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I am sure you all have heard recently Trump's latest stunt to be "relevant" by trying to sue Facebook, YouTube, and twitter suddenly out of the blue. In my opinion I really think this stunt is just to distract from his actual real legal problems with his Organization being charged with serious fraudulent tax evasion for the past 15 years.


According to several news sources online that I have read he is claiming it to be a class action suit that he will be leading. So he has basically conned his followers to even pay for such a ridiculous law suit. Trump seems to be accusing these tech giants over censorship claiming they ceased to be private platforms because they run on public domains? I am still a bit unclear on exactly what Trump is actually accusing these companies for and on what legal grounds, but it's pretty obvious it all has to do with him being banned from twitter 6 months ago and being suspended from YouTube for at least two years.


It's obvious these companies are privately owned. Just because they run in the public domain doesn't mean they are open public forums for everyone to use freely. Before you sign up on any of their platforms you agree to their terms of use. I think I have said this before, Twitter could effectively ban Trump just because they don't like him and totally get away with it. I am no legal expert but to me this has nothing to do with free speech or censorship. These platforms are not obligated to cater to everyone just because they operate publicly. Trump and his followers have the right to free speech just they have to find other ways to exercise their First Amendment rights without using their platforms, if they think they are being censored.


As absurd as the suit might seem I don't even see what Trump even wants to accomplish if anything, other then revenge and to distract from his real legal problems. It's just really scary that Trump even out of office is still currently the head of the Republican party and has enough followers who will blindly believe and do anything he says. It's obviously enough pull in the Republican Party to have almost every Republican in office scared to contradict him or even ever get on his bad side. Not even close to half of Republicans in Congress will publicly say that Joe Biden Won the election and is currently President.


There is also the claim that Mike Lindell (The MyPillow dude) has been making that by August 13th Trump will be Reinstated as President. And recently Trump at his rallies has been echoing this ludicrous pipe dream to his followers. I am beginning to wonder if there is going to be something along the lines of another violent January 6th capital insurrection attempt in August, when all his blind followers realize Trump is still no longer President after the 13th.

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Things would have to be incredibly bad in our country where the quality of living was diminished to the point of a 3rd world country in order for there to be a real reason for enough people to give up their lives to fight to over throw the government.

Trouble is, we are headed in that direction. We have a SERIOUSLY stratified society at the moment, and the gap between the haves, and the have-nots, grows wider every year. Then we have the western states competing for water... and the likelihood that it is only going to get worse. And within that, we have farmers that have already been told they aren't going to be getting their irrigation water..... Then we have the racial tensions that are only increasing....


Civil war doesn't necessarily have to be something that is 'planned' either. It doesn't have to be some conspiracy of any sort. It could just be the result of a series of decisions by various parties that escalate a situation, and it simply gets out of hand....


There is a LOT going on here, and a fair bit of ain't good. :smile: Of course, if the economy improves, the pandemic subsides, we may dodge that particular bullet, for a while..... Until the next major crisis comes about. And you know it will.



But then, maybe economic collapse is the more likely scenario? The government can't keep spending money they don't have before folks figure out that they are not EVER going to see their money back. That would certainly be interesting..... (and I hope I don't live to see it.....) Of course, China could make a couple financial moves, and totally tank our economy. They don't have the motivation to do so, as yet.... but, there may come a time when removing us as a world power, is more advantageous to them, than having us as a trade partner.....


The government has been printing money so long that people can not even notice the affect of it anymore.

Everyone doesn't understand what debt means and how it affects them.


Imagine working at McDonalds and being able to support a family with one pay check living well off.


That use to be possible not because of artificial minimum wage but because of the power of the currency.

The more money the government spends the less you earn.

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Things would have to be incredibly bad in our country where the quality of living was diminished to the point of a 3rd world country in order for there to be a real reason for enough people to give up their lives to fight to over throw the government.

Trouble is, we are headed in that direction. We have a SERIOUSLY stratified society at the moment, and the gap between the haves, and the have-nots, grows wider every year. Then we have the western states competing for water... and the likelihood that it is only going to get worse. And within that, we have farmers that have already been told they aren't going to be getting their irrigation water..... Then we have the racial tensions that are only increasing....


Civil war doesn't necessarily have to be something that is 'planned' either. It doesn't have to be some conspiracy of any sort. It could just be the result of a series of decisions by various parties that escalate a situation, and it simply gets out of hand....


There is a LOT going on here, and a fair bit of ain't good. :smile: Of course, if the economy improves, the pandemic subsides, we may dodge that particular bullet, for a while..... Until the next major crisis comes about. And you know it will.



