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That some believe such outright falsehoods is truly disheartening. I knew of course that "some" did, as the lies and propaganda wouldn't spread without it, but I've never had the misfortune to actually come into contact with anyone who does.

I truly hope that you and your families remain safe and unharmed when reality and the truth come knocking on your door. I don't believe you are the actual evil ones, just sadly misguided.


I'm done.

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That some believe such outright falsehoods is truly disheartening. I knew of course that "some" did, as the lies and propaganda wouldn't spread without it, but I've never had the misfortune to actually come into contact with anyone who does.

I truly hope that you and your families remain safe and unharmed when reality and the truth come knocking on your door. I don't believe you are the actual evil ones, just sadly misguided.


I am not trying to have a go at you, but have you ever considered the possibility of what you have come to believe or know as the "truth" being the actual misguided propaganda? You claim to have "never had the misfortune to actually come into contact with anyone who does", assuming that is someone who contradicts the beliefs you know as the "truth". But if an over whelming majority of the population regardless of who you have had contact with believes something contrary to your belief, shouldn't you take the time to question it or even do the research to find something that either contradicts or enforces that belief? Are you just afraid or unwilling to believe something else?


Now I don't expect you to answer my questions. In fact the only purpose of even asking you these questions is to help make you see things from a different perspective. Propaganda alone shouldn't sway ones beliefs or known truths. But looking from an outside prospective it's hard to believe Biden could win over 87% of the African American vote in the 2020 Election if there was even a slightest chance that truly a majority of people believe Biden is some racist and thinks he hates black people. In fact the 2020 election exit polls suggest that Biden won over 90% of African American voters in almost every county across the nation.


It's no wonder why Republicans are trying to execute as many voter restrictions across the nation in the guise of protection from fraud. As it is it's undeniably harder for minorities to vote in this country. The reality is, Republicans fear there will come a point when they will never win Nationally again unless they manage to keep shrinking the electorate.


If the GOP nominates Trump to run as their candidate in the 2024 election I would be completely shocked if he would even have a chance of winning the Presidency again. Trump has been twice Impeached, left the office in disgrace, broke a long lasting tradition of a peaceful transition of power, etc... Trump today as an actual Presidential candidate would be exponentially more toxic of a candidate then Hillary ever was.


Now stating all this I can see where the inception of all this propaganda is coming from. The object seems to me that someone is trying to get enough people to start to believe President Biden is some how racist before the beginning of the 2024 election cycle to chip away at his African American support. What better way to do this then to try to convince people of your own "belief".

Edited by colourwheel
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I'm kinda still waiting for some of those links I requested re: communities of color indicating incidents where Biden spoke or behave in a way they found racist or racially insensitive. As I said I would be happy to look at it but I can't find any with a google search.


I am 50. I been paying attention to this stuff a while now. I'm surrounded by racist in this state. Hell, I heard my neighbor yelling racist slurs while drunk outside on July 4th. Racist+alcohol+fireworks=a lovely 4th of July.

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some interesting trump news - quite scary at least for me.


seems you, lisnpuppy and colorwheel, are one of the few in this forum who may understand what scares me here. but i'm happy that these voices at least still exist. you are the voices of america i know from my time there in the end of the 80ies.


one question: can anybody confirm this said by an american:

"We truly have about 40% of the USA that are so cognitively impaired I don’t know how they feed and dress themselves."


with this confirmed it would be easier to understand the scary trump phenomenon.

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That some believe such outright falsehoods is truly disheartening. I knew of course that "some" did, as the lies and propaganda wouldn't spread without it, but I've never had the misfortune to actually come into contact with anyone who does.

I truly hope that you and your families remain safe and unharmed when reality and the truth come knocking on your door. I don't believe you are the actual evil ones, just sadly misguided.


I am not trying to have a go at you, but have you ever considered the possibility of what you have come to believe or know as the "truth" being the actual misguided propaganda? You claim to have "never had the misfortune to actually come into contact with anyone who does", assuming that is someone who contradicts the beliefs you know as the "truth". But if an over whelming majority of the population regardless of who you have had contact with believes something contrary to your belief, shouldn't you take the time to question it or even do the research to find something that either contradicts or enforces that belief? Are you just afraid or unwilling to believe something else?


Now I don't expect you to answer my questions. In fact the only purpose of even asking you these questions is to help make you see things from a different perspective. Propaganda alone shouldn't sway ones beliefs or known truths. But looking from an outside prospective it's hard to believe Biden could win over 87% of the African American vote in the 2020 Election if there was even a slightest chance that truly a majority of people believe Biden is some racist and thinks he hates black people. In fact the 2020 election exit polls suggest that Biden won over 90% of African American voters in almost every county across the nation.


It's no wonder why Republicans are trying to execute as many voter restrictions across the nation in the guise of protection from fraud. As it is it's undeniably harder for minorities to vote in this country. The reality is, Republicans fear there will come a point when they will never win Nationally again unless they manage to keep shrinking the electorate.


If the GOP nominates Trump to run as their candidate in the 2024 election I would be completely shocked if he would even have a chance of winning the Presidency again. Trump has been twice Impeached, left the office in disgrace, broke a long lasting tradition of a peaceful transition of power, etc... Trump today as an actual Presidential candidate would be exponentially more toxic of a candidate then Hillary ever was.


Now stating all this I can see where the inception of all this propaganda is coming from. The object seems to me that someone is trying to get enough people to start to believe President Biden is some how racist before the beginning of the 2024 election cycle to chip away at his African American support. What better way to do this then to try to convince people of your own "belief".


