliable. Something an armed, informed and intelligent populace wouldn't stand for. Hence the very reason for the second amendment = To keep the government from becoming the fascist, narcissistic dictators that the Democratic Party currently is, and Americans let it happen without a fight.


Remember what Trump said? (Paraphrasing) "It's not me they're after, it's you! I'm just in the way". God knows Trump and the Republican party had/have their faults, but NOTHING is more insidious and evil than the left and the Democrats.

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The dems would like nothing more than to repeal the 2nd amendment, and ban personal gun ownership altogether. Then they could implement whatever programs they wanted to, and 'the people' would have no recourse but to accept it. They know they can't do it all at once, so, they just do it in increments. First they ban large magazines, then they ban 'assault weapons' (for which we STILL don't have a definition that the majority agrees on...) once those are banned, and nothing changes..... they can extend that to other classes of weapons, until, in the end, ALL of them are banned......

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