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Diablo 3; first impressions and experiences.


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I think the shortest and best conclusion I can come up with right now is if this game didn't have a Blizzard icon, and the Diablo name attributed to it then it wouldn't get a good review score at all. 6 years to make this? What a joke.
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By the way things sound, the iron grip of Activision was much more latched onto this than Blizzard, or that Blizzard got way too comfortable with the constant success of WoW.


...Then again, I only played the demo of Diablo II, so I guess of all the people here I'm one that's most in the dark about the series. Personally I probably would buy Diablo and Diablo II if it was on Steam to see what I missed :biggrin:

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Well, I have to agree with Dark0ne and others...I am rather disappointed. I really had high expectations, maybe too high. I even attended their launch event here. My dedication to the genre and gaming in general was called into question once again by my beloved on the car trip down. He even had the gall to compare me to The Big Bang Theory, asking me if I was the hot chick or a nerd, to which I responded - A) I am both & B) Who did you say you were sleeping with tonight? At any rate we arrived at the event (in a VERY nice outdoor shopping plaza BTW) and I was surprised at the large amount of people. But then I remembered Irvine is there home town, so a lot of them were probably already connected to the company. The show itself was about what you'd expect if you've ever been to this type of corporate event, although I must be honest, I did get reminiscently misty when they began playing the presentation video and showed scenes from the original Diablo. But alas, I have yet to be WoWed (pun intended). It is beginning to seem like a lot of sound and fury, signifying $ signs, but not actual entertainment. I can't say I've had any connection issues like GinnyFizz and others, but for me it just seems flat and uninspired. I want to love it, but...I suppose for some gamers (like me, I guess), it's like when Episode One of Star Wars came out. It doesn't matter if its good or bad, you just want to be able to say you have seen it.
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lol My battletag if Sheogorath... You have to be mad to play this game.... :mellow: Edited by Thor.
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I'm waiting for a few years for the price to hit the 29.99 level, or even the 19.99 level.


So, if I understand correctly, the RMHA still allows you to pay with gold, but some clown can whip out his cc and pay real money for it, and beat you out? I had thought it was completely 'real money or you're SOL'. I'm not sure which is worse.


I played D1 and D2. I still play D2. I always played offline and beat the game many times, a few times on Nightmare difficulty. I don't like being forced to play online. I also want to say that I love WoW, but if they ever implement RMAH, I'm out of the game forever.

Edited by nyxalinth
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im on the fence. i played Diablo 2. only ever beat it once (Amazon) and a bunch of partials, like up to Act 3. i very much enjoyed the game, but i always got bored by that point. i bought the battle chest though, so i got it for like $30.


my friend got this game, hes been waiting for months. but hes the kind of guy where any new game is like gold and best game every, then he will tell you a month later it was just ok. he however was a much bigger fan of D2 then i was. hes beaten it multiple times.....that said, chances are ill buy this next week. probably play a bit. maybe/hopefully get some coop in with my friend. will i beat it? probably not. im not like uber excited about it. however it does look good enough to kill some time until Torchlight 2, which i am very very excited for.

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Make sure your internet connection is rock-solid, I lost over an hour's progress today after the server disconnected on Bliz' end.
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