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Mods not being updated now that SKSE is released?


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Looks like SKSE for special edition came too late or many prolific mod authors have lost interest in modding skyrim?


I looked on the Nexus and the majority of mods it seems haven't been updated since the SKSE official release...


Or maybe they are just enjoying summer and will see a return in the fall or winter?



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Looks like SKSE for special edition came too late or many prolific mod authors have lost interest in modding skyrim?


I looked on the Nexus and the majority of mods it seems haven't been updated since the SKSE official release...


Or maybe they are just enjoying summer and will see a return in the fall or winter?

Are there some particular mods you are worried about?
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  • 1 month later...

Inconsequential NPC's, and complete crafting overhaul were 2 pretty big ones I enjoyed that come to mind that were never converted. Immersive Creatures also seems to have been abandoned when there were a number of balancing issues and bugs remaining.

Edited by Kulharin
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You are right there was a big push for SKSE and mods with MCM support but all require skyui that is unsupported and buggy. We need official supported MCM if mod authors are going to be using MCM. Sadly, for your issue, mod authors do lose interest. It is nice however when they give permission for others to continue there work. I would see their permissions and see if someone is allowed to fix them. Really your only option unless they return.

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Not every mod needs SKSE so there may not have been any reason for a lot of them to be updated anyway.

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