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Words Of Wisdom!


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Next time I hug someone I am going to convince them to let me pat them on the back of their ribcage and tell them to pat me like that too.


I suspect we will have a moment like when we were babies being patted on the back to aid our body so we burped after dining. An after the meal hugging and back patting seminar.


Such a relief.


LOL ... don't forget the best part Paga!


Where we tossed up a little on Mom's shoulder, so she could tell how full we were.



Ah! I am so glad you could put that in the view of light. Now if I recall, she handed the baby to me when I was five because I was big enough to hold my little sister. Then she put the towel bib on my shoulder and showed me how to hold her so I could have her burp her food up upon me instead. Hm?


Halloween evil smirk from Striker.


Memory of all smiles from Mom's attention as I got the knack though. That'll learn ya! :laugh:



Was kinda' hoping an old movie would run for you Paga ... you do that for me often enough that I consider the debt still outstanding.

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OK Paga, as usual I need to set the scene ...


First, if you have a really really good fitting hat it may be a good idea to get it on ... I will not be held accountable for any explosive messes that result from what follows if you chose to not heed my advice.




The of and to a in is I that it for you was with on as have but be they




Yes, it may come across as a bit innocuous at first glance, in a quizzical sort of way. Probably better for you to watch

than to have me ham fist my way through the 'splanation though.
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All the family spirits went to the Philippines for the weekend. I heard they took a ride on a tornado and it got up to 200 MPH. I hope they take a slow boat back. I don't think the Philippines would like another Hurricane like that even it if was short lived. It sure stirred up the air around here. I don't think there is a tree with any leafs left on them anywhere.


I got the box set with the complete set of The Twilight Zone television series. Guess what I am about to watch?

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