Why do you think it is harder for minority to vote in United States?

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That some believe such outright falsehoods is truly disheartening. I knew of course that "some" did, as the lies and propaganda wouldn't spread without it, but I've never had the misfortune to actually come into contact with anyone who does.

I truly hope that you and your families remain safe and unharmed when reality and the truth come knocking on your door. I don't believe you are the actual evil ones, just sadly misguided.


I am not trying to have a go at you, but have you ever considered the possibility of what you have come to believe or know as the "truth" being the actual misguided propaganda? You claim to have "never had the misfortune to actually come into contact with anyone who does", assuming that is someone who contradicts the beliefs you know as the "truth". But if an over whelming majority of the population regardless of who you have had contact with believes something contrary to your belief, shouldn't you take the time to question it or even do the research to find something that either contradicts or enforces that belief? Are you just afraid or unwilling to believe something else?


Now I don't expect you to answer my questions. In fact the only purpose of even asking you these questions is to help make you see things from a different perspective. Propaganda alone shouldn't sway ones beliefs or known truths. But looking from an outside prospective it's hard to believe Biden could win over 87% of the African American vote in the 2020 Election if there was even a slightest chance that truly a majority of people believe Biden is some racist and thinks he hates black people. In fact the 2020 election exit polls suggest that Biden won over 90% of African American voters in almost every county across the nation.


It's no wonder why Republicans are trying to execute as many voter restrictions across the nation in the guise of protection from fraud. As it is it's undeniably harder for minorities to vote in this country. The reality is, Republicans fear there will come a point when they will never win Nationally again unless they manage to keep shrinking the electorate.


If the GOP nominates Trump to run as their candidate in the 2024 election I would be completely shocked if he would even have a chance of winning the Presidency again. Trump has been twice Impeached, left the office in disgrace, broke a long lasting tradition of a peaceful transition of power, etc... Trump today as an actual Presidential candidate would be exponentially more toxic of a candidate then Hillary ever was.


Now stating all this I can see where the inception of all this propaganda is coming from. The object seems to me that someone is trying to get enough people to start to believe President Biden is some how racist before the beginning of the 2024 election cycle to chip away at his African American support. What better way to do this then to try to convince people of your own "belief".



Why do you think it is harder for minority to vote in United States?


States all across the American South have closed nearly 1,200 polling places since the Supreme Court has weakened the voting-discrimination law in 2013 specifically targeting communities of where African Americans and Hispanic predominantly make up the larger majority of residence that qualifies to participate.
In some Republican controlled state legislators they have intentionally closed down all but one polling place for voters that are largely populated by African American and Hispanics. These minority communities are left with only one place to vote and are leaving them with minimal opening hours for a less then a reasonable time compared to their other more easily accessed polling places else where in their states that are predominantly populated with a majority of Caucasian residence. Some of the most populated counties where Caucasian make up over 90% of the population have more then enough polling places open during election season and less of a wait time to vote.
As an example Dodge City in Kansas where Hispanics now make up over 60 percent of it's population has moved it's only polling place completely outside of it's town and only left opened for limited amount of hours near election time. This makes it extremely difficult for people who live there to even access the ballot box when it comes time to even vote. Not to mention inconvenient to actually even register to vote alone.
States in the south have impose a range of restrictions, from shorter voting hours to photo-ID requirements even though turnout has surged in recent elections. States like Arizona, and Georgia have all endured long waits to cast ballots during election time specifically where a majority of it's population is predominantly Hispanic and African American.
This is done by design by states that have a Republican controlled legislator to specifically target minority communities as an effort to shrink the electorate where support of Democratic turn out is usually high.
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Not sure if TexMex will be able to answer you promptly....I think he just got a 7 day comment ban?


I wasn't expecting a reply but to elaborate on how Republicans are trying to shrink the electorate, currently in Texas there are two new election bills that are being under consideration in the House and Senate. From what I understand is they are trying to eliminate "drive-thru" and 24 hour early voting in areas that are usually predominantly in favor of Democratic support while expanding hours to medium sized counties that are predominantly high in Republican support. They want to make more identification requirements then there already are if you vote by mail. As well as increase criminal penalties for election officials who don't follow regulations. But on top of all this non-sense where voter fraud is basically a non-existing issue that couldn't really even minutely effected any result in the past, they also plan on giving more powers to poll watchers that could effectively intimidate people who wish to vote and be in a position where they would be allowed to decide if you are allowed to vote or not.


Republicans only line of defense against a growing African American and Hispanic demographic of people who favorably vote Democratic is to consistently try to shrink the electorate where they can get away with it through legislation restricting their rights to vote in obvious under handed ways. The reality is Republicans have never thought voter fraud has ever been any real issue that could effect any kind of outcome. But they want people to believe this lie in order to propagate legislation that directly harms voter turnout in favor of Democratic support.


The real issue the Republican party has is their platform! Unless they drastically change face and start promoting policies that would attract more diversity of voters such as African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, etc... The Republican party is going to fail in the long run. In less then a decade it's estimated that America's white citizenship will be outnumbered by other increasingly growing minority citizenship demographics. Republicans fear the day that minority citizens in America will be equal to or more then white citizens living America.

Edited by colourwheel
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this one trolled already another thread(s). seems that "trump" in the topic title works like a magnet for such people...


thank you colourwheel for some empiric detail regarding obvious voting discriminaton in some or even many communities. this sounds 3rd world like and i was not aware that the the situation is already that extreme.

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