But then, maybe economic collapse is the more likely scenario? The government can't keep spending money they don't have before folks figure out that they are not EVER going to see their money back. That would certainly be interesting..... (and I hope I don't live to see it.....) Of course, China could make a couple financial moves, and totally tank our economy. They don't have the motivation to do so, as yet.... but, there may come a time when removing us as a world power, is more advantageous to them, than having us as a trade partner.....


The government has been printing money so long that people can not even notice the affect of it anymore.

Everyone doesn't understand what debt means and how it affects them.


Imagine working at McDonalds and being able to support a family with one pay check living well off.


That use to be possible not because of artificial minimum wage but because of the power of the currency.

The more money the government spends the less you earn.


Maybe if you were in management at McDonalds...... for the rest of the staff, Macs' were meant to be entry-level jobs, for teenagers, to get some job experience, and see what 'work life' is all about. Those jobs were NEVER meant to support a family......


As for our government...... :) If I ran my household the way our government runs their budget, I would have been in prison YEARS ago. :D

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I agree with that. But in our household budgets we make choices to spend and what debt to incur or for what reasons. You and I might decide say...a new car that can get us safely around, doesn't fall apart, guzzle gas or likely leave us stranded is a good debt. Our grandfather might think no debt is good, no reason is good enough to take on that debt. You should pay cash or walk after all everyone has legs and there used to be no cars.


The secret is that in option A, we won't always be able to make payment and in option B, grandpa gets driven around to doctor appointments to which he can't walk. Both sides are lying to themselves and to everyone else.

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I agree with that. But in our household budgets we make choices to spend and what debt to incur or for what reasons. You and I might decide say...a new car that can get us safely around, doesn't fall apart, guzzle gas or likely leave us stranded is a good debt. Our grandfather might think no debt is good, no reason is good enough to take on that debt. You should pay cash or walk after all everyone has legs and there used to be no cars.


The secret is that in option A, we won't always be able to make payment and in option B, grandpa gets driven around to doctor appointments to which he can't walk. Both sides are lying to themselves and to everyone else.

Yeah, but, grandpa doesn't have a car payment, nor insurance, nor maintenance costs of a car.... But, being grandpa, is he going to offer gas money? :D


Yep. My household has a budget. If we don't have the money for something, we don't get it. We don't sell worthless bonds, we don't print ourselves more money, we don't "borrow" if from some other part of the budget, etc. My vehicles are paid off, the only 'payment' I have is my mortgage, and the usual household bills. (gas, electric, etc.) I am actually living within my means, and can save money. When we come into a large expense, (like the roof on the chicken coop/shed) I can take it out of savings, not borrow it from someone else.


What worries me though, is a spent more on a friggin' TRACTOR, than I did on ANY of the vehicles I have driven in my life..... Makes me REAL curious where my priorities are. :D


That said, I really don't expect our government to change. No reason to yet at this point. But, when the time comes, that they can't borrow/print/steal any more money, it is already going to be WAY to late to salvage our economy.

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Or when the Chinese come calling wanting us to pay up....

Indeed, they could tank our economy in a heartbeat. Win a war without firing a single shot. They are already trying to just buy us out of our own country. Chinese land ownership in the US is friggin' staggering. At one time, they were trying to purchase several of our major ports. US gov. nixed that idea......

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Or when the Chinese come calling wanting us to pay up....


Indeed, they could tank our economy in a heartbeat. Win a war without firing a single shot. They are already trying to just buy us out of our own country. Chinese land ownership in the US is friggin' staggering. At one time, they were trying to purchase several of our major ports. US gov. nixed that idea......

That....and also the fact that both republicans and dems borrow from them. (By that I mean our government controlled by whoever) I mean you can debate the side of the dems frivolous spending and borrowing but we then have republicans lower taxes (which we talk about budgeting lol) which would of course give less revenue but then they borrow more from China and elsewhere. Geez.


MacArthur was right to call China the Sleeping Dragon and say one day it would wake up. I'm fairly sure that he has his eyes open and is stretching before rumbling from his cave.

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Let's hop it's just "sabre rattling" and Putin and XI aren't really seriously considering open conflict. That crap could get out of hand REAL quick, and it could also embolden some smaller players.


Despite the fact that I agree, Trump was a w@nker, The US itself was still a "power" in the world even with him in charge (mainly because of his unpredictability)

And please don't start the absolute BS about "the world was laughing" pushed by the MSM. They may have giggled like a child about Trumps stupid twitter posts, but they were NOT brave enough to push his, or America's buttons so to speak.


With that absolute demetia addled, incompetent, old southern style racist Biden in "the big seat" though, I'm not as confident, and as an Aussie who's country is in vastly more precarious a position, it owrries me.

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