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Miss I hate all apples 

The next person puts other things in there salad

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I only eat the Rabbit food salads.  I don't make them.  One was put on the table before the meal.  I tossed about a bit while I waited for the real food.

Then next person uses dressing where it seems to be addressing some lack of flavor where a salad is concerned.

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Yes I put dressing and other things in my salads


The next person eats Greek Olives 

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The next person would eat gold if they thought it was good to eat.

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Hit It would taste quite ritch right?

The next person eats bick's pickles.

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Because haven't eaten any bick's branded pickles.

So many brand names for pickles n not enough time to taste them all.  We might get kind of sour if we ate one different branded named pickle a day.

The next person likes parmesan cheese on their pizza. 

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Only italian parmesan the other stuff has a gross fermentation process.


The next person has eaten spaghetti in the past 10 days.

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Hit.  (Though it's my grandma's old PT Cruiser, a rather vanlike car.)

The next person lives in walking distance of a bus/train/metro/etc stop.

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